Martial To Pieces

Chapter 53 Refining Beast Fire

After seeing Lin Xing pay the bill so readily, Manager Zhu smiled brightly, thinking that the beast fire was finally sold.

Xia Xiaowei's eyes when she looked at Lin Xing were also filled with little stars.

From the shopping list given by Lin Xing, you can tell that these are all materials for making first-rank training potions, and this is not one of them.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Xing with a bit of surprise in his eyes. He didn't know if Lin Xing bought it for the elders in the family, or if this handsome little brother used it for himself. It would be terrible if he used it for himself. , a first-rank pharmacist who is not yet 20 years old, has a bright future.

Whether it is for the elders in the family or for oneself, I probably prefer the former. After all, I have never heard of such a genius in their small base city.

Oh, by the way, there seems to be a genius. He is ranked third in the country in this year's college entrance examination. That handsome boy named Lin Xing could not be him. His surname is also Lin, so it should be him.

But I haven't heard that he is a pharmacist. Forget it, don't think about it anymore. If you take down this little brother, you will know everything.

That is a potential stock, and it is also a golden stock. Thinking of this, the staff looked at Lin Xing with charming eyes, and even gave Lin Xing a wink.

Looking at the beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings, I felt calm in my heart. There was no disturbance in my heart. I didn't care. After all, women would only affect the speed of drawing the sword.

After mentioning these materials, I left the Practitioner store directly and turned a blind eye to the staff's silky eyes.

Putting the materials in the passenger seat, with Manager Zhu's farewell, he drove the energy off-road vehicle directly to the outer housing area close to the base, because Lin Xing had already found a house online yesterday and rented one here.

Because some things are not suitable to be done in the hotel to prevent unnecessary trouble from being leaked.

In addition, I have to go into the wild from time to time, and my work and rest time are irregular. The hotel cannot meet my needs, so it is better to rent a house directly.

Lin Xing drove the car, feeling the speed and passion, feeling relaxed both physically and mentally.

Now Lin Xing's task is to use these purchased materials to make first rank training potions.

At the same time, Lin Xing had already found a house yesterday, and today was the time to look at the house.

After meeting with the landlord, he looked around the house and rented it directly. Anyway, he was just looking for a temporary place to stay, and Lin Xing didn't have many requirements.

Moreover, the landlord has cleaned the inside and provided basic facilities. You can move in at any time with your bags. After paying the money happily, this small home now belongs to Lin Xing for the time being.

After cleaning it up by myself, I started my own task.


"Huh..." Lin Xing placed the cylindrical box containing the third rank beast fire in front of him, and he sat in Lotus Position, preparing to refine the beast fire.

Slowly open the box. Is this box made of special materials?

Hold your breath and concentrate, use Mental Energy to pull this beast fire, and slowly use Mental Energy to refine it.


A huge hot breath hit his face, and this third rank beast fire jumped, as if resisting the power of refining.

But how could Lin Xing follow its wish? He concentrated on pulling the beast fire in front of him and slowly refining it.

The crimson flame beat rhythmically, and the dark purple Spiritual Qi on Lin Xing's body slowly wrapped the beast fire layer by layer. Coupled with the blessing of Lin Xing's Rank Three peak Mental Energy, the beast was refined. Fire is only a matter of time.

"five minutes"

One hour

two hours


It lasted until the afternoon when this unruly beast fire was finally refined. If Lin Xing's Mental Energy had not reached the third-level peak Realm, and Lin Xing continued to use the Spirit Medicine potion, Replenish your physical strength, it is estimated that you will not be able to completely refine this beast fire today.

Even in order to refine this animal fire, all the Spirit Medicine potions purchased sporadically were used up. You know, Lin Xing purchased many Spirit Medicine potions, adding up to a total of nearly a hundred bottles. In order to refine this beast fire, all these were consumed.

If the time when Lin Xing refines the third rank beast fire is announced, it will probably cause an uproar.

You know, on the surface, it takes at least one day and six hours to refine third-rank beast fire, which is the fastest record, but Lin Xing actually completed it in one afternoon, which means that Lin Xing completed it in one afternoon. It took about six and a half hours, and you can imagine how difficult it was.

From here we can see Lin Xing’s genius.

"I finally succeeded. I'm exhausted. If it doesn't work, I might give up this time." After the refining was completed, Lin Xing collapsed on the bed. His whole body was wet with sweat, and he was as wet as a dog in water.

Although it was tiring, the harvest was amazing. It is estimated that Lin Xing will not worry about the beast fire in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the expense of pharmacists, the price of the animal fire alone would be beyond the reach of ordinary families, plus there are so many Spirit Medicine potions.

I heard that when pharmacists from rich or aristocratic families want to refine beast fire, they will have a separate room. In the room is the Spirit Gathering Formation made by the formation master to provide enough Spiritual Qi for refining beast fire. There are even Return Spiritual Qi potions better and more efficiently, foolproof.

Not to mention those heaven and earth spirit fires, in my scattered memories, I have never heard of any pharmacist possessing heaven and earth spirit fires, and even if they did, it would be impossible to announce them.

Lin Xing secretly decided in his heart that he must obtain a heaven and earth spiritual fire.

I came here first today, and the sunset has already appeared. I don’t have enough Mental Energy and Spirit Power to refine the potion. In order to improve the quality and success rate of the potion, I need to have a sufficient mental state.

Afterwards, Lin Xing endured his physical exhaustion, ate something casually, took a cold shower, lay motionless on the bed, and fell asleep heavily.

The sound of snoring rises and falls in the dark night, like beautiful music.

And Lin Xing's Nine Nether uses the moonlight to continuously operate, restoring Lin Xing's own Spiritual Qi, and his physical strength is also constantly improving.

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