Martial To Pieces

Chapter 30 The Small Moves Of The Beast God Cult

On the other side of this small secret realm, the orcs are using boundary-breaking beads to force their way into the small secret realm.

Not only that, not only the college entrance examination examination venue in Huaicheng Base City is targeted by the Beast God Sect, but many college entrance examination examination sites in the base city are also targeted by this group of beasts.

The reason why they do this is to complete the mission of the high priest of the Beast God Cult, to hunt down the future of the human race in Daxia, and to create a gap in the talent of Daxia, so that this country can be fundamentally destroyed.

However, the candidates in the college entrance examination center did not know these things. Similarly, the person in charge of the college entrance examination center also did not notice this group of orcs.

Obviously, if there were no internal agents of the Beast God Cult within the human race, it would be impossible for this group of orcs not to be discovered.

When this group of orcs entered the small secret realm in the Huaicheng base city, they began their plan.

"The mission assigned by the high priest is something we must complete no matter what." After entering the small secret realm, a tiger orc said.

"Little Huzi, what are you saying? Just these things that the high priest gave us and those stupid humans can't make any waves at all." An old goat next to him said.

Then the old goat took out a bead and threw it into the air. The bead emits a dazzling light in the air, and then emits an invisible magnetic field that covers the entire secret realm with the bead as the center.

In the command room, the signal was interfered with, and all the green dots representing students on the big screen suddenly disappeared.

"Didi dididi..."

Just when all the green dots disappeared, an alarm sounded in the command room.

"No, how could this happen? Why did the green dots representing the students disappear all of a sudden? Check it out quickly." Li Anguo, the chief examiner of the Huaicheng Base Book, was shocked when he heard the news. These students are all from Daxia. In the future, there can be no mistakes.

The bracelet worn by each candidate, as long as it is not lost, will display their location and mental state on the big screen in the control room. Each green dot represents a student, but now all the green dots disappear at the same time. It’s really confusing.

"Quickly, notify the Practitioner team, immediately enter the exam secret realm, conduct a blanket search, and at the same time, explain the situation here to the headquarters."

After Li Anguo arranged these things, he prepared to go to the secret realm to check the situation in person.

"Boom boom..."

While Li Anguo was still thinking, suddenly, the sound of bombing came from the entrance of the secret realm. Li Anguo had no time to think, so he flew out of the command room and quickly rushed to the entrance of the secret realm.

"What's going on?" Li Anguo casually pulled over a soldier and asked.

"Captain Li, they are orcs, a group of bastards from the Beast God Cult. They suddenly attacked the secret realm entrance. Our army Practitioner has already gone to support." The soldier who was pulled saw Li Anguo and immediately paid his respects. He said with a standard military salute.

"Damn, these bastards." Li Anguo cursed fiercely.

The purpose of this group of orcs to snatch the entrance to the secret realm is mainly to destroy the random teleportation formation, prevent the military Practitioner and the Armed Forces Administration from entering, and save this group of college entrance examination candidates.

And there was an orc who took out a world-sealing bead to form a natural barrier at the entrance of the secret realm. Even if the army Practitioner retakes the place, it cannot enter. The Low Level world-sealing bead requires a Rank Three Practitioner or above to break it. .

Li Anguo is now just a Rank Four peak Practitioner, but now he is intercepted by an orc who is also a Rank Four peak.

Likewise, the other Practitioners of the Army, as well as the Practitioners of the AAC, were all intercepted by the Orks.

"Damn it, Lao Li, when did these bastards become so smart?" Liu Yong, a bearded man next to him, said to Li Anguo.

"Old Liu, we have to get out as soon as possible, otherwise, the candidates inside may be in danger." Li Anguo said with a suspicious look.

"The bite of these orcs is too strong, and they can't escape at all." Liu Yong cursed next to him.

Before he finished his sentence, the orc who had just been knocked away immediately pounced on him again, like a weakling who couldn't be killed.

The Practitioner struggled to resist, and for a moment, there were flashes of swords and explosions.

Before coming here, Li Anguo had already sent out a distress signal. As long as he persisted to the death, he would be able to wait for the arrival of support personnel.

After all, the competition is in full swing outside, and the students in the secret realm know nothing about the outside situation. They are still sprinting for their own points and rankings, just to get a better ranking so that they can enter a better Wuhan University.

Lin Xing here is grilling the tenderloin of the swamp crocodile, giving off a burst of fragrance.

But Xiang Xiang, two students must have arrived. They were sneaking closer and planned to attack Lin Xing. Not only could they have a full meal, but they could also gain points. Wouldn't this be the best of both worlds?

Little did they know, Lin Xing had noticed the sneaky little moves of the two of them. They hid behind a big tree and turned to look at where Lin Xing was just now.

However, he discovered that Lin Xing was missing. Where the barbecue was just now, there was only a long piece of crocodile meat roasting over there, sizzling with oil.

"Hey...where is he? He was still here just now."

"Are you looking for me?" Lin Xing's voice came from behind the two of them.

"F*ck, you...when did you appear behind us?" The sudden voice frightened the two of them.

"Tch... With this little courage, you still want to sneak attack on me." Lin Xing said disdainfully.

"Yeah..." The two looked at each other and attacked Lin Xing at the same time.

“Bang bang…….”

Before they could react, the two of them were kicked out by Lin Xing, fell heavily against a tree, and passed out.

Lin Xing walked up to the two of them, connected their bracelets with his own bracelets, and directly obtained the points on their bracelets.

"Oh..., it's not bad. Not long after the start, the two of them actually provided me with 48 points. Not bad. I wish I could do a few more." Lin Xing looked at the points in his bracelet and felt happy.

"Damn, something's wrong, my meat is still roasting there." Suddenly, Lin Xing yelled, and ran directly to the barbecue place regardless of the two unconscious people on the ground.

"Huh..., luckily it wasn't burnt, otherwise there would be no food to eat today." Lin Xing quickly took off the barbecue and blew on it, then took out the seasonings from the portable space and sprinkled them one by one, creating a fragrant aroma. The taste directly impacted Lin Xing's taste buds.

The group of orcs were divided into three teams and began to hunt this group of candidates. They transported the captured candidates to a valley, and many students had already been brutally murdered.

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