Martial To Pieces

Chapter 18 Points, Points Are All Mine

""Wow wow wow——, so awesome. "

When the dust cleared, everyone could see clearly and save the owner.

"Damn it, Lin Xing, it's you, you... became a Practitioner." One of the students from the No. 3 Middle School expressed surprise when he saw Lin Xing.

"Well, it's just a fluke." Lin Xing said casually.

But he saw envy, yearning and even jealousy in the eyes of several students.

"You run to the southeast, and I will help you resist the Demonic Beasts." Judging from the news from Liu Yiyi, the southeast has the fewest Demonic Beasts, and Liu Yiyi is already waiting there.

"Then what should you do?" Li Yong from No. 2 Middle School said to Lin Xing.

"I'm fine. I'm also a Practitioner after all. Liu Yiyi from No. 1 Middle School is waiting for you in the southeast."

"What, did Liu Yiyi also break through to Practitioner?" Zhou Jun from No. 1 High School looked at Lin Xing with wide eyes, and Lin Xing nodded.


"Oh my God, this is so awesome."

"Ho ho -" The hands from behind rushed towards Lin Xing and others.

"You hurry up and meet Liu Yiyi in the southeast direction."

"Hurry up and leave us, we will only act as a hindrance to Brother Toring here."

Lin Xing watched this group of people leave toward the southeast, and rushed down to the Demonic Beasts who were rushing towards them.

"Qingfeng Saber Technique"

basic footwork

Sword power

When all are used, the combat effectiveness is not as simple as 1+1.

The points in the bracelet are rising rapidly.

Starting from ninth place and moving up, eighth, seventh, and...

Moreover, the knife in his hand became more and more comfortable to use, as if it were his own arm.


At that moment, Lin Xing's "Qingfeng Saber Technique" broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm, and he gained a new level of understanding of the sword's power.

The fighting power increased to a higher level, and the surrounding Demonic Beasts were actually frightened and took a few steps back. Didn't you notice that the brains of the guy who was close to this human were chopped out?

Just for fun, I didn’t expect you to cheat. Isn’t this bullying Demonic Beasts?

However, Li Hu was on a par with a Rank Three Demonic Beasts.

This Rank Three Demonic Beasts is the cause of this beast wave. Originally, this Demonic Beasts was still a Rank Two Demonic Beasts, but somehow it broke through the Rank Three early stage.

After the breakthrough, they actually drove away Demonic Beasts and triggered a wave of small beasts.

"Beast, seeking death."

Li Hu roared angrily, and his momentum went up to a higher level, reaching Rank Three middle stage.


As the battle progressed, this Rank Three Demonic Beasts was killed by Li Hu.

With the death of the instigator, the blood-red eyes of the Demonic Beasts in the beast tide slowly receded, and finally dissipated.

Lin Xing was still killing Demonic Beasts with his sword. He was as nimble as a fish among the Demonic Beasts. The more Lin Xing killed the Demonic Beasts, the more excited he became. The bodies of the Demonic Beasts were all around him.


As the Demonic Beasts fled, Lin Xing stopped and breathed heavily.

"Grandma, I'm so exhausted."

But looking at the corpses of Demonic Beasts, he smiled brightly.

"Hehe (*^▽^*), this is all money. It seems that there is no need to worry about maintenance personnel resources in the recent period, quack quack..." Lin Xing let out a cheap laugh.

After Lin Xing rested for a while, he took out his dagger and started harvesting valuable materials from the surrounding Demonic Beasts.

While harvesting, humming a tune.

In fact, while Lin Xing was killing Demonic Beasts, there was a member of the Armed Forces Administration team observing Lin Xing on a tree not far away.

The instruction he received was to take action immediately when he saw a student in danger, but Lin Xing was not in danger, and instead became more courageous as he fought.

"Tsk tsk... this class of students is incredible. I have lived for thirty years before reaching the Rank Two Practitioner middle stage. This kid is already a Practitioner at a young age."

"Sigh... It's really annoying to compare people with each other. I have to throw away the goods. No, the boy at home has been too relaxed recently. I still need to train that boy..." The member of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau watched Lin Xing harvest the materials. Thinking that there is a bastard in the house, I complained angrily.

Seeing that the beast wave was over, the task of the member of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau was also completed. It seemed that he walked away angrily and probably had to go home to train that bastard.

"Sneeze..., what son of a bitch is scolding me?" In a certain building in a community in Huaicheng Base City, a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old was playing games in front of the computer when he suddenly sneezed.

Lin Xing had already packed up his things, whistling, and was preparing to return to the meeting point on the road.

"I'm so happy today, young master." Lin Xing felt more and more hopeful about the days when he thought of the many materials in his backpack.

"Damn it, I was just collecting some materials and forgot to check where I am ranked now. I guess the first one belongs to me."

Lin Xing turned on his bracelet while walking and checked his own ranking.

Points ranking:

First place: Lin Xing: 576

Second place: Liu Yiyi: 473


Ninth place: Chu Nan: 111


"Haha..., just as I thought, the first place will come. Hehe."

"Huh?..., Fatty is actually ninth." Lin Xing was a little surprised to see Chu Nan's ranking.

As the meeting point got closer, Lin Xing also heard the cries of many classmates.

Seeing Liu Yiyi, Zhou Yong and others, the two sides greeted each other and nodded slightly.

"Old Lin, Old Lin, here, here." Lin Xing turned to look at the owner of the voice. There was no need to think that it must be Chu Nan.

Sure enough, he saw Chu Nan's fat body waving to him, with a smile on his face.

Lin Xing walked towards Chu Nan and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Chu Nan was safe and sound.

"Hey... Fatty, you performed well. You are actually ninth in the standings." Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan and couldn't help but teased.

"Hehe (*^▽^*), that's right, don't look at who Fatty is. They are just these little pickpockets. Fatty punches one at a time." Chu Nan was also in high spirits when he heard Lin Xing praising him.

"But by the way, Lao Lin, you are really powerful. You rank first in the standings, with more than 500 points." Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing with the same surprise.

"Let me calculate it for you, early stage 1 points, middle stage 10 points, late stage 20 points, peak 50 points, Rank One early stage 100 points, middle stage 200 points..." After Chu Nan finished speaking, he looked at it with a surprised look. With Lin Xing.

"Can't you just have some hands? Sprinkle some water on it." Lin Xing waved his hands nonchalantly and said very meanly.

"I just accidentally broke through to the Practitioner and killed a few Demonic Beasts."

"Damn it, Old Lin, you broke through to Wu..." Chu Nan shouted in surprise, but Lin Xing covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

"Please keep your voice down. I'm still very young. If you tell me, how can I keep a low profile?" Lin Xing rolled his eyes at Chu Nan.

"Hey, Lao Lin, it's you I'm waiting for." Chu Nan gave Lin Xing a thumbs up.

"That means, why don't I take good care of my great son? How can I do it if I don't work hard?" Lin Xing patted Chu Nan on the shoulder like an elder.

"Damn it, there is always a son who wants to be a father." Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing with a gloomy look.

"Haha" with a melancholy expression on his face, people can't help but laugh.

At this time Li Cheng walked to the podium.

"Students, I know that this beast wave has caused some students to leave. Although this is not the result we want, we can't save those living lives. For this, we can only become stronger, stronger, and keep getting stronger. , can you protect the people you want to protect and protect your own home."

"Students must be very tired. Let's take the bus back to school first. The awards will then be delivered to the school by your principal from the Armed Forces Administration Bureau in person."

Under the unified command of the teacher, the students boarded the bus one after another and returned to the base city of Huaicheng.

Also taken away were the corpses of some classmates, some of whom didn't even have corpses and would sleep on that land forever.

Sit on the bus and return to the base city of Huaicheng.

The peaceful time in the car and the lively and prosperous appearance of the base city are in great contrast with the outdoors of the base. Perhaps this is the true meaning of Practitioner's protection.

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