Martial To Pieces

Chapter 41 Interspatial Ring, Mysterious Blood Beads

In the evening, Lin Xing took out the old goat's Interspatial Ring, while Ye Hai chatted with his parents in the living room and watched TV.

Due to the death of the old goat, the spiritual imprint on the Interspatial Ring has disappeared.

For ordinary people, the existence of the Interspatial Ring is simply unimaginable, but it is right. Even if an ordinary person obtains the Interspatial Ring, he will not be able to open it because he does not have a Cultivation Base, let alone use it. own Mental Energy.

Some Practitioners' Mental Energy is inherently weaker, so it is more difficult to use Interspatial Ring, but for Lin Xing, this is not a problem.

Although he narrowly escaped death in the battle with the old goat, he also benefited a lot after the battle. The most obvious one is his own Cultivation Base. He has reached the peak Realm of Rank One and almost broke through to Rank Two Practitioner. He has not yet entered Wuhan University. It is about to reach the Rank Two Practitioner Realm. It can be said that it is a genius among geniuses.

Not only that, Lin Xing's sword power also transformed during the battle, and actually reached the Returned to Origin sword power. Being able to reach the Returned to Origin sword power at this age is simply rare.

Moreover, Lin Xing’s Mental Energy is far superior to his peers. According to his own feeling, Mental Energy can reach the Rank Two level. He doesn’t know which level it is at. Since the base city of Huaicheng is relatively backward, there is no internal tool for testing Mental Energy. As well as formation, even if it exists, it is currently not within the reach of Lin Xing.

Lin Xing concentrated on Mental Energy, slowly transformed the virtual Mental Energy, and invaded the Interspatial Ring bit by bit.

A few minutes later.

"Huh..., this is too difficult. I failed. It was just a little bit close. No, try again." It failed the first time, but it's normal. Usually the first time is more difficult, and then it's very difficult. Relaxed.

Thinking of this, Lin Xing once again focused on Mental Energy and prepared to enter for the second time.

It failed again for the second time. After a short rest, Lin Xing decided to try again. Due to the previous two failures, his mind was already a little heavy. It should be the reason for the consumption of Mental Energy. If he could not succeed this time, he could only try again. Wait until tomorrow.

Concentrate Mental Energy and enter slowly.

"Huh..., great, I finally got in, it was successful." Lin Xing felt that a layer of membrane on the Interspatial Ring was pierced by himself, and his career suddenly became bright, and Mental Energy entered the Interspatial Ring.

"Huo..., this old goat's family is very rich, hahaha, but it's all at an advantage to me."

"Hey, this Interspatial Ring actually has five cubic meters. According to the current market price, it must be more than 50 million star coins." Not only that, Lin Xing also saw many Spirit Medicines in the Interspatial Ring, many of which existed second rank Spirit Medicine.

"Hey..., what is this?" Lin Xing found an unknown object from the Interspatial Ring. It was a blood-colored bead. There seemed to be some kind of liquid inside. It looked like blood, but it was thicker than blood.

Lin Xing took out the blood bead from the Interspatial Ring and played with it in his hand, thinking about what it was.

He also rummaged through the Interspatial Ring to see if there was any information about this blood bead. Unexpectedly, Lin Xingfan found it and got the information about this blood bead from a hidden animal skin.

I learned the information about this blood bead from the animal skin. Generally speaking, this blood bead is also a thing that increases the Cultivation Base. It is comparable to Spirit Medicine, but the collection process is a bit cruel and bloodthirsty.

It is necessary to use snow crystals to make a bead, and then use a special extraction method on the animal skin to extract the Blood Essence from the human body or Demonic Beasts, and store it inside the bead.

And by using special spiritual fluid and repeated bubble absorption, a real blood bead can be obtained.

The blood bead Lin Xin obtained had three golden lines on it, but the third line was lighter. According to the record on the animal skin, this was a quasi-third rank blood bead.

It is estimated that in order to obtain this blood bead, the old goat went through a lot of hard work, and it is estimated that it will take at least three years to obtain such a blood bead.

It is estimated that the old goat himself did not think that the fruits he had gained over the years would end up being advantageous to others.

Lin Xing was overjoyed when he saw this. Originally, the breakthrough of his own Cultivation Base was a little frivolous. Now with this blood bead, not only can his own Cultivation Base be consolidated, but also his own physical strength can be improved.

Not only that, blood beads also have one of the most important effects, which is to increase Mental Energy.

You must know that there are no medicines that increase Mental Energy in the entire market. Even if someone discovers some Spirit Medicine in the wild that can increase Mental Energy, it is priceless and will not flow to the bottom at all. It has been monopolized by the upper class.

But now, Lin Xing has actually obtained something that can continuously increase Mental Energy. If this matter is known to the outside world, it is estimated that the whole world will make waves. Before long, the whole world will be filled with blood everywhere. Use Blood Essence to Refining blood beads to improve your own Mental Energy.

Lin Xing also understands this truth, just like the Cultivation Technique he obtained in the Stone Knife.

Develop secretly and then surprise everyone, this is what Lin Xing thinks of.

The current society has always valued strength. Only if you are strong enough can you protect the people you want to protect.

Even if one day Lin Xing's secrets are exposed, as long as he is strong enough, all conspiracies and tricks will be in vain. After all, only the strong will have a chance to survive.

Lin Xing sat in Lotus Position, followed the method on the animal skin, put the blood beads in his palm, and used Mental Energy to draw them to absorb the essence inside.

"Uh-huh...ah..." Lin Xing almost couldn't help shouting.

As the blood beads were absorbed little by little, a numbing sensation spread throughout the body.

Not only the physical feeling, but what's even more amazing is that even my own Mental Energy has increased a lot. This feeling is like a direct hit to my soul. This feeling is simply more comfortable than a spring night.

"Huh..., it feels so good." Lin Xing reluctantly stopped until his body reached saturation, exhaled a breath of turbid air, stretched, and the bones in his body crackled.

"Damn it, why is my dick so energetic?" Lin Xing lowered his head and saw that his dick was holding up to the sky, and it seemed to be bigger than usual, and his lower abdomen felt hot.

"Could it be that blood beads also have the effect of nourishing the kidneys?" Lin Xing felt that his dick was swollen and he was a little nervous.

He quickly took off his clothes and rushed to the bathroom, preparing to take a cold bath for himself to cool down his own dick.

With the continuous impact of cold water, Lin Xing calmed down the heat in his lower abdomen, and his second child slowly lowered his head, no longer the same as before.

While taking a shower and sleeping, Lin Xing looked at his eight-pack abs and was very satisfied with his figure.

"Hey... If I post a photo of my figure, I can probably charm a lot of little sisters, quack..." You looked at yourself in the mirror and said narcissistically.

There was no words for the whole night, but after absorbing the blood bead, Lin Xing felt that he had endless energy, and he did not fall asleep slowly until the early morning...

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