Martial To Pieces

Chapter 54 Making Potions

"Yeah..., comfortable..."

At three o'clock in the morning, Lin Xing stretched himself and got up comfortably.

I woke up in a daze, washed up, and took two bites of food.

After getting everything ready, we started planning for today.

"Get ready, start making the first rank training potion immediately. If you master it yourself, it will be like mastering a chicken that can lay golden eggs." Thinking of this, Lin Xing focused on Mental Energy, not daring to be careless, otherwise if If it fails, it will be money. Although I am not short of star coins now, I can't waste it like this.

The first thing Lin Xing tried was the first rank cultivation potion. This potion is made by every pharmacist and belongs to the Initiation level of first rank potions.

"One first rank thorn Demonic Beasts core, one emerald green grass, one gastrodia star, one drop of grass essence..."

Then there are gentle techniques, using animal fire to extract the essence, and performing Integrated Union. Finally, the production can be successful. The steps and the temperature of the fire must not be careless. If there is a slight mistake, the material will be damaged. of waste.

The price of first rank training potion is about 50,000 star coins to 100,000 star coins. Just like the Body Tempering potion used before breaking through to Practitioner Realm, the price is also different due to different quality.

But a piece of material only costs between 20,000 and 30,000 yuan, so the profit can be imagined.

With the materials ready, Lin Xing summoned the third rank beast fire in his body.

The crimson flame was beating there, like a spirit of fire. Lin Xing suddenly felt that this thing seemed a little bit cute.

Using Mental Energy, the materials are added to the animal fire one by one in order. Under the burning of the animal fire, the materials change from solid to liquid, and the impurities are burned to ashes, leaving only the essence. .

Control the temperature on a small fire, slowly pull it with Mental Energy, put the beast core of the thorn demon into it, and perform Integrated Union.

The reason why the beast core of the thorn demon is put in is because the thorn demon belongs to the wood type. Compared with other beast cores, it is gentler, and the potion made from the thorn demon has a certain healing effect.

Therefore, during high-intensity training, internal organs may be damaged, so the beast core of the thorn demon and a drop of plant essence must be added.

As the beast core was refined bit by bit, and finally completely integrated into the liquid, a ball of green liquid floated in front of Lin Xing's chest. The last step was to add the plant essence, and then concentrate and extract it.

Lin Xing uses the special techniques inherited from his own pharmacist to extract and concentrate.

Lin Xing's special technique is countless times better than the refining techniques seen on Practitioner's official website. Every pharmacist has his own special technique, which will only be passed on to his family or apprentices, and it is impossible to spread it to others.

As the liquid compresses, the mass of liquid becomes thicker and thicker until it is complete, and then placed into the prepared test tube.

"Huh... haha, I'm really a genius. I succeeded the first time." As the last step was completed, Lin Xing breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Looking at the dark green liquid in the test tube in his hand, Lin Xing smiled. This was also the result of his own efforts.

"Not bad, not bad. It's the first time I made a potion, and it actually reached the High Grade level. Haha, this bottle of potion alone can be sold for about 70,000 star coins." Lin Xing was even more happy after seeing the quality of this bottle of potion, thinking to himself It is indeed a special technique inherited by pharmacists, it is amazing.

You should know that each medicine has its own quality, namely Low Grade, Middle Grade, High Grade and the highest quality Supreme Grade. There are four grades in total.

Each grade is different, and the different grades are determined by the Impurities in the potion. For example, Low Grade potions have the most Impurities, while Supreme Grade potions have no Impurities at all, so the better the quality, the higher the price.

Similarly, the higher the quality, the more difficult it is to refine. Some pharmacists have never refined Supreme Grade potions in their lives.

However, the first time Lin Xing made a potion, the quality reached High Grade. When word spread, not many people could believe it. Although it was only an Initiation grade potion in the first rank, it was not easy to reach High Grade quality. Not to mention that the first time he made a potion, he reached this level. If the group of people in the Pharmacist Alliance found out, they would probably rush to accept Lin Xing as their apprentice.

But will word spread about Lin Xing? , No, not at all. Obscene development is the way to go. You have to work hard quietly and then surprise everyone. This is what Lin Xing wants.

After a short rest, another pharmaceutical process began.

"One first rank thorn Demonic Beasts core, one emerald green grass, one gastrodia star, one drop of grass essence..."

Small fire extract essence…………

Integrated Union, purification and extraction…………

"Bah ba..." The liquid medicine turned into wisps of blue smoke under the burning of the animal fire.

"No, the temperature is not good, the fire is a bit too strong, which caused the failure of the concentration of the liquid. Let's do it again." The second time Lin Xing made the potion, he failed to make the potion because of the wrong fire control.

But Lin Xing was not discouraged by the failure in making the potion this time. After all, failure is the mother of success. Everyone makes mistakes, and the key is how to correct them.

The process of making potions was randomly started again and again...

"The third potion preparation was successful"

"Fourth time making potion successfully"

"Fifth time making potion failed"

"Sixth time making potion successfully"


Every time a bottle of potion is successfully made, the words "How many star coins is this..." will appear in Lin Xing's heart...

So Lin Xing gradually drifted away on the way to pick up star coins...

It wasn't until Lin Xing's Mental Energy finally ran out that he finally recovered from making potions.

"Huh..., I feel that my proficiency in the technique has reached a new level. Sure enough, it feels so good to pick up money." Lin Xing made a total of 40 bottles of potions, but ten of them were not successfully made, so Lin Xing The success rate of making first rank training potions is 80%.

Lin Xing is very satisfied with the success rate of making the first rank cultivation potion. After all, this is the first potion he has made.

In fact, during the process of making the potion, Lin Xing discovered that he seemed to slowly fall in love with the process.

In the process of controlling the medicine liquid, he can also practice the control of his own Mental Energy. After the medicine training just now, Lin Xing feels that his own Mental Energy is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Xing turned around and saw that there were still a lot of materials beside him, but these were all materials for other potions. Just like the materials for this first rank practice potion had been exhausted, he estimated that he could slowly try out the effects of other potions.

I bought several potion materials myself, namely: "first rank cultivation potion" "first rank spiritual medicine potion" "first rank recovery potion"

These three types of medicines are in high demand, and these three medicines test the concentration of the pharmacist. Any carelessness will cause the refining to fail.


There are still a lot of potions, brothers and sisters, can you help me pick the names to remember...

By the way, the potion names are divided into Low Grade levels (such as: first rank, second rank...)


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