Martial To Pieces

Chapter 17 Breakthrough Rank One Practitioner

"Wait a while for us to break through the Rank One Practitioner in that small pool of fire spiritual fluid without disturbing each other." Liu Yiyi saw that Lin Xing was almost resting and said to Lin Xing.

"OK, OK"


Lin Xing agreed with this very much and wished he could share a bath with the beauty (≧▽≦).

Um (⊙o⊙)…, I thought wrongly.

Seeing Liu Yiyi sitting in the Lotus Position, in the small pool of fire spiritual fluid, Lin Xing followed closely behind. Both sides swallowed a fire spirit fruit first, and then ran the Cultivation Technique.

Both parties calmly entered the state of cultivation, and every breath was accompanied by the fluctuation of Spirit Power.

When the two quietly broke through the Rank One Practitioner, it was not very peaceful outside. I don't know what the Demonic Beasts in the red maple forest were going crazy about, and they all rushed towards one place crazily.

This frightened the students who were undergoing the trial, as well as the teachers accompanying them from various schools.

"Damn, why are there so many Demonic Beasts?"

"Don't worry, run away, your life is at stake..."

"Then can I earn more points now?" said a student whose mind has not yet turned around.

"Are you out of your mind? This is a fucking beast tide. Do you know the beast tide?"

"Let's go quickly and ignore this idiot. If you run too slow later, you will become a member of the five grains Samsara."


One by one, the students activated the distress system in their bracelets, fearing that they would say goodbye to this world in the next second.

In the command room.

"Captain Li, you must rescue these students safely. These are the hopes of our Huaicheng base city." Li Cheng anxiously urged Li Hu to act quickly.

"Don't worry, my team members have gone all out for search and rescue." Li Hu said as he walked outside.

Because Li Hu wanted to investigate clearly what caused this wave of small beasts.

Of course, external events cannot affect Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi's cultivation.

As the Flame Fruit and Red Flame Fruit were consumed one after another, and the fire spiritual fluid underneath continued to be absorbed, the Spiritual Qi fluctuations around the two of them continued to increase, and the surrounding Spiritual Qi concentration reached an atomized state.

The Spirit Power fluctuations around Liu Yiyi are obviously more active than those around Lin Xing, with the continuous operation of Cultivation Technique.

Click click click…………

There was a crisp sound of bones, and Liu Yiyi burst out with amazing momentum, successfully breaking through to Rank One Practitioner.

Blue Spiritual Qi rises around Liu Yiyi. It is obvious that Liu Yiyi possesses the Practitioner mind method and it is also a Practitioner mind method with ice or water attributes.

A copy of Practitioner is not something that ordinary people can get their hands on. Even the most common Practitioner is priced astronomically.

Liu Yiyi slowly opened her eyes, feeling the power in her body, and a hint of joy appeared on Bingshuang's face.

He turned around and looked at Lin Xing, who was still practicing, and saw that the Spiritual Qi around Lin Xing was gradually turning dark purple.

Liu Yiyi was very surprised. She didn't expect that Lin Xing also had the Practitioner mentality, and it was also a dark attribute.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Lin Xing to wake up and invite him to join the Liu family. The family would provide him with Practitioner skills and training resources, but it seems that he doesn't need it now.

In this regard, Liu Yiyi did not think that Lin Xing had the ability to obtain the Practitioner mentality, and it was also a dark attribute. She only thought that there might be a high-rank Practitioner standing behind Lin Xing.

Sure enough, invisible brain replenishment is the most deadly.

There were constant roars of beasts coming from various places in the forest. Liu Yiyi walked to the entrance of the cave and looked outside. Startled birds were hovering in the air.

"Tide of beasts." These two words instantly appeared in Liu Yiyi's mind.

The bracelet glowed red, with an emergency notification from the teacher on it.

:Urgent notification!!!Urgent notification!!!

A small beast tide broke out in the Red Maple Forest. Please return to the gathering point quickly. If you are unable to return due to the beast tide, please find a safe place. The Practitioner of the Armed Forces Administration has already set out. Please wait for rescue.

Announcement again: Red Maple Forest…………

He looked back at Lin Xing, who was at the critical moment of breakthrough, and decided to protect Lin Xing's path here to prevent Lin Xing's cultivation from being disturbed.

At this time, Lin Xing also reached the critical moment of breakthrough. As the Spiritual Qi around Lin Xing fluctuated more and more intensely, the originally small amount of spiritual fluid was reduced sharply.

Just when the fire spiritual fluid is exhausted.

With a click, Lin Xing trembled all over, as if he had broken some kind of shackles, and his momentum reached the peak of Rank One Practitioner early stage, just shy of breaking through Rank One middle stage.


Lin Xing slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath, his eyes revealing unbearable excitement and joy.

Finally becoming a Practitioner, I clenched my fists to suppress my inner excitement.

After coming back to his senses, Lin Xing noticed the changes in his Cultivation Technique. "Nine Nether" broke through to the early stage. Lin Xingjue's Realm of Cultivation Technique can be directly equated with his Cultivation Base.

Not only has my Cultivation Base reached the Rank One early stage, but my physical strength has actually reached the Rank One late stage. I guess I can compete with the Peak Rank One.

"Thank you for helping me protect the law." Lin Xing said gratefully when he saw Liu Yiyi coming to guard him at the door.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort." Liu Yiyi said still coldly.

"Ho ho ho ho..." came the roar of Xu beast from a distance.

"Is this...a beast wave?" Lin Xing was very confused as to what happened during his breakthrough.

"That's right, I don't know what caused the outbreak of small beasts in the red maple forest."

Lin Xing had already seen the contents of the glowing red bracelet, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This is not a tide of beasts. It is obviously one point after another. It is simply an experience package.

"Do you want to hunt Demonic Beasts with me?" Lin Xing looked at Liu Yiyi and asked.

Liu Yiyi nodded after thinking for a moment. In fact, she also wanted to improve herself in actual combat. Now she faced Lin Xing's invitation, which naturally coincided with her.

The two of them left immediately. Before leaving, Lin Xing checked the cave again to see if there was anything valuable missing.

The resources in this cave have basically been exhausted by Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi.

The two headed towards the direction of the beast's roar, and after breaking through the Rank One Practitioner, they were not even a little bit faster.

In the dense forest, it is as nimble as an ape and flies as lightly as a swallow.

As the two people moved quickly, they saw the true face of the beast tide. Different species were galloping together and howling together. The scene was really...

In a small valley not far away, there were seven or eight students who were constantly resisting the oncoming Demonic Beasts. Lin Xing also knew several of the students.


"Don't let the Demonic Beasts get in. Rescue is on the way."


"Ah...brothers, let's hold on. The teacher is on his way."


Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The two of them were going to rescue these classmates.

"It's over, I can't hold on any longer."

Just when a few people couldn't hold on anymore, a dark purple sword light rushed towards the Demonic Beasts and flew the Demonic Beasts away.

"Great, the teacher is here to save us."


In front of this figure, Demonic Beasts are like chickens and dogs.

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