Martial To Pieces

Chapter 124 The Top Four Appear

Ximen Liu quickly slashed out three swords. The speed of the sword forced Liuta to pick up the spear in his hand as a defense.

However, Liuta underestimated Ximen Liu's explosive power.


There was only a click sound, and the black spear in Liuta's hand broke into two halves in the middle. There was a very smooth cut at the place where the two halves were broken.

However, Ximen Liu's third sword did not stop him after cutting off the spear in Liu Ta's hand.

Instead, it penetrated three-thirds of the way into the flesh, leaving a signature wound in front of Liuta's chest.

"Admit defeat." The teacher who led the Jinling Wuhan University representative team shouted loudly after seeing it.

After the referee heard it, he immediately stopped it.

"I accept..." Ximen Liu was not the kind of person without a brain. He said something with cupped hands and walked off the stage.

Although Ximen Liu is a bit perverted, and his eyes are a bit perverted, it is not a psychological perversion, but a perversion in that aspect.

Liu Ta also slowly walked towards the bottom of the ring. Although the wound on the front of his chest was still bleeding, Liu Ta was still immersed in the three sword strikes just now and could not extricate himself for a long time.

The medical staff, amidst the urging of everyone, disinfected Liuta's wounds and stopped the bleeding.

"It's okay, Liuta, your performance is already very good. Besides, wouldn't it be enough to win again?" The leader of the team said encouragingly from the side.

"Yes, yes." The other team members nodded beside them.

"Teacher, I'm fine. I'm just wondering why Ximen Liu's three swords are so explosive." Liu Ta said the reason for his daze, and at the same time looked at the spear in his hand that was broken into two pieces.

"Sigh... this kind of thing is the Cultivation Technique unique to the Ximen family. As for what it is, few people in the outside world probably know about it." The leader of the team thought for a while and then told some things about the Ximen family.

The other team members breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Liu Ta no longer looked like a zombie.

"Haha, okay, Ximen, good job." Wu Tian patted Ximen Liu's shoulder and said happily.

Although there was some blood in this game, the injury was not serious at least.


"The fourth game is about to begin, please players be ready."

The current victory or defeat between Imperial Wuhan University and Jinling Wuhan University is 2:1.

"Haha, it's finally my turn." After Jiuyuan heard the referee's voice, he could no longer hold back his excitement and strode towards the ring.

Wu Tian looked at the excited Jiu Yuan, smiled, and shook his head slightly.

"The imperial capital of Wuhan University - Jiuyuan."

"Jinling Wuhan University - Li Gong."

"Please enlighten me."

"I hope you can arouse my interest." Jiuyuan looked at Li Gong opposite and said slowly.

"I also hope that you can use all my strength." Li Gong replied in the same tone.

"Drink... Look at the hammer." Li Gong held a copper-gold sledgehammer, which looked very oppressive.


The long sword in Jiuyuan's hand came out.

"The Thirteen Swords of Thunder Spirit."


"Kang Kang..."


"Interesting... Haha, not bad, let's come again." After Li Gong was repelled by Jiu Yuan's Sword Technique, he showed a surprised expression.

"Eighteen hammers on a heavy mountain."

"Dang Dang Dang..."


The weapons in the hands of the two men collided with each other and made a clanging sound.

Jiuyuan's figure flashed back, spun twice in the air, and the long sword fell from the sky.

The sledgehammer in Li Gong's hand was lifted upwards, and then he turned to the side and said the sledgehammer was lifted from the bottom up.


"Haha, awesome..." Jiu Yuan looked at Li Gong, who was just as out of breath as himself, and said.

"You are not weak either." Li Gong said with the same admiration.

"Come again."

"That's what I meant." Jiuyuan chuckled and threw out a sword flower.

"Profound Turtle Step"

The pace of Li Gong's feet changed, like a turtle walking Eight Trigrams, which made people confused.

"Spirit Snake Step"

Jiuyuan's body method is more suitable for me, light and fast.

"Kang Kang..."


"What?" Li Gong exclaimed when he saw that his own attack failed, and finally applied to move sideways quickly, but it was too late.

A long sword, like a poisonous snake, bit towards him.

Tear and pull......

The long sword in Jiuyuan's hand swiped across Li Gongdu's left arm.

Immediately afterwards, the two launched an attack at the same time.

"Kang Kang..."

However, Li Gong's body skills were obviously not as good as Jiu Yuan's body skills.

Jiuyuan's body technique has already reached the Great Completion Realm, while Li Gong's Profound Turtle Step has just entered the Half step to reach the Realm. In addition, the Spirit Snake Step is mainly based on the speed of the body technique.

After just one meeting, Li Gong got another wound on his body.

Although Li Gong's Profound Turtle step can stun his opponent, Jiuyuan's pace is so fast that even after Jiuyuan misses, he can quickly escape from the danger zone.

There were more and more wounds on Li Gong's body, but he was not getting any better for a long time.


"Eighteen hammers on a heavy mountain."

"The Thirteen Swords of Thunder Spirit."


"Eh..." The audience in the auditorium couldn't help but stand up after seeing it, staring at the center of the ring, wanting to see the final result.

"We won, Jiuyuan won, Imperial Wuhan University won."

Many spectators applauded enthusiastically after seeing the figure on the stage.

Directly above the ring, Jiuyuan stood there, while Li Gong was lying on the ground in a faint.


Jiuyuan took a deep breath and slowly walked off the stage.

"Captain, wake up, wake up quickly." Everyone from Jinling Wuhan University rushed to Gong Li's side to check his injuries.

With the help of everyone, he was carried out of the ring in a hurry.

"The fourth game is over, Imperial Martial Arts University has won."

Imperial Wuhan University vs. Jinling Wuhan University: 3:1.

Congratulations to Imperial Wuhan University for successfully reaching the semi-finals of Advance Grade.

The rules of the national college competition are like this. There are five games in total. If you can get 2/3 of the results, then you don’t need to compete in the following games. You have already won anyway.

Bang bang bang......

As all the top four contestants were selected, the scene once again burst into overwhelming applause and cheers.

"The top four teams have been produced. They are..."

"The Ancient Martial Arts University."

"Modu Wuhan University."

"Jiangnan Wuhan University."

"Imperial Capital Wuhan University."


"Haha, give in, old Tie." Huoshu, the vice-dean of the Imperial Martial Arts University, smiled and cupped his hands towards Tie Wusheng.

"Hmph..." Tie Wusheng, the vice president of Jinling Martial Arts University, snorted and didn't say much. In his heart, he secretly scolded Huoshu, this old guy, for being shameless.

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