Martial To Pieces

Chapter 141 The Huo Family——Destroyed

However, seeing that the time was getting shorter and shorter than the agreed half-quarter of an hour, this also gave the old dragon head some psychological comfort.

Of course, Practitioners or ordinary people below the Imperial Capital cannot discover that there is a battle going on above the Imperial Capital.

That's because, previously, the Imperial Capital's formation had been activated, blocking all scenes in the sky.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

"Hong'er..." I heard the old man of the Shui family roar, and saw the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon knocking Shui Hong away, sprinkling some blood in the sky.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off Shuihong's chest, and even the secret treasure that protected his body was dug out by the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon.

"Eh..." Then Tianyuan Demonic Dragon looked at the bloody armor, curled his lips in disgust, then spat out a mouthful of saliva, washed away the armor, and then inadvertently swallowed it into a space in his belly.

After others saw it, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch.

Shui Hong seemed to be wilted, but in fact he was seriously injured and passed out.

After all, Tianyuan Demon Dragon and Xue Wuya's previous plan was not to come to kill these people, but to "borrow" the secret treasure, which was the mental damage fee.

Just when the old man of the Shui family paid attention, the stick in his hand was also snatched away by the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon.

"Blood King Slash..."

"Blood brake sword intention."

Xue Wuya raised the blood knife in his hand, and the blood evil Artistic Conception all over his body burst out.

A bloody knife condensed from the Killing Intent condensed in the sky.


Shangguan Batian and the others felt a terrifying sword intent, locking themselves tightly.

I didn't dare to have any hidden clumsiness in my hands, and all my own Artistic Conceptions burst out one after another.

"The Overlord's Spear Intent."

"Sword intent."

"The meaning of the holy ax of the collapsing mountain."


Every high rank Practitioner has his own Artistic Concept.

This is also one of the necessary conditions for promotion to high rank Practitioner. If you cannot realize your own Artistic Concept, it means that you will never be able to enter the High Level Practitioner Realm in this life.

At this moment, with the arrival of half a quarter of an hour, the dragon's head soared into the sky, and the crutch in his hand exploded into the sky with Artistic Conception. Along with the Artistic Conception of Shangguan Batian and the three of them, they welcomed Xue Wuya's Blood Emperor Slash.

Hao Lingtou thought it was a foregone conclusion and ended casually, but an accident happened.

A space crack appeared from behind Xue Wuya.

Then, two more cold voices sounded, and the sky-high Artistic Conception burst out.

"The Sky-Destroying Hammer Technique."

"Azure Lotus Heaven and Earth Sword."

"Not good." Old Dragon Head, including Shangguan Batian and others, felt their hearts tremble after feeling these two momentums. Even Old Dragon Head's state of mind, which had been in meditation for many years, fluctuated slightly.

There are two soaring Artistic Conceptions, rising from the sky.

One is hammer intent, the other is Sword intent.

Coupled with a series of similar characteristics, it is obvious to guess the true identities of these two.

The Sword of Nirvana - Painted by Bai Xian.

War Sky Hammer - Collapsing Dragon.

These two are as famous as Xue Wuya and Ye Wutian.

Similarly, the two of them have another identity, that is, they are the honorary principals of Wudu University in Shanghai.

However, the old dragon head secretly breathed a sigh of relief immediately, because Bai Xianhua and Benglong did not take action. Instead, both of them were filled with the smell of blood. They must have just experienced a fight.

Even around Bai Xianhua and Benglong, there were many heads floating around.

This made Old Longtou feel worried, but the knife in Xue Wuya's hand gave Old Longtou, Shangguan Batian and others a chance to think.

"Boom boom......"

The collision between the two parties produced an explosion-like sound, and the aftermath of the huge Spiritual Qi rushed around, causing even ripples in the formation of the Imperial Capital.

"Are we just going to watch like this?" In the armament department of the imperial capital, there were several middle-aged men in military uniforms, looking at the battle above the map. One of them said slightly sadly.

"No, the order we received is to wait for the opportunity." At this time, an old man with the rank of general on his shoulders opened his bright eyes and said meaningfully.

In fact, the origin of this old man with the rank of general is not simple. He is one of the famous pillars of the military - the White Soaring Dragon.

Respected as General Soaring Dragon, his strength has reached the peak of Rank Nine Practitioner Realm, and he is also one of the strongest people in the world.

But he still hasn't taken that step, which is the ultimate Practitioner state. There are only a few people who can reach this step.

As for the Armed Forces Administration Bureau, due to other situations around the Imperial Capital, most of the elites were sent out. Even high-rank Practitioners remained within the Imperial Capital Armed Forces Administration Bureau. Therefore, the official Practitioners were at a disadvantage this time.

In addition, the above originally wanted to eliminate some dirty rats in the imperial capital, but due to the official status, it was not convenient to take action, so they used the hands of Xue Wuya to remove the dirty rats.

At the same time, the officials also used this conflict to clear up many secrets within the imperial capital.


Lao Longtou, Shangguan Batian and others flew out, with a little blood flowing out of their mouths.

Just like the old man of the Wu family, he vomited directly, and the blood seemed to be free of charge.

"So strong..., he deserves to be the top Practitioner, haha, it's not unfair to lose." The old man of the Wu family looked at Xue Wuya who was full of murderous intent, spat, and said with a laugh.

Although Ye Wutian didn't speak, the Blood Qi surging in his body kept telling him that he was not as good as him.

The old dragon head also had a hint of promise in his eyes. He didn't expect that this junior Xue Wuya was so powerful. It seemed that this matter could not be resolved.

At this time, Lao Longtou and others saw the hanging heads around Bai Xian Hua and Beng Long. They couldn't help but feel that their scalps were numb after looking carefully.

These investments were none other than the members of the Huo family who had been secretly shut down by Lao Longtou and others.

There are 376 hanging heads in total, which are the heads of all members of the Huo family.

If the Huo family really just attacked Xue Wuya's apprentice Lin Xing in the national college competition, it would be impossible to rob the family and wipe out the entire clan.

The main reason is that the Huo family actually collaborated with the enemy and the country and colluded with the Beast God Cult.

I remember that six years ago, Xue Wuya and others had secretly started investigating. Unfortunately, at that time, because no major evidence of the Huo family's collusion with the Beast God Cult was found, and God was the guarantee of this group of old things, they were so disappointed. The family has always been at large.

Not only the Huo family, but also several other small and medium-sized families in the imperial capital, Xue Wuya did not intend to let them go.

But this time, the mission of Bai Xianhua and Benglong was to find all the members of the Huo family and execute them all if they participated in colluding with the Beast God Cult.

As for those who did not participate, their memories will be cleared and sent to other base cities to survive for the rest of their lives.

"How is it possible? How can you find it there? Even if you find it, it is impossible to break the formation there." The old dragon head was full of disbelief now, and his plan was shattered.

"Haha, it's definitely impossible for the two of them, but with my words, everything is possible." I saw a golden light flashing, and an elegant and strange man walked out of a formation.

"Zhanzi, it's you." After seeing the figure of Zhanzi, the old leader stayed where he was for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

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