Martial To Pieces

Chapter 39 Crazy “People”

Imperial Capital Wu Family.

"What's going on? How can I be fourth? Who is third, Lin Xing? From a small base city, I will definitely beat you." Wu Tian, ​​who was checking the rankings, saw the own ranking and then looked at himself He knows the one in front and the first two.

Long Xiao, the pervert, and Shangguan Xue were not as good as him, but a guy from a small base market was above him, so he was a little unconvinced.

Other Wuhan universities immediately sent admissions teachers there after receiving this ranking.

Not only that, some Apex Level universities, such as Imperial Martial Arts University, Magic Capital Martial Arts University, and some Apex Level universities have already started taking action.

What Lin Xing didn't know was that he had been targeted by the admissions teacher of Wuhan University and was rushing to the Huaicheng base city non-stop.

Afterwards, everyone took the school bus, left this secret realm, and returned to the base city.

Now, there is cheering in the base city. Just above the TV tower in the center of the base city, the excellent results achieved by the Huaicheng base city this year are being broadcast.

This year, two students from Huaicheng Base City entered the top 100 in the country, especially one of them who ranked third in the country.

When the principal of No. 3 Middle School heard the news, the smile on his happy face never stopped. He picked up his mobile phone and contacted his old friends, showing off.

Lin Xing's parents were shocked when they heard the news and couldn't believe it. It wasn't until the principal called personally that Lin Xing's father and mother Lin believed that their son had really become a talent.

Moreover, the director of the factory where Lin's father and Lin's mother worked came to express his condolences in person, and gave Lin's father and Lin's mother a few days off so that they could have a good rest at home.

Sure enough, one person has achieved enlightenment, and the whole family has enjoyed the blessings. Even Lin Xing's community has benefited a lot. People in their community hold their heads high when they go out, wishing they had a base in their community. The fact that he is the number one pick in the city, or even the third most talented person in the country, is something that should be put on his face so that others can see it.

"Quick, quick, quick, which bus is the number one scholar Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi on? Don't squeeze me..." Before the bus picking up candidates for the college entrance examination stopped outside the school, it was stopped by a group of reporters with cameras. They gathered around.

"That's awesome, Old Lin. They are all here to interview you. You are going to be famous." Through the window, Chu Nan saw crazy reporters outside the bus excitedly patting Lin Xing on the shoulder.

"They are too crazy. Sure enough, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. It's not true at all. My predecessors have never deceived me." Lin Xing looked at the excited reporters outside and felt that they were scarier than the Demonic Beasts outside.

"Fatty, we are good brothers, please cover me later." Lin Xing looked at the crazy reporters outside. He suddenly thought of a way, walked to Chu Nan and put his arm around his shoulders.

"What...what's wrong, Old Lin, I have a bottom line." Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing in horror.

"Pa..., what are you thinking about? After you get off the car, you can run directly towards home. Think of it as helping me, brother." Lin Xing slapped Chu Nan on the head.

"Oh..., in this case, no problem. I have never been chased by a large group of reporters in my whole life. Today is just the time to experience it." When Chu Nan heard about this situation, he immediately rubbed his hands excitedly.

"As expected of my brother, then, put this coat on your body, wait a minute, and run as soon as you get off the car. You will definitely experience the feeling of being chased by a large group of reporters." Lin Xing patted Chu Nan on the shoulder. He looked like a teachable child.

"Don't worry, Old Lin. I promise to complete the mission." Chu Nan solemnly took the coat and said seriously.

The bus stopped steadily at the gate of No. 3 Middle School. Because the reporters didn't know which bus Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi were on, they were all anxious.

The group of reporters shouted loudly, "Where is Lin Xing and where is Liu Yiyi?"

Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi were all in the bus in the middle, following the original plan.

After Chu Nan got out of the car, he put on the black coat and ran towards home.

Lin Xing smiled when he saw Chu Nan running, and shouted loudly, "Isn't that Lin Xing? Lin Xing ran in that direction."

A large number of reporters heard this shout and ran over in a hurry. Looking at Chu Nan's running figure, they subconsciously thought that this was Lin Xing and hurriedly chased after him.

Chu Nan, who was running, was like a diligent little bee. When he looked back, he was shocked, "Damn, why are there so many people? Oh my god... I'm being chased by a large group of reporters. I'm so happy..." Right behind Chu Nan. , followed closely by a large number of reporters, and shouted loudly, "Classmate, classmate, please stop for a moment, we just want to ask you a few questions..."

When Chu Nan heard this voice, not only did he not stop, but he accelerated his pace. In the alley ahead, he successfully got rid of the reporter in a twist and turn.

"Huh huh huh..." Chu Nan was panting at a corner, looking out of breath, just like you being chased by a dog ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ ).

As for Lin Xing here, he took the opportunity to walk home slowly from another road. In sharp contrast to Chu Nan who was running, he was very leisurely.

Walking into an old community, you are greeted by a group of uncles and aunts.

"Oh..., the top pick is back, Xiao Lin, you are so proud of our community. Do you still remember me? I hugged you when you were a child. In the blink of an eye, you became the top pick." Standing aside Aunt Wang took Lin Xing's hand and said.

"Xiao Lin, do you still remember me? I am Aunt Liu in your family."

"Xiao Lin, I see you are already old enough. Do you want to find a girlfriend? How about I introduce you to a few? My granddaughter, she is a shy flower in the moonlight. She is a perfect match for you. I want to think about it. ." Aunt Qian on the side grabbed Lin Xing's hand and said to Lin Xing.

"As for your granddaughter, she's probably only 13. My granddaughter is pretty and she's 19 this year..." Aunt Li on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"What did you say? What's the matter with 13? Let's cultivate feelings first."

The two aunts refused to obey the other, and they kept talking to each other. Lin Xing took advantage of the two aunts to talk, slowly passed through the small crowd next to them, and then ran away.

He ran up to the eighth floor in one breath, opened the door, slammed it shut, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so amazing. This group of aunts is also amazing."

"Brother, you are back, you are so awesome." Ye Hai heard the sound of the door closing and hurriedly came out of the bedroom. Seeing that it was his brother who was back, he ran over excitedly.

"That's right, can't I set an example for you? You will also take the college entrance examination next year. By then, you will also come back with the top score." Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai and said softly.

"Don't worry, bro. By the way, bro, which university do you want to go to?"

"If nothing else goes wrong, I should choose Wuhan University in Shanghai." Lin Xing told Ye Hai about his target school.

"Wow... my goal is also this school. That's great. Brother, you go and check out the news first. Then I will also go to this school." When Ye Hai heard this, the university that Lin Xing wanted to go to was actually the same as what he wanted. The goals are exactly the same, he said happily to Lin Xing.

"Haha, no problem, let me pave the way for you Dage first."

"Hehe (*^▽^*)." Ye Hai chuckled.

"By the way, brother, I found a problem, that is, the jade pendant I am wearing seems to speed up my cultivation, and there is also a mental method in my mind." Ye Hai said his question.

"Huh? Is it just the jade pendant you are wearing?"

"Yes, the cultivation speed can be doubled now, and I feel that the cultivation speed can be increased, and I feel that the inner method is of a very high level, called "Universe Star Technique"." Ye Hai told him that he knew He told Lin Xing everything about the situation, because he felt that in this world, apart from his deceased grandfather, Lin Xing was his closest relative in the world.

"Xiao Hai, don't tell anyone about this situation. Just know it yourself. Not even my parents can tell you, otherwise it may cause trouble for you." Lin Xing said to Ye Hai seriously.

"Yeah, I understand."

"This jade pendant may also be a certificate for you to find your relatives. Maybe you can use this jade pendant to find your relatives in your lifetime." Lin Xing also learned about Ye Hai's story during the conversation with Grandpa Ye. The situation was that my grandfather had no children, so he still picked it up. When he picked it up, there was a jade pendant with only one word "night" on it, so he named it Yehai.

"Even if I find them, I won't recognize them. If it weren't for grandpa and Brother Lin, I would probably be dead. Besides, this is my home." Ye Hai heard Lin Xing's words and said Said from the heart.

"Yes, the children are our family, haha." Lin Xing knelt down and pulled Gua Xiaohai's nose with his hand, and said softly.

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