Martial To Pieces

Chapter 40 Selling Materials, Night Poster Named Senluo Martial Arts School

"Crack..., oh, I'm so exhausted."

The door was opened, and Father Lin and Mother Lin carried the fruits, vegetables and meat they bought and put everything into the kitchen sweating profusely.

"Xiaoxing, you are indeed my son, follow me." Father Lin recalled the envy of his neighbors during the grocery shopping process, and a sense of pride burst out from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, it doesn't matter who gave birth to her." Mother Lin answered from the side, but her tone was full of pride.

"By the way, Xiaoxing, which university do you want to go to? Your dad and I support you in whichever university you want to go to." Mother Lin put the washed fruits on the table and said to Lin Xing.

"If nothing else goes wrong, I should go to the Magic City Wuhan University." Lin Xing took an apple and handed it to Ye Hai. He only took a pear, wiped the water stains on it, and took a bite.

"Okay, that Wuhan University, I heard others say it is very good."

"Yes, just have your own opinion. You should ask your teacher more when the time comes." Father Lin added next to him.

"When you and Xiaohai get married, your dad and I can help you and Xiaohai raise their children. Then we will truly enjoy the blessings." Mother Lin said, looking at Lin Xing and Ye Hai, Eyes full of smiles.

Although Father Lin next to him didn't say anything, his eyes full of surprise told everything.

Hearing this, Ye Hai lowered his head in embarrassment, and Lin Xing was also speechless. His mother was not serious again.

After eating, Father Lin said he was going for a walk. "Well, I'll go out for a walk first. Lao Li asked me to play chess." After finishing speaking, Father Lin put his hands behind his back.

"Your dad, you're not going to play chess, you're going to show off. By the way, when you two finish eating, just put the bowls there. I'll go talk to your Aunt Liu." Mother Lin also put down the apron in her hand and went out to look for it. Her old friend.

Behind the seemingly prosperous scene, there is actually also pain. Just like after today's college entrance examination, some families were happy and some were sad. Some families received not the admission notice from Wuhan University, but the one issued by the Armed Forces Administration in person. Death notice.

Due to the attacks of orcs, some candidates left this world at this age, leaving only pain to their families.

Lin Xing took a hot bath, washed away his fatigue, and felt relaxed.

Lying in bed, using the bright moonlight, thinking about the future and recent plans.

the next morning.

"Yeah, yeah..., it feels good." I don't know if it was because he was too tired from the college entrance examination, but Lin Xing didn't wake up until after seven o'clock. This is when he slept until he woke up naturally. This kind of life is really too corrupt, but also It's so cool.

Eating the breakfast left by his parents, Ye Haiquan came back sweating profusely. It looked like he was going to do morning exercises again.

"Brother, you're up. When I got up in the morning, I saw you sleeping soundly, so I didn't call you." Xiaohai entered the bathroom to wash his face, and the voice of talking came from the bathroom.

"Have you encountered any difficulties in cultivation recently?" Lin Xing also had enough to eat and drink. Looking at Ye Hai who worked hard every day, he felt that he had slacked off a little.

"It hasn't been reflected yet. By the way, brother, there is a large group of reporters at the door, all here to interview you. If you go out, be careful. If the security guard at the door hadn't stopped you from entering, I guess they would have rushed in. ." Ye Hai suddenly thought of what he saw when he came in from the door, and quickly told Lin Xing.

"Huo..., these reporters are so awesome. They were able to find the door of my community. Fortunately, the man at the door of the community is dedicated."

But Lin Xing thought about it and decided to go out. Today Lin Xing is going to the Practitioner store to sell all the Demonic Beasts crystal cores he obtained in the small secret realm. Of course, if Spirit Medicine hadn't been swallowed by him If so, it could probably be sold for a lot of money.

Suddenly Lin Xing thought that if he went to college, Xiaohai would have no one to guide him in his practice. Thinking of this, Lin Xing decided to sign up for a martial arts gym for his own Little Brother.

"Xiao Hai, let me enroll you in a martial arts gym. After I go to college, no one will know about your practice. Besides, the method of my practice is my own. If you train systematically, your strength will definitely increase rapidly. It’s growing.” Lin Xing called Ye Hai over and said.

"No, no need, brother." Ye Hai waved his hand quickly.

"Don't worry, your brother has gained a lot of training resources in the secret realm this time. Besides, you are my Little Brother and a member of our family. Okay, this matter has been decided." Lin Xing knew what Ye Hai was worried about, and said with a serious look, leaving no room for doubt.

"elder brother……."

"Don't cry, man, this family needs the two of us to support it." Lin Xing smiled and said to Ye Hai.

"Yeah," Ye Hai nodded heavily.

When Ye Hai first came to this home, there was actually a small gap, but after living in this home for a period of time, Ye Hai truly integrated into this big family.

Because he felt the care of his brother and the love of his father and mother from this small family. This was something he longed for but was out of reach. He secretly swore that he would protect this family and kill all the bad guys who destroyed it. .

Lin Xing and Ye Hai went out from the back door of the community together and went to the Practitioner store to sell Demonic Beasts materials and crystal cores. After selling, they went directly to Senluo Martial Arts Hall.

On the way, Ye Hai had already chosen the martial arts gym he wanted to go to. Senluo Martial Arts School is also one of the three major martial arts schools in Daxia. Its main advantages are that there are more strong people, and the Cultivation of Senluo Martial Arts School is There are also many types of Technique Martial Skills.

As expected, due to Brother Lin's leadership, Ye Hai was also taken seriously. After Ye Hai's Talent test, Ye Hai was given the title of High Level student.

You know, in the Senluo Martial Arts School in the Huaicheng Base City, there are only a few High Level students, including Ye Hai, there are only four in total.

Of course, part of the reason is that you have to pay a certain fee to enter the martial arts gym. It only takes one year. In the future, as long as you show enough talent, you will get strong support from the martial arts gym.

In the beginning, Lin Xing did not choose a martial arts school because he did not have enough star coins to pay for a year. But now that he has money, he must let his own Little Brother get the best resources. After all the hardships he has endured, , let own Little Brother eat it again.

Since the school had a few days off, after finishing his work, Lin Xing and Ye Hai trained together in the community.

Moreover, Chu Nan also called me in the evening. The content of the call was that those reporters were too crazy. If he wasn't too smart and witty, he might be caught.

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