Martial To Pieces

Chapter 29 College Entrance Examination—Martial Arts Examination [Martial Arts] New Rules

The next day was the same as yesterday. Lin Xing reluctantly got up amid his parents' urging over and over again.

No. 3 Middle School, Grade 3 Class 3.

The students are not like yesterday because there is no review for the martial arts exam.

"Dang-dang——, students, please be quiet. Now I have some news for you." Wang Ping, the head teacher, stood on the podium with a serious face.

When the students saw the class teacher standing on the podium with a serious face, they also locked their mouths and listened carefully to what the class teacher said.

"This year's martial arts test has been reformed, from the original virtual online battle to actual field battle." As soon as the head teacher Wang Ping finished speaking, the students were stunned.

"What's going on? Why is the martial arts exam reformed?"

"Actual combat in the wild? Isn't this going to die?"

"I asked why we would have a field trial this year. It turns out it's waiting for us here."


"Everyone be quiet." Wang Ping, the head teacher, patted the table hard to quiet the students and said seriously.

"I know that some students have not adapted to fighting in the wild, but we have to do this. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you might as well be a scientific researcher and dream of being a Practitioner. Practitioners will bleed but not shed tears."

"Finally, if you want to give up, come to me and sign up."

After the class teacher Wang Ping finished speaking, the students all fell silent instantly.

One minute later.

"Very good. It seems that you all want to take the martial arts test. Today is the day when the carp jumps over the Dragon Gate. You will be proud of your choice. Come on, the teacher believes in you."

The students were all ready to go. Lin Xing looked very cool in his B-class combat uniform. After getting on the bus, one bus after another drove to the outside of the Huaicheng base in an orderly manner.

Here, there is a small team of soldiers patrolling every 100 meters. The head teacher Wang Ping has just stated in the car that the test area for this trial is the newly discovered small secret realm.

This small secret realm has stabilized and is recognized by the military as a stable secret realm. The formation division has also established a Spatial Teleportation formation in the space crack. The main function of this formation is to transfer candidates to different places.

The college entrance examination is different from the last trial. The weapons and combat uniforms prepared for the college entrance examination are all prepared by individuals, but there are requirements that the weapons and combat uniforms cannot exceed B level.

If there is any violation, the qualification for the college entrance examination will be cancelled.

This martial arts test lasts for five days and is also based on points ranking.

Then, under the guidance of the soldiers, the students put on the college entrance examination-specific bracelets and stepped into the teleportation formation one by one. Whenever a student stepped into the teleportation formation, the yellow light of the teleportation formation flashed, and the student was teleported here. In a small secret realm.

When Lin Xing stepped into the teleportation formation, he felt his body levitate for a moment, as if he had lost gravity in the air, and finally slowly fell to the ground, accompanied by a brief tinnitus and deafness.

Lin Xing opened his eyes, surrounded by bushes and swamps, and there was a feeling of weakness beneath Lin Xing's feet.

Suddenly, there was a fishy smell coming from the side. Lin Xing jumped into the air and jumped onto a tree nearby. A swamp crocodile jumped to Lin Xing's original position.

Jumping down, Returned to Origin Realm's rolling stone fist exploded instantly, directly smashing the skull of the Rank One early stage swamp crocodile into pieces.

Currently, the Demonic Beasts below Rank Two will not bother to harvest the materials on them. Not only does it take up space, but it also does not make any money. For the Demonic Beasts below Rank Two, Lin Xing directly takes the Monster Core. By the way, I forgot to explain earlier, Demonic Beasts The Monster Core in the brain is the essence of Demonic Beasts. (Lin Xing: I'm drifting, I'm drifting...what?...)

Later, when Lin Xing encountered Demonic Beasts in the swamp, he killed them and took Monster Core, Spirit Medicine, etc. Everywhere he went, it was like locusts passing through.

The Monster Core and Spirit Medicine that Lin Xing obtained seemed to be placed in his backpack. In fact, the moment they were placed in the backpack, they were directly transferred to the space of Lin Xing's mind. For Lin Xing, these valuable Monster Cores like these And it is safest to put Spirit Medicine in your portable space.

Lin Xing knows deeply that as his Cultivation Base improves, the required cultivation resources will also increase exponentially.

After all, ordinary families really cannot cultivate a real Practitioner, because he requires too many cultivation resources, and ordinary families simply cannot support it.

For the Demonic Beasts who fought against Lin Xing in the swamp, they were basically killed by Lin Xing with his sword. The main reason is because with the improvement of Lin Xing's sword, his sword has now reached the peak of the Great Completion Realm.

This Realm has been unable to break through for a long time. It seems to be covered by a thin film. However, this thin film seems to be a macro groove that cannot be crossed, which makes Lin Xing puzzled. Every time he is about to break through this thin film, But I always feel that it lacks a little bit of charm.

Although this year's martial arts test is somewhat difficult, it is not a big opportunity for Lin Xing, and the unexplored secret realm is like a gold brick for Lin Xing, waiting for Lin Xing to dig it.

Due to Lin Xing's crazy killing in the swamp, he now encountered a big trouble.

A Rank Two late stage swamp crocodile, Lin Xing originally didn’t want to mess with it, but who asked it to guard a second rank Spirit Medicine - Blood Lotus flower, which is a good thing for nourishing blood and Qi, Lin Xing naturally refused to meet it. Let it go.

So Lin Xing used a little trick to lure the silly Demonic Beasts away, and finally succeeded in obtaining the blood Lotus flower, but then he was followed closely by the silly crocodile and refused to let go.

"Nn, I just want to get you a Lotus flower. Why are you so stingy and keep chasing me?" Lin Xing cursed as he ran.

When picking the Lotus flower in his hand, Lin Xing had already put it into his portable space.

Who would have thought that the crocodile's nose was so sensitive that it could smell Lin Xing's scent, then follow him closely and bite him.


Lin Xing noticed that there was an aura of Demonic Beasts in the southeast direction, which should be a Rank Two Demonic Beasts, so he suddenly had a new idea in his mind.

An emergency brake was applied, and then with a kick of both feet, Yun Yan Bu was instantly unleashed and ran towards the southeast.

And while running, he sprinkled the secret powder on himself. It was because of his mistake just now that he didn't sprinkle the secret powder on himself beforehand, so he was bitten by that stupid crocodile.

As the aura of the Demonic Beasts got closer and closer, Lin Xin saw a huge vine hovering on a dead old tree. If it weren't for Lin Xing's special Cultivation Technique and his eyesight that was beyond his peers. , it was impossible for him to discover that this vine was actually the famous Deadwood Python.

Apparently, the dead wood python should be resting. Closing his eyes tightly, Lin Xing compressed his breath to the lowest level.

Lin Xing quickly passed by the dead wood and used the sword in his hand to slap the dead wood python hard on the face. Although it was not very harmful to the dead wood python, it was extremely insulting.

The dead wood python opened its eyes in a daze. It felt that something hard had just given it a big mouth. When it woke up, it found a swamp crocodile looking at it with wide eyes.

The deadwood python was very angry. Damn it, this was too bullying of the snake.

At this time, the swamp crocodile that had just been chasing was also a little confused. He had just arrived here. Why was this python staring at him, as if he was very angry? This crocodile really couldn't figure it out.

The swamp crocodile didn't want to pay attention to this little snake, and was going to jump over the dead tree and quickly chase the little thief who stole the Lotus flower.

The deadwood python was very upset and gave me a big mouth. He still wanted to leave just like this. He really thought he was a fool.

The deadwood python flicked its tail and slapped the swamp crocodile. The crocodile was not thinking about anything earlier, but this tail slapped the swamp crocodile hard on the face, making the originally confused swamp crocodile even more confused.

The swamp crocodile thought, I just want to borrow your territory for a while. Is this what you think? The swamp crocodile opened its fangs towards the deadwood python not to be outdone.

Haha, when the deadwood python saw the swamp crocodile, it dared to backhanded him. It became even more angry and started fighting in a single area with the swamp crocodile.

However, Lin Xing, the instigator of this incident, was watching the drama from a tree not far away.

The two Demonic Beasts, Swamp Crocodile and Deadwood Python, are both second-level late stage Cultivation Bases.


With both sides injured, the swamp crocodile lay on the ground panting, while the dead wood python on the other side was lying on the ground, motionless and not sure if it was dead or not. Lin Xing walked on the clouds and flew toward the swamp crocodile and the dead wood python. Come.

“Thunder Saber Technique”

"Knife power"

First, he hit the swamp crocodile, which was only one step away from death. The crocodile's head flew away fiercely. The swamp crocodile's head rotated 360 degrees in the air, and then fell heavily to the quagmire.

The deadwood python that was lying motionless on the ground suddenly launched an attack on Lin Xing, opened its bloody mouth and bit at Lin Xing.

Lin Xing also didn't expect that the python would actually pretend to be dead. At this critical moment, Lin Xing swung the sword in his hand with a fierce momentum. The sword in his hand was even more powerful, as if he was going to destroy everything in front of him.

Although this feeling only lasted for a moment, at this moment Lin Xing's sword power was sublimated from its origin.

The sword power, which had been unable to break through for a long time, broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm at this moment.

The deadwood python's head was completely shattered by the sharp sword.

"Hoo ho... Damn it, what did it feel like just now? At that moment, I seemed to be able to crush the void." Lin Xing came back to his senses and began to think back to the feeling just now, the one that could destroy the starry sky. It feels like the powerful power is intoxicating.

"The power of the sword actually broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm. Alas, it would be great if I could have this feeling a few more times. Maybe I could realize my own sword intention." Lin Xing started his fantasy life again, that kind of life. I realized that some people are unlikely to be encountered once in a lifetime. Even if you want to come a few more times, you are not afraid that others will drown you in their saliva.

Finally, Lin Xing rested for a while, obtained his own trophy, and then unscrewed the tenderloin from the back of the swamp crocodile as today's food.



The rest of my life is long, please give me your advice.

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