Martial To Pieces

Chapter 140: One Against Three

In fact, the old dragon head wished that this was the case. After all, he had to wipe his ass with the old man after all the trouble caused by that group of turtle grandsons.

In this matter, it would be beneficial for them to suffer a little bit one by one.

At the same time, there is another reason, that is, the strength of the current Blood Emperor, Xue Wuya, is no joke.

When there was still some distance between the two, the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon let out a dragon roar.

"Tsk, tsk~, it seems that this situation is not easy to talk about." Shangguan Batian murmured as he looked at the Tianyuan Demon Dragon and the Blood Emperor - Xue Wuya.

Not only that, even the few people next to Shangguan Batian felt a lot of pressure.

"Haha, you are all waiting for me. I am so flattered." After Xue Wuya and Tianyuan Demonic Dragon arrived in the sky above the imperial capital, they looked at Old Longtou and his group and said with a smile.

"Blood Emperor, long time no see." Shangguan Batian looked at Xue Wuya with a smile.

Several other people also bowed with cupped hands to show their respect.

After all, not just anyone can become the emperor.

Even if you are a Rank Nine Practitioner, you are not worthy of the title of Emperor.

Only those top practitioners can be honored as emperors.

Xue Wuya glanced at Shangguan Batian and his group with his eyes.

"You also know the purpose of my trip."

Xue Wuya's cold voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Of course, I don't know what the Blood Emperor wants to do to let the Huo family go." At this time, the middle-aged man behind the old man on Shangguan Batian's left spoke.

This middle-aged man is also the current head of the famous Shui family, Shui Hong. He is not incompatible with the Huo family as he thought, but has a good relationship with the Huo family. The two families have even formed a water-fire alliance.

So this time, after something happened to the Huo family, Shuihong specially asked his old man to come out and ask him to plead for the Huo family.

If not for anything else, it’s because the daughter of Huoshu, the contemporary Huo family’s father, is serious about having his own wife.

"Stupid." After hearing Shui Hong's words, the others cursed in their hearts.

Even Shui Tianli, the old man of the Shui family, couldn't help but want to beat up this turtle grandson.

"That's the Huo family who bullied my apprentice, right?" Xue Wuya glanced at Shui Hong and said slowly.

"It's not bullying, it's just some misunderstanding. I hope the Blood Emperor has more." Shuihong heard Xue Wuya's tone and thought that Xue Wuya didn't take it to heart. He ignored the hinting look from his father next to him and continued. said.

"Misunderstanding? What a misunderstanding. What a misunderstanding."

Shangguan Batian, Ye Wutian and others saw Xue Wuya's angry face, and their bodies couldn't help but tense up, as if they were preparing for the battle.

At the same time, I was a little confused as to why the old dragon head hadn’t appeared yet.

"What if I want the lives of everyone in the Huo family?" Xue Wuya said coldly.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Just because I respectfully call you Blood Emperor doesn't mean that we are afraid of you. Isn't it just that you add a Rank Nine Demonic Beasts? We also have a lot of Rank Nine Practitioners here. It means that we are afraid of you. It's not certain who will win." Shuili originally wanted to talk about some compensation conditions to stabilize the matter. Unexpectedly, after hearing Xue Wuya's words, Shuihong became furious and directly expressed his thoughts Speak up.

"Shut up." After hearing Shui Hong's words, Mr. Shui couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and slapped his mouth back.

Others did not expect that the flood could be so "brave".

The word "finished" appeared in the minds of Shangguan Batian and Ye Wutian.

"Ho ho ho......"

The Tianyuan Demonic Dragon next to him couldn't stand listening anymore, and sprayed out a breath of dragon breath from his backhand.

"Quick move..." Although the old man of the Shui family hates that iron cannot become steel, when he dodged the dragon's breath, he also took Shuihong, his grandson, with him.

"Haha, it seems that after not taking action for so long, some people have healed their scars and forgot about the pain. In that case, let's do it." Xue Wuya laughed, took out a blood knife from the Interspatial Ring, and was bloodthirsty. He looked at Shangguan Batian and others.

"Blood knife slash..."

Peng Peng………….

"Tai Chi Wind Stick."

"Qingcheng uses ground guns."

"The Four Sacred Axes of Kunlun."

"Holy Light Abyss Demonic Sword."


Several people did not dare to be careless at all, and they all used their own skills to keep the bottom of the box.

Wu Wei, the old man of the Wu family, held a giant ax in his hand and said with a smile to Shangguan Batian next to him, "Haha, old Shangguan, it seems that our old bones are going to move."

"Haha, I have no choice but to do one thing." Shangguan Batian held a long gun in his hand and flicked it casually.

The long sword in Ye Wutian's hand pointed at Xue Wuya.

The old man of the Shui family also held a long stick in his hand and stood on a united front with Shangguan Batian and others.

As for Shui Hong, the turtle grandson, he hid behind his old man and did not dare to show his face.

Shuihong was now very panicked. He thought the man in red in front of him was just an ordinary Rank Nine Practitioner.

Unexpectedly, after just one meeting, my old man and several others could join forces to resist.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, ask, come again." Xue Wuya laughed, and then rushed towards him again like a sharp sword.

Not to be outdone, the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon spit out its dragon breath and dragged down the old man of the Shui family and the turtle grandson Shuihong behind him.

As for the others, they were defeated by Xue Wuya one against three.

Moreover, these three people did not dare to do Divine Partition at all. If they dared to do Divine Partition, they would be greeted by a sword light in the next second.

Xue Wuya doesn't have to worry about the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon at all. If he is really worried, then he should worry about the old man of the Shui family opposite. Oh, by the way, there is also the flood.

"Ho ho..., haha, come again, come again." The Tianyuan Demonic Dragon kept howling excitedly, attacking one after another, causing wounds all over the Shui family's old man and Shui Hong.

Of course, if the old man of the Shui family hadn't kept protecting Shui Hong, Shui Hong would have died under the claws of the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon.

"Not bad, not bad, it seems that the blood boy is not lazy." The old dragon head looked at Xue Wuya in the sky, one against three, and did not lose. Instead, he consciously suppressed the opponent, and couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

The silver-robed Elder naturally saw it and was happy in his heart. Although he didn't say much, the smile on his face said it for him.

In fact, it would be a lie if Lao Longtou said he was not worried. Although Lao Longtou has been cultivating for so many years, his state of mind has long been as stable as a rock.

Still now, his palms were sweating abnormally. The old dragon leader was afraid that if Xue Wuya really killed all three Shangguan Batian and two members of the Shui family, what would happen at that time?

However, seeing that the time was getting shorter and shorter than the agreed half-quarter of an hour, this also gave the old dragon head some psychological comfort.

However, Practitioners or ordinary people below the Imperial Capital cannot discover that there is a battle going on above the Imperial Capital.

That's because, previously, the Imperial Capital's formation had been activated, blocking all scenes in the sky.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

"Hong'er..." I heard the old man of the Shui family roar, and saw the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon knocking Shui Hong away, sprinkling some blood in the sky.

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