Martial To Pieces

Chapter 44 Top Wuhan University

"Students, I am very happy to be able to stand here and talk with you. It is another graduation season. I have sent away batch after batch of students. This year's college entrance examination has come to an end, but your progress has not been stopped because of this. The earth does not move, there is a better scenery ahead..." Xu Youwei, the teaching director, boasted on the stage.

Because the old principal was not as strong as before due to some physical discomfort, the graduation ceremony in recent years has been held by the dean.

Xu Youwei, the teaching director, spoke continuously for an hour without stopping. If someone next to him hadn't reminded him, he probably could have continued for another hour. It was not until the end that he reluctantly put down the microphone in his hand.

The host next to him said, "I think the students must know who the top pick of our No. 3 Middle School this year is. He is not only the top pick of our Huaicheng base city, but also achieved the third place in the country."

The students below saw that Dean Xu Youwei’s speech had stopped, and heard the host talking about the influential figures after the college entrance examination.

"I know, Class 3 Lin Xing."

Everyone shouted, they felt very proud to be in the same school as Lin Xing, some were envious, some were jealous, some were laughing at...

Anyway, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

"Then we applaud and invite the student representative, Lin Xinglin, to come on stage and give a speech." The two hosts said loudly at the same time.

"Pa bang bang..." There were bursts of applause from below, especially Class 3, Grade 3, which was the loudest.

Lin Xing slowly walked up to the stage from below and faced everyone with a smile.

"Wow..., I feel like he's so manly, I like him so much..."

"Classmate Lin, can I be your girlfriend..." At this time, a voice came from the crowd.

After Lin Xing heard this, he staggered and almost fell down.

Then he walked to the podium as if nothing was wrong, and the host picked up the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I am Lin Xing and I am also a student in Class 3, Grade 3. I am honored to be able to stand here and speak as a student representative."

"I would like to ask you a few questions here. What is your purpose of becoming a Practitioner?" Lin Xing picked up the microphone and asked the students below.

"Become strong and protect your family." A classmate below shouted loudly.

"Yes, that's okay." Lin Xing nodded, and then continued.

"Become a Practitioner, protect our relatives, and protect our home. A family is the smallest country, and a country is thousands of families."

"Why we can live a happy life here is because our ancestors are forging ahead on the front line, using their blood and even lives to build the Great Wall of flesh and blood for us to resist external invasions, resist the dangers in the secret realm, and resist They used their lives to protect our home from the Demonic Beasts, but they did not flinch, because they were protecting the lights of thousands of families behind them, and they are willing to use our lives to defend the prosperous Great Xia."

"I am willing to use our lives to defend the prosperous Great Xia"

"I am willing to use our lives to defend the prosperous Great Xia"

"I am willing to use our lives to defend the prosperous Great Xia." The students below all shouted this sentence together with Lin Xing.

After finishing speaking, the star returned the microphone in his hand to the host, and at the same time looked at the time on the bracelet, no more, no less, exactly five minutes.

There was vigorous applause from below. Some students seemed to have images in their minds of their predecessors resisting danger and even giving their lives. Many students shed tears.

"Thanks to classmate Lin Xing for his speech. I wish all the students a bright future. Graduation is not the end. There is still a long road ahead. I hope there will be time to look back and reminisce about the past together. I declare that this graduation ceremony is over. The mountains are high and the water is high. Sir, see you in the world."


After coming down, many female classmates ran to Lin Xing and handed Lin Xing a letter. Some female classmates were more bold and even hugged Lin Xing.

"Fuck..." Lin Xing was surrounded by a group of people, but he felt a cold feeling between his legs. Lin Xing was frightened and quickly blocked it with his hands. Someone actually attacked him.

Lin Xing was so frightened that he ran away. When he saw his head teacher Wang Ping waving to him, he immediately ran over, fearing that he would be overtaken by the classmates behind him if he slowed down.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, that's right. My blood is boiling when I hear it. I want to kill a few Demonic Beasts to relieve my anger." Wang Ping, the head teacher, smiled and patted Lin Xing on the shoulder.

"Let's go, the admissions teachers are waiting for you in the principal's office."

After finishing speaking, he led Lin Xing to the principal's office.

"Don't be anxious, admissions teachers. The graduation ceremony over there has ended. Student Lin will be here in a moment. You have some tea first." The old principal Wang Zhan was greeting the admissions teachers.

"Our Imperial Wuhan University is determined to win." Xiao Zizi, an admissions teacher at Imperial Wuhan University, said with confidence.

"Tch..., I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue when I speak big words." Li Xue, an admissions teacher at Modu Wuhan University, said, taking a sip of tea.


At this time, the door to the principal's office was opened, and Wang Ping led Lin Xing there.

"Oh... look, isn't this a coincidence? Come on, come on, classmate Lin, sit here." When the old principal Wang Zhan saw Lin Xing's arrival, his face showed bright chrysanthemums. Ever since he heard that Lin Xing won the first place in the country, After the third grade, the smile on the old principal's face never stopped.

After Lin Xing entered, he saw that there were only three admissions teachers, but these three admissions teachers were all from top Wuhan universities. The other first- and second-tier Wuhan universities seemed to know that they could not win these three top Wushu universities, so they simply did not come. , anyway, it’s just a formality here.

Similarly, there are actually some Wuhan universities that are not as good as these top Wuhan universities, but they also have very strong teachers and students, which are on par with the top Wuhan universities.

"Student Lin, on behalf of the Imperial Martial Arts University, I sincerely welcome you to choose us. We offer free tuition, accommodation, tuition and miscellaneous fees. We will also reward you with 30 million star coins, A-level series of combat uniforms and A-level weapons, and There are three A-level Cultivation Technique books, and there is also a Grandmaster and Practitioner to guide you in your practice." Xiao Zizai, an admissions teacher at Imperial Martial Arts University, was the first to speak, and also mentioned the rewards from his school, because he felt that Imperial Martial Arts University itself was a brand.

The old principal Wang Zhan and Lin Xing's class teacher widened their eyes when they heard about the conditions offered by the Imperial Martial Arts University. It was simply too generous, not to mention that the offer was guided by a Practitioner from the Grandmaster realm.

You know, a Practitioner in the Grandmaster realm is a Rank Seven Practitioner, with proper High Level combat power.

"Classmate Lin, on behalf of Wudu University, I sincerely welcome you to choose our school. The conditions of our school are free tuition and miscellaneous fees, a reward of 50 million star coins, a set of A-level combat uniforms including A-level weapons, and S-level weapons. There is one Cultivation Technique, three A-level Cultivation Techniques, and there are also Great Master and Great Master Cultivation Base to guide you in your practice." After Li Xue finished speaking, don't stop and wait for Lin Xing's choice.

In fact, Li Xue didn't believe that Imperial Martial Arts University would only provide this little condition. He felt that Xiao Zizai had some undisclosed secrets.

At this time, a middle-aged man in military uniform next to him said, "Hello, classmate Lin, I am the admissions teacher of Tianlong Military Academy. Our conditions are that tuition and miscellaneous fees are also free of charge, and a reward of 30 million star coins, A-level combat Servers and A-level weapons can be customized at will. There are three A-level Cultivation Techniques. We also have our military Practitioner to guide your practice. Not only that, after you graduate, you can also enter our directly affiliated corps, the Tianlong Legion. This condition is not met by other schools. It’s not guaranteed.”

Youxue and Xiao Zizai were also shocked after hearing the news, because the Tianlong Legion was the most powerful army in Daxia, and there were mostly strong men in the legion. Even the commander of the Tianlong Legion was a titled Practitioner. (The title Practitioner is Rank Nine Cultivation Base.)

"Classmate Lin, you know the strength of the teachers and students of our Imperial Martial Arts University, so choosing our school is your best choice." Xiao Zizai said to Lin Xing still very confidently.

In fact, when he arrived, the principal of Imperial Martial Arts University had already made it very clear to Xiao Zizai that Lin Xing must be recruited to Imperial Martial Arts University. Even the conditions provided by the principal were much higher than what Xiao Zizai said.

But the 47th place in the country is the son of his Little Sister, so he wants to use public affairs for private purposes. Xiao Zizai wants to use the least resources to bring Lin Xing to the imperial capital Wuhan University. In this way, he can not only complete the principal's task, but also take good care of his own nephew. .

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