Martial To Pieces

Chapter 31 Meeting The Orc - Killing

Lin Xing harvests Spirit Medicine and Demonic Beasts' crystal nuclei or valuable materials in the forest, not even letting go of grass. (Lin Xing: Nonsense, isn’t grass Spirit Medicine?)

Just after Lin Xing killed a Demonic Beasts, a voice came from the nearby bushes. Lin Xing quickly jumped to a surrounding tree and hid himself with the help of dense leaves.

I saw a girl running out of the forest, shouting for help while running. When she ran under the Linxing tree, she tripped over a branch.

However, laughter came from behind the girl.

"You run, why don't you run away, little girl, let's have some fun. Hahahaha." A pig's head actually came out over there.

Lin Xing took a closer look and saw that it was actually a pig-headed man. He didn't expect an orc to appear here. Lin Xing had seen orcs on TV before, but now he met a living orc. To be honest, he felt a little bit in his heart. Little excitement.

"You have thin skin and tender flesh, you must be delicious, hahaha." The pig-headed man looked at the girl, his saliva dripping on the ground.

Lin Xing saw that the pig-headed man only had Rank One middle stage Cultivation Base. He jumped down from the tree and struck at the pig-headed man with the sword in his hand.

However, the pig-headed man's reaction was very strong. When he encountered danger, his body suddenly retreated, but Lin Xing still left a bloody scar on his chest.

"Roar——, human bastard, how dare you sneak attack on me, the great pig-headed man, I will tear you to pieces and knock off your bones inch by inch..." Before the pig-headed man could finish his words, Lin Xing struck him with another knife. past.

"You..." Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Xing received another attack.

"You brat, can you wait for the great pig-headed man to finish speaking? Don't you know it's rude to interrupt the orc when he's talking?" After dodging the attacks one after another, the pig-headed man yelled at Lin Xing angrily. .

Lin Xing did not answer his question. What greeted the pig-headed man was just one sharp attack after another.

In the end, the pig-headed man's eyes were blinded by Lin Xing, and then he fell heavily to the ground, and a pig ended his life.

The girl who fell to the ground next to her looked at Lin Xing with eyes full of little stars.

"Wow... He's so awesome and handsome. He can't be my one and only." The girl who fell to the ground sat on the ground and began to dream about her future life.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you in a daze? What is going on?" Lin Xin waved his hands in front of the girl and said.

"Ah, oh, hello, my name is Wang Qianqian. I am 17 years old. I am 1.65 meters tall. My hobbies are: men. I don't have a boyfriend yet..." Lin Xing listened to Wang Qianqian's introduction, her head full of tears. black line.

"Let me ask you, what's going on with this orc?" Lin Xing emphasized the question again.

"I don't know. Our classmates and I were hunting a Demonic Beasts just now, and a group of beastmen suddenly appeared and took all my classmates away. I ran out under the cover of my classmates. If I hadn't met my brother, I would have What should I do, wuwuwu..." Wang Qianqian said as she walked towards Lin Xing crying.

Lin Xing hurriedly avoided.

"Oh, by the way, in which direction are the orcs who captured your classmates?" Lin Xing asked quickly.

"It's in that direction, little brother, you're not going to find those orcs, are you? Who will protect me if you leave? I'm so scared..." Wang Qianqian pointed in the direction and said delicately.

Lin Xing felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard the sound of the clamp, and he couldn't help but shiver.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)..., you should hide first. I'll go in that direction and have a look. You'll be in danger if you follow me." Lin Xing said to Wang Qianqian.

"Then...okay." Wang Qianqian backed down when she heard that Lin Xing was going there and that it was still dangerous. She originally wanted Lin Xing to stay and protect herself, but she didn't expect that she had such fair skin and appearance. Lin Xing was not tempted by her beautiful long legs.

Lin Xing didn't waste any words. After he finished speaking, he ran directly in the direction where the orcs came from, fearing that Wang Qianqian would follow him and pester him the next second.

Sure enough, women are the most terrifying creatures in the world.

They had just advanced not far when they heard the sound of weapons clashing and the sounds of help.


"Quick, come here and help. Kill him quickly."

"Help, help, someone help me, I'll give him money, my parents have a lot of money, woo woo woo..."

"Quack, quack, quack... Little Sister, don't be afraid. When your pig brother kills this bastard, I will have fun with you, heheheheahhaha——"

"Ah ah ah... so disgusting..."

Lin Xing heard the cry for help. He probably encountered an orc. He happened to be unable to find an orc, but he didn't expect that he would encounter one.

When Lin Xing came to the call for help, he saw a pig-headed man fighting one-on-one with a candidate of similar age to himself. There were clearly several companions behind the candidate, but they did not dare to step forward to help.

"Ah..., you guys, hurry up, I can't hold on for long." The candidate who was fighting the pig-headed man shouted.

"Yes, yes, that's right. Just hold on, I'll call someone..." The three candidates behind, two women and one man, ran away.

Lin Xing came from the side. The sword in his hand was as flexible as his own arm. The sword came out like a dragon and flew like a pig-headed man like a dragon or a snake.

The pig-headed man only felt a cold light flash from his eyes, a tearing pain from his body, and a pig's foot flew into the sky.

"Roar...ah..." The pig-headed man looked up to the sky and shouted in pain.

"" Jiang Li was stunned when he saw the pig-headed man's weapon-holding arm being chopped off.

"Hey, buddy, are you okay?" Lin Xing patted Jiang Li on the shoulder and said.

"'s okay, it's okay." Only then did Jiang Li come back to his senses.

At this time, Lin Xing walked up to the pig-headed man, put the knife on the pig-headed man's neck, and asked, "Now let me ask you an answer, if you tell a lie, you will see your head separated from your body. "

"Okay, okay, you ask, don't kill me, don't kill me." The pig-headed man felt the coldness of the knife on his neck, and the fat all over his body trembled.

"Why are you here, how many people are there, what is the purpose of coming here..."

"I...I said I would die. I don't want to betray the religion. Please let me go." The pig-headed man said hesitantly.

"If you don't tell me, you will die now." Lingxian pressed the knife in his hand lightly and pushed it forward, and a small blood mark appeared on the pig-headed man's neck.

"I said, I said, don't kill me." The pig-headed man thought, and he said it. If he didn't say it, he would probably die now. How could a young man be so cruel and ruthless? He felt scarier than Captain Tiger.

"We are here to complete the mission of the high priest." The pig-headed man said bit by bit.

"What mission?" Lin Xing asked quickly.

"Coming to hunt you candidates will not only save the future of your Great Xia Kingdom, but also sacrifice the flesh and blood of your geniuses to the Beast God." The pig-headed man felt the coldness on his neck and did not hide it at all.

"How many of you are there?"

"We have a total of four teams, each with five orcs."

"What kind of Cultivation Base are you among these orcs?" Lin Xing was most concerned about the Cultivation Base of this group of orcs.

"Captain Tiger's Cultivation Base is Rank Two peak, and there are four squad captains. They are all Rank One peak Cultivation Base. The others are similar to my Cultivation Base. Oh, by the way, I remember there is an old goat, I don't know. What kind of Cultivation Base is he?" In order to save his pig's life, the pig-headed man told everything he knew.

After Lin Xing heard this, he thought for a moment and a plan came to his mind.


(≧▽≦)Ah ha...

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