Martial To Pieces

Chapter 15 Lure The Enemy

In the afternoon, as Liu Yiyi's body recovered, the two decided to set off now.

"I remember that there is a Rank One Practitioner flame tiger in the cave, and there are three flame tigers that are near the peak of Practitioner, but one of them has been killed by you, so now there are still two flame tigers that are near the peak of Practitioner, and the others are not a concern. .”

When Liu Yiyi was about to arrive at her destination, she revealed the situation in the cave to Lin Xing.

"Are there any other Demonic Beasts hidden in the cave?" Lin Xing asked.

"It's hard to say, I didn't go deep into it." Liu Yiyi said with a slight frown.

When approaching the entrance of the cave, Lin Xing hid in advance, while Liu Yiyi went to lure the Demonic Beasts. This was the plan of the two people, and they were defeated one by one by luring the enemy.

Watching Liu Yiyi's leaving figure, Lin Xing hid on the branch of a tree, waiting for the arrival of prey.

After waiting for a while, Lin Xing heard the roar of a tiger, getting closer and closer.

"Here we come." Lin Xing murmured.

I saw Liu Yiyi running towards this side quickly, followed closely by a red figure.

Needless to say, it should be the Flame Tiger.

After arriving at the ambush point, Liu Yiyi decisively looked back, and a fiery red tiger flew out of the forest behind Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi used a sliding shovel to pass under the flame tiger. At the same time, the sword in his hand cast the "Ice Sword Technique" and scratched the soft belly of the flame tiger.

Lin Xing, who had already seen the right opportunity, jumped down from the tree, cast the "Breeze Saber Technique" from the sky with the sword in his hand, and at the same time, the sharp force of the sword attached to it.

He knocked the tiger away and slashed the tiger's side with a knife, leaving a wound deep enough to show the bone.


The Flame Tiger screamed, but he didn't expect someone to sneak up on him.

Before the Flame Tiger could react, Lin Xing raised his knife and went straight forward.

Lin Xing rushed to the side of the Flame Tiger with a sword in his hand, while Liu Yiyi attacked from the rear of the Flame Tiger. This was also one of the strategies of the two.

Huo Huohe was dizzy from the blow just now. Before he could react, he only felt a chill on his neck and butt, and then lost consciousness.

Lin Xing's sword passed through the flame tiger's neck, while the sword in Liu Yiyi's hand attacked the softest part of the flame tiger, piercing straight through the back door. The flame tiger died on the spot, dying a little aggrieved.

Lin Xing felt a chill in his crotch when he saw the wound Liu Yiyi inflicted on the Flame Tiger.

Sure enough, my dad was right, beautiful women are the scariest.

"Hurry up and clean up. We have to go to the cave quickly to prevent others from getting there first." Liu Yiyi looked at the flame tiger that had been dealt with and said to Lin Xing.

"Don't you want the materials from the Flame Tiger?" Lin Xing looked at the Flame Tiger and then looked at Liu Yiyi.

"No, I'm not short of money."

"Hehe, I'll accept it then. Who would think that he has less money?" Lin Xing looked at the body of the Flame Tiger, as if a pile of star coins were flying towards him.

Then he took out his dagger and harvested the materials from the Flame Tiger.

"Let's go." Lin Xing looked at Liu Yiyi after packing up the materials.

"Follow me." Liu Yiyi led the way with a sword in hand, followed closely by Lin Xing.

As the pace became slower and slower, both parties reached their destination.

At the entrance of the cave lies a flame tiger that is close to the peak of Practitioner.

"The Rank One early stage flame tiger should be inside the cave entrance." Liu Yiyi turned to Lin Xing and said.

"So we have to fight quickly, quickly deal with the Flame Tiger near the Practitioner peak at the door, and then jointly kill the Flame Tiger Rank One early stage."

Lin Xing nodded, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

There was a sound of "swipe-".

The two of them coincidentally rushed out at the same time, running towards the flaming tiger at the entrance of the cave.

Liu Yiyi used the "Ice Sword Technique" with the sword in her hand, piercing the Flame Tiger's eyes like a poisonous snake, while Lin Xing's sword slashed at the Flame Tiger's waist like a tiger.

Before the Flame Tiger could react, his eyes were stabbed, his waist was severely injured, he fell heavily to the ground, and left this world peacefully.

After taking care of the flame tiger, the two of them rushed into the cave without any pause and prepared to kill the last flame tiger.

Just when the two were about to step into the cave, a fiery red figure jumped out of the cave accompanied by a tiger's roar.

The two people immediately jumped out to both sides. The original position was occupied by a fiery red creature, and a lot of soil was knocked away.

This Rank One flame tiger glanced at the two humans in front of him with his cold pupils. It was the two humans in front of him who killed his own kind.

“Ho ho—.”

An angry roar roared out from the flame tiger's mouth, seeming to tear the weak human in front of him into pieces.

Although Lin Xing didn't make any move, his fighting eyes already gave the answer.

His eyes full of fighting intent stared at the Flame Tiger, as if he wanted to kill the Flame Tiger.

The flame tiger felt a little surprised. This was the first time in his life that he was stared at by a weak human being, and he was a little bit nervous. But the flame tiger didn't know that this might also be the last time in his life.

Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi looked at each other, and Liu Yiyi nodded slightly.

Lin Xing took a lunge and used basic footwork to rush towards the Flame Tiger.

The Flame Tiger never expected that a weak human would dare to take the initiative and challenge the majesty of this tiger.


The flame tiger looked up to the sky and howled angrily, bowed and bent down, and jumped towards Lin Xing, as if he wanted to slap to death the human in front of him who challenged his majesty.

But there was a figure who was faster. Before the Flame Tiger could react, he was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

And there was a bloody wound on the Flaming Tiger's side waist.

If this wound goes deeper, then this flame tiger will have to say goodbye to its own life, and will become the first eunuch tiger in history.

"This bitch is too cruel." Lin Xing also saw the Flame Tiger's wound, and the Flame Tiger mourned for three seconds in his heart.

Before the Flame Tiger could react from its fear, Lin Xing's sword went straight to its head.


The Flame Tiger didn't expect that someone would attack him unexpectedly. It was a shame. This was a stain on his life as a tiger.

Liu Yiyi and Lin Xing launched an offensive against the flame tiger.

Under the collective beatings of Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi, the flame tiger's injuries continued to worsen, the wounds continued to increase, and its tiger skin was dyed red with blood.

Liu Yiyi and Lin Xing once again looked at each other in tacit understanding.

""Qingfeng Saber Technique""

""Sword Technique""


Both parties showed their strength to suck milk.

"Bang bang——...~"

As the flame tiger's body fell, the battle ended.

"Hoo~, fuck, this tiger's vitality is too tenacious." Lin Xing exhaled a filthy breath.

Liu Yiyi also wiped the sweat on her forehead with her small hands. Needless to say, she also felt that the flame tiger's vitality was a bit tenacious.

But who also knows that this flaming tiger is just fighting for a breath of tiger energy for himself. After all, a tiger fights for a breath, and a tree fights for a skin.

The two of them took a moment to rest and then stepped into the cave hand in hand...

Everything they did was clearly seen by everyone in the command room.

At the same time, everyone in the command room was delighted with the talent of the two.

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