Martial To Pieces

Chapter 20: Spend Time With Your Family And Make Plans

"I'm leaving first. We'll see you then." Wang Yan greeted Lin Xing and Chu Nan and left.

"Okay, okay, I'll see you later." Lin Xing and Chu Nan waved to Wang Yan and walked home hand in hand.

Since the three of them returned late, there were not many parents at the gate of No. 3 Middle School. There were also some crying parents. It was obvious at a glance that their children had not returned safely from this trial.

"Old Lin, haha, the school is so generous this time, giving away things worth 150,000 star coins as soon as you ask." Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Tsk, Fatty, does this just make you give up your yearning for a better life?" Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan and smiled.

"Tch~, how can that be possible? Fatty's ultimate goal is to become a Practitioner and save the world." Chu Nan said with a 20% accuracy.

Lin Xing opened the larger suitcase, then took out the five body extracts inside and stuffed them into Chu Nan's hands.

"Old Lin, what are you doing?" Chu Nan was a little confused by Lin Xing's move.

"Have you forgotten? I have already broken through and become a Practitioner. These Body Tempering agents no longer have much effect on me." Lin Xing explained to Chu Nan.

"But, then I can't ask for yours. These things are very expensive. Besides, you can also sell them for money. This can reduce the burden on your uncle and aunt." Chu Nan knew Lin Xing's family conditions.

"Just take it if I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you are a brother, just take it." Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan and said seriously.

Originally, these body extractants had no great effect on him, and if these body extractants were given to Chu Nan, then he might be able to get into a better Wuhan University.

"This..." Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing and didn't know what to say.

"Get out (;`O´)o, don't look at me like that, my orientation is normal." Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan warily.

"Uh-huh (⊙o⊙)..." Chu Nan was struck by lightning and didn't know what to say.

"Just treat me as a father and invest in you in advance." Lin Xing patted Chu Nan on the shoulder, pretending to be an elder.


Seeing Cong's confused look, Lin Xing laughed heartily.

"Okay, Lao Lin, I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to be my father, watch the boxing, and fight~~." Chu Nan suddenly rushed towards Lin Xing.

The two went back to their respective homes while chasing and fighting.

"Click~" An iron door was opened.

"Oh~, Xiaoxing is back. Go wash your hands and eat. It's a coincidence that you're back. You've just finished cooking." Mother Lin was busy serving food and greeting Lin Xing. Seeing that Lin Xing came back safely, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Mother Lin heard that some people died in this trial.

"Wow...~, it smells so good."

"Haha, your mother bought this specially for you. I'll give you a good reward." This was the voice of Father Lin as the door opened.

Father Lin was relieved to see Lin Xing back safely.

"Hey (*^▽^*), my mother is nice to me." Lin Xing pinched a piece of braised pork ribs and put it into his mouth and said happily.

"Did daddy treat you badly?" Lin's father looked at Lin Xing teasingly.

"Hehe, dad is also kind to me." Lin Xing quickly added.

"Haha, little slippery guy." Father Lin laughed heartily.

This is what family is like, a happy and harmonious family.

"Okay, okay, don't be poor, you two. Come over and eat quickly, otherwise it will be cold in a while." Mother Lin asked the father and son to sit down.

Lin Xing looked at his parents who looked nervous.

"Hum, don't you worry about your son? This time he won first place in the trial," Lin Xing said casually.

"Nuh--, look at the box I came back to get. Inside is the reward for this trial."

"I heard that you are testing here. Is it true that someone died?" Father Lin looked at Lin Xing.

"Well, I don't know what happened. When the trial was about to end, a small wave of beasts suddenly broke out, causing some casualties." Lin Xing had no intention of hiding it from his parents. After all, paper cannot cover the fire. He said Maybe it will be reported on the news tonight.


Father and Mother Lin sighed heavily after hearing this, but they were also a little lucky because their own child was fine.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, the reward for ranking first in the trial is a C-level Cultivation Technique, 1 million blue star coins and ten bottles of Body Tempering."

"Oh my god, this is so generous." Father Lin and Mother Lin were stunned by the generous reward.

"Well, anyway, I won't worry about cultivation resources in the near future." Lin Xing said to Lin's father and Lin's mother.

"Oh~, it's because your mother and I are incompetent. I gave you too many conditions for life." Father Lin suddenly sighed and said.

Mother Lin's eyes turned red when she heard Father Lin's words, and she wiped them pretending to be casual, but Lin Xing saw it all.

"What are you talking about? I feel very happy living in this family. If I lived in a family with clothes to put on and food to eat, I probably wouldn't have the fighting spirit I have now." Lin Xing said to Lin's mother and Lin's father.

"Oh~, hurry up and eat. It's going to be cold soon." Lin Xing quickly gave Lin's father and Lin's mother a piece of braised pork each.

"Okay, okay..., eat, eat..."

Lin Xing did not intend to tell his parents that he had broken through to the Rank One Practitioner Realm, and planned to give his parents a surprise when the college entrance examination was approaching.


Lin Xing lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking about the gains from this trial.

With less than a month left before the college entrance examination, Lin Xing plans to implement his own plan.

Tomorrow, go to the Practitioner House to sell the Demonic Beasts materials obtained during the trial. At the same time, you must also ask for leave from your class teacher or old principal.

Lin Xing planned to go to the base city for a trial with less than a month left. On the one hand, he would use his training resources and on the other hand, he would polish himself.

Just do it and drive as planned tomorrow. The moonlight shines on Lin Xing through the window.

Lin Xing slowly fell asleep in the bright white moonlight, but the Cultivation Technique "Nine Nether" in his body was still running slowly. This may be the secret of "Nine Nether".

Suddenly Lin Xing thought that just when he broke through the Practitioner Realm, a space seemed to appear in his mind.

At that time, due to the influence of external factors, Lin Xing did not examine this situation in depth, but now he has time.

Sitting in Lotus Position, Mental Energy is concentrated and gathered in my mind. As Mental Energy sneaks in, my mind is filled with a vast white space, about five cubic meters in size.

"Hey, this...can't be the portable space in the novel, right?" Lin Xing was very confused.

As soon as he said it, Lin Xing was ready to experiment with some things.

Lin Xing focused his attention on a water glass in front of the desk. With a thought, the water glass disappeared out of thin air, but appeared in the space of his mind.

"Oh~, hahaha, great, this is simply a murder weapon... No, it's a home weapon." After Lin Xing tried a few more times, he found that this space was like a part of his body, like his own arm. Generally flexible.

After repeating it again and again, Lin Xing was willing to give up and continue exploring this space.

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