Martial To Pieces

Chapter 45: Choosing The Magic City Of Wuhan University

Lin Xing thought about it and found out that among the conditions proposed by the three admissions teachers, the conditions provided by Wudu University were the most generous, and his target school was Wudu University.

Regarding Tianlong Military Academy, although the conditions for entering the military academy are very good and there are establishments, there will be certain restrictions on one's freedom. Lin Xing is a loose person, so he will not choose Tianlong Military Academy.

Regarding the Imperial Wuhan University, looking at the appearance of the admissions teacher Xiao Zizi, he didn't know what was going on or who gave him the confidence, as if what he said was a charity.

In fact, Lin Xing heard that Imperial Martial Arts University provided very generous conditions for outstanding students, but why did it become very average when he came here? Lin Xing felt that there was an inside story. Anyway, he didn’t like to go to Imperial Martial Arts University, so he just went with it. Naturally, go to the magical city of Wuhan University.

If other students heard what Lin Xing said about the very ordinary conditions just proposed by Imperial Martial Arts University, they would definitely drown Lin Xing in spittle.

"Teachers, I have made up my mind. I choose Wuhan University in the Magic City." Lin Xing thought for a moment and then expressed his thoughts.

"Welcome to join." After hearing Lin Xing's decision, Li Xue felt happy and extended her hand to Lin Xing to shake hands and said welcome.

"Think clearly, going to our Imperial Capital Wuhan University is your best choice." After hearing Lin Xing's choice, Xiao Zizi, who was next to him, did not expect that Lin Xing would give up the Imperial Capital Wuhan University.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I've already thought it through." Lin Xing said with a smile. In fact, he didn't know how many times he had scolded this bitch teacher.

In fact, the old principal Wang Zhan had already noticed that something was wrong. He just smiled and said nothing, waiting for Lin Xing's choice. As the principal of No. 3 Middle School, the old principal Wang War Venerate valued Lin Xing's choice.

"Okay, okay..." Wang Zhan, the old principal, stood up and smoothed things over.

Xiao Zizai, an admissions teacher at the Imperial Martial Arts University, snorted coldly and left directly.

After Lin Xing read the contract at Wudu University, he found that it was exactly the same as what he just said, so he signed his name on it.

"Classmate Lin, regarding your reward, you need to arrive at school before you can receive it." Li Xue said to Lin Xing with a smile.

"OK, I see."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. By the way, boy, you suit my taste very well. If you have a chance in the future, you can come to our Tianlong Legion." An admissions teacher from the Tianlong Military Academy next to him patted Lin Xing's shoulder. , said with a smile.

Then Li Xue said hello and left.

After everything was done, Lin Xing took another contract with Wudu University and left No. 3 Middle School, the place where he had studied for three years.

Not only that, the principal also gave Lin Xing the reward for the school, and it had arrived. Lin Xing felt relieved when he looked at the 8 million star coins in his hand.

Originally, the principal also invited Lin Xing to conduct an interview with reporters this afternoon. Since Lin Xing is relatively low-key, he declined the principal's invitation.

What Lin Xing didn't know was that Xiao Zizai, the admissions teacher at Imperial Wuhan University, was worried. You must know that when he came, the principal had already made it clear that Xiao Zizai must recruit Lin Xing into Imperial Wuhan University.

I thought that if I gave him some sweetness and added the name of God Wudu University, Lin Xing would agree. I didn't expect that the boy was so ignorant of praise. How should he explain to the principal.

If the conditions for recruiting Lin Xing reached the principal's ears, wouldn't he be doomed?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zizai hated Lin Xing even more and thought, couldn't that kid just agree to it?

Lin Xing here didn't know that he was hated by a villain. He probably wouldn't care if he knew about it. One was in the Imperial Capital and the other was in Mowu. There was a huge difference between the two places.

Since the school was not very far from his home, Lin Xing walked slowly towards his home under the direct sunlight. Looking at the bustling streets, and because he was admitted to Wuhan University in Shanghai, Lin Xing felt that his life was getting worse and worse. There is more and more hope.


"Click..., you..., what, it smells so good..." Lin Xing opened the door and smelled the fragrant aroma of food.

"Hee hee, brother, you're back. My godfather and godmother came back early today and bought a lot of delicious food." After putting a plate on the table, Ye Hai said happily when he saw Lin Xing coming back.

"You brat, hurry up and wash your hands before eating. Today, your dad specially bought Demonic Beasts meat." Mother Lin saw Lin Xing grab a piece of cumin lightning rabbit meat with her hand, and slapped Lin Xing's hand. He dropped it and cursed with a smile.

"With such a table of delicious food, Xiaoxing, why don't you have some drinks." Father Lin was rarely so happy today.

During the meal, Lin's father and mother kept picking up food for Lin Xing and Ye Hai. Lin Xing saw his parents hesitant to speak and understood instantly.

"Don't worry, I have been admitted to Modu Wuhan University." Lin Xing said, then put the contract signed by Modu Wudu University on the table and pushed it to his parents.

"It's true, it's great, Xiaoxing, you're going to be successful." Father Lin and Mother Lin were so happy that they almost jumped up when they heard the news.

"Of course it's true. Isn't there a contract?"

Father Lin picked up the contract and opened it. He was shocked by the contract inside. " this true? Is the above contract true? This is too generous."

"Let me see, hiss..., this... is too..." Mother Lin next to her saw the shocked look on Father Lin's face, and couldn't help but take the contract in Father Lin's hand and read it over. Shocked and speechless.

"Are there any fake ones? The contract has already been signed." Lin Xing explained while looking at the shocked Father and Mother Lin.

"Hahaha, good, I'm successful. Not only is my son out, but I've also benefited from him." Father Lin happily drank another glass of wine.

"Yes, your dad is about to be promoted in the factory recently. I heard that he can also become a section chief. Your dad has been working for decades before he became a team leader. He originally thought that he would never have the chance to rise in this life. Yes." Mother Lin said from the side.

"Brother, you are so awesome. I want to be like you and get admitted to a top martial arts university. I also want to go to Shanghai." Ye Hai, who was working hard on his meal next to him, raised his head and said.

"Haha, okay, as long as you have a goal, then your brother and I will go to the magic city to explore the way for you first. Then we two brothers will fight against all the invincible players in the world together, hahaha." Lin Xing said while hugging Ye Hai.

When Ye Hai heard this, he felt that Lin Xing was right. He nodded heavily, not knowing what he was thinking.

Father Lin and Mother Lin saw their two children living in harmony and felt that their decades of hard work were worth it.

Although Ye Hai came to the Lin family recently, Father Lin and Mother Lin liked this polite child very much and had already regarded Ye Hai as their own child.

In the following days, Ye Hai went to Senluo Martial Arts School to practice every day, while Lin Xing was busy with his own affairs.

All the old neighbors in the community knew that the Lin family was moving into the Practitioner community, and even an aunt came over to introduce Lin Xing to a partner, which frightened Lin Xing so much that he didn't dare to go out for several days.

Some aunts even came to ask Lin Xing to borrow his "No. 1 Scholar Notes", but Lin Xing didn't have any No. 1 Scholar Notes. He had no choice but to find a few books that Xiao Hai had already reviewed for his own notes. Leave it to that aunt.

After all, own Little Brother is the most important thing. Ye Hai will also take the college entrance examination next year, and cultural scores will also account for a large part. Although this year's college entrance examination may be a bit different, no one can say what will happen next year, so make sure you make a foolproof plan.

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