Martial To Pieces

Chapter 16 Another Flame Tiger

Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi carefully searched for the target in the cave while avoiding uncertain dangers.

As the two of them went deeper, their images disappeared in the command room because the micro-drone could not enter the cave.

However, the signals of their wristbands were not affected, indicating that they are still safe.

As the two of them went deeper, they saw what they wanted, which was also the purpose of their trip.

A small tree half as tall as a man was bearing fiery red fruits, growing slowly next to a big rock, but there was a large flame tiger sleeping soundly on the big rock.

Not far from the fruit trees, there was a small flaming red pool, but it was not filled with water, but with fire spiritual fluid.

Perhaps because the arrival of Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi disturbed the Flame Tiger's dream, the Flame Tiger slowly opened his eyes and glanced at them, very angry.


It is estimated that the Flame Tiger himself was a little confused. He was woken up from his sleep and saw two humans in his own cave. He thought that these two humans must be trying to steal the fire spiritual fluid and fruit, which would be the capital for him to find a wife.

"Damn it, why is there a Flame Tiger with Rank One middle stage!!!..." Lin Xing couldn't help but cursed after seeing the Cultivation Base of the Flame Tiger.

Liu Yiyi also didn't expect that there was actually a Rank One middle stage flame tiger hidden in the cave.

"Fight and retreat."

After Lin Xing saw this situation, he immediately made a battle plan.


Liu Yiyi replied coldly and rushed towards the flame tiger.

Lin Xing thought to himself, why are these girls so fierce?

But he just thought about it and couldn't say it. If he said it, Lin Xing estimated that the girl might give up attacking the flame tiger and come over and kill him with a sword.

The space in the cave is barely enough for two people and one tiger to fight. This flame tiger is obviously more ferocious than the Rank One early stage flame tiger just now.


"Bang bang——..."


"Lure this flame tiger out, I have an explosive bead in my hand," Liu Yiyi said to Lin Xing.

In the end, the two of them fought while retreating. The Flame Tiger thought that the two of them were scared of being beaten by him and wanted to run away, so he excitedly rushed towards the two of them.

"You go out and get ready first, and I will lead this flame tiger out of the cave." Lin Xing said to Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi was not pretentious, because she knew that this was the only chance to kill the flame tiger.

Liu Yiyi's departure doubled Lin Xing's pressure, and the Flame Tiger found an opportunity without paying attention.

Lin Xing felt as if he had been hit by a car, with a sweet taste in his throat, and the flame tiger also left a bloody claw mark on Lin Xing's chest.

Seeing this situation, the Flame Tiger became even more excited and became even more bloodthirsty, tempted by the sweet blood of humans.

"Hiss..., it hurts so much, damn, I almost had to see my too-cuppy wife." This wound made Lin Xing grin in pain.

""Qingfeng Saber Technique"" "Sword Power"

Moreover, at the critical moment just now, Lin Xing's basic footwork broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm. It was because his basic footwork broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm that Lin Xing was able to shorten the speed difference with the Flame Tiger at that time.

Otherwise, Lin Xing would have to say goodbye to him at the same age as him.

Lin Xing used Returned to Origin-level basic footwork and ran out of the cave. "I can't beat you, don't you know how to run?"

The flame tiger was chasing after him.

When he first came out of the cave, Lin Xing saw Liu Yiyi holding a red bead in his hand.

"Get away quickly." Liu Yiyi shouted to Lin Xing loudly.

Lin Xing understood instantly, used all his strength, flew out and fell to the ground, rolling around a few times before stopping.



Just when the fragments had just landed on the ground, there was the roaring sound of the explosive beads and the screams of the flame tiger.

However, the air wave generated by the explosion of the exploding bead sent Lin Xing flying away and he was thrown into the ground.

It took a while for Lin Xing to come back to his senses.

"Ah... bah bah bah~..."

"The young master is so stupid. This little girl almost blew up the young master and that smelly tiger." That look was still funny.

Liu Yiyi also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

If the explosive bead didn't hit the flame tiger, then they would definitely burp.

Lin Xing walked to the body of the flame tiger with a step that he would not recognize. The tiger looked very cruel, and one-third of the body was blown away by the explosive beads.

Lin Xing picked up the flame tiger's head with his hands and began to collect the materials on the flame tiger. He said, "I ran out of the cave because I have someone outside the cave. Do you have anyone outside the cave? What matters when you come out is your strength. You Do you have it, little turtle tiger?"

If the Flame Tiger heard this from below, he would probably be unable to help but climb up and scratch Lin Xing to death.

"Let's go in. This is the territory of the Flame Tiger. Don't worry about other Demonic Beasts without eyes coming here." After Liu Yiyi adjusted her condition, she said to Lin Xing while walking into the cave.

"Okay, let me clean up the bodies around first."

Lin Xing stored the corpse in a hidden place nearby, and at the same time sprinkled cleaning powder around it to remove the bloody smell of the battle just now.

There was a commotion in the command room.

"These two boys are talented and can really cause trouble."

"Yes, not bad, it has the three-point style I had back then," Liu Zhuang said, looking at Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi who were cleaning the battlefield on the screen.

"Bah~..., Old Liu, I am even more impressed after three days of separation, and your face has become much thicker." Xu Youwei couldn't help complaining when he saw the slutty Liu Qiang.

"Eh~, you just envy me that I'm more talented than you." Liu Zhuang immediately retorted.

"It's just you. My talent is at least three ways ahead of you. Don't give yourself any extra money." Xu Weiwei looked at Liu Qiang and said with great disdain.

"Haha, okay, we have known each other for how many years, and we know what color pants we wear. Is it interesting that you two are arguing like this? If the juniors find out, I will see where you two put your old faces." Wang Qiang, as the peacemaker Came over and joked.

Inside the cave.

Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi have already collected the supplies.

In addition to a small pool of fire spiritual fluid, there are four flame fruits and two red flame fruits.

According to the even distribution, both of them can get two flame fruits and one red flame fruit.

The Red Flame Fruit is a pseudo-second-rank spiritual fruit, and with the addition of fire spiritual fluid, the probability of breaking through to the Practitioner level is greatly increased.

Liu Yiyi glanced at Lin Xing but didn't say anything. She didn't understand why Lin Xing's family was not strong enough to give Lin Xing good resources, so why was he stronger than her.

"Hiss...ah, it hurts. I just remembered to search for materials and forgot that I still have a wound on my body, and it's still bleeding." Lin Xing grinned in pain, took out the hemostatic agent from his backpack and sprinkled it on the wound.

"Use this, this treatment is more effective." Liu Yiyi threw a medicine bottle to Lin Xing and said.

"Fuck, first rank healing potion." After Lin Xing casually caught the thing thrown by Liu Yiyi, he saw the whole thing and thought about the evil capitalism.

"Thank you." Lin Xing thanked Liu Yiyi.

"It's okay, it doesn't cost much. After all, we are now in a cooperative relationship." Liu Yiyi still answered Lin Xing in that cold tone.

Lin Xing immediately opened the healing potion and drank it. It had a fragrant smell of grass and trees, and the wound on his chest felt numb and itchy.

"Tsk tsk... Pharmacists are great. If I become a pharmacist, wouldn't it be very profitable? Quack, quack, quack." Lin Xing was addicted to his own fantasy and couldn't extricate himself.

In this world, besides Practitioner, who is respected by Human Venerable, there are other professions that are even rarer than Practitioner.

Apothecaries and formists are rarer than Practitioners.

Because they pay more attention to Talent than Practitioner. If your Practitioner Talent is not good, you can reach a certain height through acquired efforts.

But if you are a pharmacist or a formation engineer, it will be difficult to make it without Talent.

The levels of pharmacists and formation teachers are the same. The lowest level is first rank, then second rank...

The highest is fifth rank, and after fifth rank are masters, but there are only a few masters in the entire Daxia Kingdom, which shows their rarity.

Although these two professions are slightly rarer than Practitioner, high-rank Practitioner and even banned Practitioner are not something that can be offended at will.

Otherwise, I don’t know how I died.

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