Martial To Pieces

Chapter 21 Selling Materials, Certification Practitioner

When Lin Xing got up at three o'clock in the morning, Lin's father and Lin's mother had already gone out to work.

Looking at the breakfast left by his parents, Lingxin showed a happy smile. After eating quickly, he picked up a backpack full of Demonic Beasts materials and headed to the Practitioner House.


"Welcome to Practitioner. I hope there is anything I can do to help you." After Lin Xing strode into Practitioner's home, a salesperson wearing a cheongsam looked at Lin Xing and asked.

"Hey~, this little wolfdog is so handsome." Another salesperson saw little stars popping up in Lin Xing's eyes.

"Oh~, I plan to sell Demonic Beasts materials." Lin Xing went straight to the topic without taking any chances.

"Okay, please follow me." When the salesman heard that Lin Xing was going to sell Demonic Beasts materials, he showed a professional smile and led Lin Xing to the private room at the back.

"Please wait a moment while I go find our appraiser."

"Okay, sorry for bothering you." Lin Xing expressed his thanks.

"It's okay, this is what we should do."

After a while, the salesperson led a middle-aged man into the private room.

"Hello, I am an appraiser at the Practitioner House branch. My surname is Huang."

"Hello, Huang Jian, I want to sell some Demonic Beasts materials." Lin Xing said as he took off his backpack, and then poured out the Demonic Beasts materials in the backpack.

Huang Jing saw these Demonic Beasts materials and immediately started working professionally.

After a while, Huang Jing calculated the materials sold by Jiang Linxing.

"Hello, I have already counted the materials you are selling. Tusks of the Tusk Pig x16, Shadow Cat's Cat Claws x28... Flame Tiger's Tusks x8... and Rank One early stage Flame Tiger's Monster CoreX2…a total of 668,000 star coins.”

"I'll give you a total of 670,000 star coins."

"Okay, let's go with this price." Lin Xing thought about it and felt that the price was reasonable because he had calculated it himself.

"Please provide me with the Star Coin Card." Lin Xing took out the trial reward card with 1 million Star Coins in it. If you go to the Armed Forces Administration Bureau to be certified as a Practitioner, you can receive the Practitioner bracelet, which is more convenient. .

Since he now has no shortage of training resources, Lin Xing walked out of Practitioner's house after the star coins arrived.

Then he took a bus and went to the Armed Forces Administration Bureau to get certified as a Practitioner. The reason why Lin Xing wanted to get certified as a Practitioner now was not only because Practitioners have many conveniences and benefits. He also planned to go to school to ask for leave from the teacher. The Practitioner certification is very convincing. .

After a while, the car stopped in front of a tall building with the three characters of Armed Forces Control Bureau written on it.

Entering the internal hall of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau, many people are doing business here, and there are also many people like Lin Xing who come to certify Practitioners.

Lin Xing quickly walked to the front desk and asked, "Excuse me, where can I register as a serious Practitioner?"

The lady at the front desk showed a professional smile (* ̄︶ ̄)

"Human and physical evidence can be registered here. Do you want to register?" The young lady said to Lin Xing gently.

"Yes, it's me."

"Please provide your resident card number and pay 10,000 star coins as the registration fee, but I would like to remind you that if the Practitioner certification does not pass, the 10,000 star coins will not be refunded." The young lady reminded Lin Xingdao.

"OK, I see."

After a while, the young lady completed the operation.

"You are No. 66. Someone will take you to the Practitioner certification area." The young lady said to Lin Xing.

"OK, thanks."

"It's okay, this is what we should do."

After a while, a staff member wearing work clothes led Lin Xing to the Practitioner certification area.


"Hello sir, please wait here and wait for the broadcast notification. When your serial number is called, you can go." The staff arranged for Lin Xing and left.

There are already many people around here waiting for Practitioner certification. In fact, when Lin Xing first came in, others had already noticed this young man.

They didn't care, they just regarded Lin Xing as a young man who came to try. After all, they didn't believe that a boy who looked like he was underage could get this certification.

If this kid gets the Practitioner certification, then they, all these rough guys in their 30s, will live like dogs for so many years.

As time passed, Practitioner certification finally began.

I saw three men and one woman wearing uniforms of the Armed Forces Administration entering the area. Looking at the impatient faces in front of them, they said in a stern voice, "The Practitioner assessment is about to begin. Please be prepared and line up in order." .”

Please line up quickly, and the stars have found their own spots.

In fact, Practitioner certification is very simple. The first level is the Spiritual Qi test, and the second level is the martial arts test.

"Let me tell you the rules first. After a while, five people will stand in the middle of the spirit detection formation in order of serial number. When a light shines, they are qualified. Those who pass will enter the second level."

"Start testing now."

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 3..."


"No. 66, No. 67..."

When Lin Xing heard his serial number, he walked forward on foot and stood in the middle of the spirit detection formation. The others looked a little surprised when they saw Lin Xing's young face.

Of course, I only thought that Lin Xing was here for fun, and at the same time, I was joking to see if Lin Xing could pass the first level. Many people were not optimistic about Lin Xing, and some thought that this kid could not even pass the first level.

Because even if some people break through to the Practitioner Realm, if their Spirit Power is not pure enough, it also means they are not qualified.

After Lin Xing and the other five stood in the middle of the spirit detection formation, Lin Xing felt a suction force coming from the formation as the formation started.

I saw haloes of light shining on the bodies of the five people, and Lin Xing's was the most dazzling.

"Huo..., this kid is awesome." Many people exclaimed after seeing the light circle lighting up around Lin Xing, and the three instructors from the Armed Forces Administration Bureau also showed some surprise.

They thought that Lin Xing was just here for a formality, but they were mistaken. He turned out to be a talented boy. In the small base city of Huaicheng, a Practitioner under 20 years old cannot be said to be rare. It's rare.

"No. 66 passed, No. 67 failed,..."


As the first level slowly ended, the success rate was actually less than 50%.

"The second level test will still be carried out according to the original serial number. If you fail, please return the same way and wait for the next assessment." Some people left dejectedly.

"In the second level of martial arts, the assessment content is to persist for five minutes under the examiner's hand. Even if you pass, you will also be allowed to enter five by five."

… “No. 16, No. 17—….”

Some people came out excited, and some came out dejected.


"No. 66..."

Lin Xing heard the instructor read his serial number and entered one of the five houses for the assessment.

Entering the room, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a Practitioner uniform standing in the middle of the martial arts arena. He looked surprised when he saw Lin Xing coming in. There was no way Lin Xing was too young.

Lin Xing walked to the fighting stage.

"Do you know the content of the assessment?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I understand, just hold on for five minutes."

"Well, just understand. Let's start when you're ready." The middle-aged man didn't let Lin Xing get angry just because he was young. Not only that, he also made Lin Xing feel the warm love from society.

"The competition begins."

Following the order, Lin Xing rushed towards the middle-aged man in one stride.

"It's so fast." The middle-aged man's pupils contracted, and he was very energetic. He didn't mean to look down on the young man in front of him at all.




""Rolling Stone Fist"" Lin Xing used Returned to Origin Realm's Rolling Stone Fist, hitting the middle-aged man like a giant boulder.

""Tiger Fist"" The middle-aged man did not dare to be too big, and also used his strongest moves to fight against Lin Xing.

"Bang——." Both sides took two steps back.

"Genius." The middle-aged man only felt a little numbness in his right arm.

The two of them rushed towards each other again, with swords and swords flashing like masters in the martial arts arena.

The situation in the fighting arena was also transmitted to the monitoring room through surveillance. Everyone in the monitoring room was also stunned by Lin Xing's fighting power.

"Time's up—" As the voices trailed off, Lin Xing and the middle-aged man stopped at the same time.

"Sure enough, a hero comes from a young man. You are very powerful, boy. I admire you." The middle-aged man laughed and said to Lin Xing.

"It's just a fluke." Lin Xing said with a smile.

"If you were lucky, how would you let others live?"

"Okay, go out. You have passed the assessment. Go to the lobby and wait for the results." The middle-aged man said to Lin Xing.


"There are 28 people who passed the Practitioner assessment this time, namely Wang Ming, Li Kui,...Lin Xing,..."

"If your name is called, please go to the front desk to receive your Practitioner bracelet." said an instructor from the Armed Forces Administration.

"Huo——, I didn't expect that boy to actually pass the Practitioner certification."


"Yes, yes, it feels like daddy has been living like a dog for these decades."

Lin Xing went to the front desk to receive the Practitioner bracelet.

When Lin Xing came out of the Armed Forces Administration, he was wearing a black bracelet on his left hand. This was the Practitioner bracelet, and his own information had also changed.

The Practitioner bracelet is like a smart brain. With the Practitioner bracelet, you no longer need to carry the Star Coin Card with you. You can make online transfers through the Practitioner bracelet, and you can also get the latest news on the Practitioner bracelet.

The goal I have been striving for for more than ten years has been achieved, and my parents' expectations for me have been fulfilled. I will become the pillar of support in this happy little family.

My parents are old, so I will support them and live happily in this damn age.

Lin Xing looked at the blue sky, and he had a bright future. He would stand at the pinnacle of Martial Dao, lift up the backbone of the human race, and let the human race stand on the top of all races.


I hope everyone will support me, thank you (≧▽≦).

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