Martial To Pieces

Chapter 32: Coercing The Pig-Headed Man, Thirty-Six Strategies - Prescribing Drugs

"Open your mouth."

"Ah..." The pig-headed man was a little confused. Why would this human make such a request? Does he have a special hobby? The pig-headed man began to tremble when he thought of this.

Lin Xing found the black fruit out of nowhere and threw it into the pig-headed man's mouth.

"This is poison. Only I have the antidote. If you want to survive, just be obedient."

The pig-headed man's throat relaxed and he swallowed the black fruit. He only felt a bitter feeling in his throat. The feeling was the same as Xiang's. The bitter feeling made his stomach churn.

The pig-headed man felt that he had not read the almanac when he went out today. How could he meet such a cruel human being who was even more perverted than him?

"Of course, you can also run away. As long as there is no antidote in my hand, within an hour, you will bleed from all your orifices, your internal organs will slowly rot, and one after another will emerge from the black medicine. Maggots translate in your stomach and eat your internal organs. Slowly, your entire body will become rotten and you will live in pain all day long. Moreover, this pain can last for a whole week, making you worse than dead. ........." Lin Xing said viciously.

"No... don't, I don't want to die, I am obedient, I must be obedient..." After listening to Lin Xin's description, the pig-headed man's scalp went numb instantly, and in that moment he felt a surge in his stomach, as if there were really bugs.

"Now you pretend to have captured me and take me to find the surrounding team."

"No... no, this is betrayal. If the high priest finds out, I will definitely die." The pig-headed man quickly refused.

"If you don't want to go, you can die now." Lin Xing coldly threatened.

"This...this...I...I'll take you there." In the end, the pig-headed man chose the former between his life and his teammates.

"Well, that's right. As long as you obey me, not only will you not die, but no one will know about everything you do." Lin Xing nodded secretly and said something to reassure the pig-headed man.

Lin Xing turned his head, looked at Jiang Li and said, "If you follow the original direction, you will most likely be able to avoid being hunted by the orcs. At the same time, you can also hide and wait for rescue."

"Well, can I go with you? I won't hold you back." At this time, Jiang Li suddenly spoke to Lin Xing.

Lin Xing didn't expect that someone would join him in searching for the orcs. His courage was commendable.

At the same time, he looked at Jiang Li's Cultivation Base, Rank One Practitioner early stage. It should have just broken through not long ago, and it was okay. Lin Xing nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the two of them made a plan together with the pig-headed man and started taking action.

The pig-headed man walked swaggering in front, holding a vine that he found somewhere in a nook and cranny. Lin Xing and He Jiangli were tied behind him, but it was unclear whether the vine was strong or not.

"Oh~, hahaha, eat, eat, eat, come and eat, brother."

It didn't take long to find a team of orcs. Looking at the smoke, they seemed to be cooking food.

When the pig-headed man saw that he belonged to the own team, he originally wanted to force Lin Xing to hand over the antidote, but Lin Xing's words stopped him.

"Don't think about letting your teammates force me to hand over the antidote. I hid the antidote in a place that only I know. If I die, you will die too." Lin Xing saw the pig-headed man's eyes wandering, Knowing what the pig-headed man was thinking, he threatened coldly.

Lin Xing took out another packet of seasoning from his pocket, added some seasoning to it, pulled his hand out of the vine, and handed it to the pig-headed man.

"Aren't they cooking food? You put this seasoning in the food and have a good sleep."

"Okay...Okay." The pig-headed man thought, why is this human being so dark-hearted? He took the packet of seasonings with trembling hands and nodded in agreement.

As the smoke from the chimney got closer, the pig-headed man took Lin Xing and the two of them and walked directly over.

The orc who was still on guard, that was the pig-headed man, put down his weapon and said hello.

"Lao Zhu, that's good. I actually caught two humans."

"It's okay, it's okay." The pig-headed man said casually. In fact, he was thinking, why did I catch two people? It was obviously the two of them who caught me.

Similarly, Lin Xing was also on the other side and saw other candidates who were tied up and passed out on the ground. There were 13 people in total, seven boys and six girls. Some of them were awake, with panic on their faces.

"Hey~, isn't this Brother Niu?" The pig-headed man led Lin Xing and Jiang Li to the side of the tauren who was grilling food.

"Hehe (*^▽^*), Lao Zhu, you came back at the right time, the roast is almost ready." The tauren laughed.

"Here you go, this is good stuff." The pig-headed man handed the condiment in his hand to the tauren and said.

"Oh... let me take a look." The tauren took it in his hand, opened it and smelled it.

"Ah's a bit pungent."

"If you say you are stupid, then you are stupid. If you sprinkle it on the barbecue, it will taste delicious." The pig-headed man said to the tauren, as if he had experienced it before.

"Really, let me try." The fun of the tauren is to make delicious food.

The tauren sprinkled the seasoning on the barbecue bit by bit. In an instant, a tangy aroma directly entered the brain from the nose, and he was temporarily lost in concentration.

"It's so fragrant, Lao Zhu, I still have it for you. Where did you get this seasoning? It's so powerful." The tauren said in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"Tch~, it took me a lot of effort to plunder this from those human bastards. When I got this thing, the first thing I thought of was you." The pig-headed man continued to talk nonsense, although he couldn't defeat this person. "Conspiracy" owns that human being, but he is addicted to talking about it. Hehe, he is as smart as Lao Zhu here.

"Hehe, you are indeed a good brother." The tauren grinned.

The pig-headed man sneered in his heart.

"Huo~, it smells so good, Lao Niu, your cooking skills have improved." The orcs standing guard nearby gathered around when they smelled the fragrance.

"Hehe, it's gone up slightly, thanks to Lao Zhu who gave me a packet of seasonings."

"After passing the exam, eat, eat, eat. Only when you are full can you have the strength to catch humans."

"Then we're not welcome." Several orcs took the barbecue directly from the fire and ate it with their hands, making their mouths full of oil.

"Awesome, it tastes so damn delicious." Several orcs couldn't stop eating it.

"You guys eat first, I'll go take a look around." The pig-headed man looked at their mouths full of oil and swallowed secretly, but he knew that those things couldn't be eaten.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you first, Lao Zhu. Our mission has been completed, and I'll treat you to a big dinner." Several orcs said casually, there were people standing guard for them, and they didn't snatch their own barbecue to eat, so why not No, as for having a big meal, just think about it.

"Alas~." The pig-headed man looked at their indifferent expressions and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Later, the pig-headed man led Lin Xing and the two of them to hide in the surrounding woods.

As time passed, the four orcs, after eating and drinking, lay down on the ground to take a nap and slowly fell asleep. Maybe they didn't know that this meal was their decapitation meal.

It looked like it was almost time, and the orcs were all falling asleep one by one.

Lin Xing made a gesture, and the two of them walked out of the forest at the same time and rushed towards the four orcs lying on the ground sleeping soundly.

Perhaps the four orcs did not expect that they had ended their own lives while they were sleeping.

The pig-headed man was watching all this from behind a big tree not far away, watching own's companions being killed one by one by humans. Own felt very calm in his heart. There was nothing I could do, and I didn't want to be calm, but that human had my handle. , What a bully to a pig.

The tied candidates were first surprised and then ecstatic when they saw Lin Xing and Jiang Li's operations. They were happy that they were saved and did not have to die.

Then Lin Xing and Jiang Li quickly cleaned the battlefield and hid the bodies of the orcs. Lin Xing also searched for a lot of Demonic Beasts' crystal cores from these orcs, and took advantage of Jiang Li's lack of attention. When the time comes, quietly put it into your own portable space.

And rescued those 13 people, but four people were still in a coma. It must be that the orcs were too cruel, and these people have not yet recovered.

"You guys are so awesome."

", I won't thank you enough for your kindness. I will definitely treat you to a big meal after I go out."

"Let's leave quickly. What if we encounter an orc later?"

"Yes, yes, there is a pig-headed man. He must have gone to poop. He will be over after he recovers."

"You go first. You two can take care of each other when we are together. The two of us will give you a break." Lin Xing looked at the frightened people in front of him and said righteously.

"Okay, brothers, please pay attention to your safety." One of the tall boys waved his hand, thanked Lin Xing and the others, and led the people behind him to leave quickly.

Although these people were a little confused and didn't know why these orcs were sleeping so dead, they didn't ask because time was urgent.

After seeing these humans leaving, the pig-headed man ran over from behind the big tree in the distance.

"Hey, what about that antidote? I have already led you to find the orc team." The pig-headed man chuckled and said to Lin Xing.

"Don't worry, I do what I say, but we still have two pairs of orcs that we haven't found yet." Lin Xing grinned.

"What... what, I'm still looking for it." The pig-headed man was a little confused, why was it a little different from what he thought.

"Yes, what's the problem? Don't you want to live?" Lin Xing said pretending to be questioning.

"Hey..., no... no problem."

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can ask him. This guy is easy to talk to." Lin Xing raised his hand, patted the pig-headed man on the shoulder, and said with a harmonious expression.

"Fuck, Harmony? Easy to talk to? Damn it, look at your treacherous face, I know you are not a good person." The pig-headed man cursed secretly in his heart.

Lin Xing laughed in his heart when he saw the gloomy look on the pig-headed man's face. He was so happy.


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