Martial To Pieces

Chapter 55 The First Pot Of Gold

When your mental energy is exhausted, you feel more tired than doing strenuous exercise at night. Lin Xing knows this very well.

Originally Lin Xing just wanted to rest for a while, but ended up sleeping until the afternoon.

"Huh..., I can't do it anymore, I can't do this next time, it's too tiring, and my mind is still a little dull now." Lin Xing shook his head, feeling pain in his head, and a feeling that his body was hollowed out.

Then I found a small restaurant near the rented house to treat my hungry self.

After that, I took the first rank practice potion I made and went to the Practitioner store to sell it.

"Hello, little brother, welcome." It was Xia Xiaowei, the staff member yesterday, who greeted Lin Xing. She said to Lin Xing like a father.

"I'm not buying anything today. You should collect potions here."

"Yes, little brother, can you please take out the potion and let our appraiser identify the quality and level, so that we can price it for you." Xia Xiaowei still showed a professional smile (* ̄︶ ̄).

Lin Xing then took out 10 bottles of first rank training potions from his backpack and placed them on the table.

Lin Xing did not dare to take out all the 40 bottles of potions he had made. He had to sell them in different places. You must know that he only bought the materials yesterday. If he took out too many potions today, it would easily cause some people to panic. Guess, thereby causing certain danger to yourself.

Xia Xiaowei's eyes widened as rows of green potions rushed into her eyeballs. Although she had not seen many potions, she had to know that Lin Xing had just purchased the materials from here yesterday.

Subsequently, under the appraisal of appraisers, the quality of these medicines was determined.

"Brother, eight of these bottles are High Grade quality potions, and two bottles are Middle Grade quality potions."

"In addition, the quality of your potions is relatively good, so the price we give you here is 90,000 star coins for a bottle of High Grade quality potions, and 70,000 star coins for a bottle of Middle Grade quality potions. I wonder if you think this price is reasonable. Really?" Xia Xiaowei looked at Lin Xing with a charming face.

"Okay, just follow this price." In fact, this price has exceeded Lin Xing's expectations, and Lin Xing is very satisfied with this price.

Then, he ran away under Xia Xiaowei's reluctant eyes. If he stayed there for a while longer, Lin Xing would probably be unable to hold on.

Lin Xing visited several places before selling all the forty bottles of first rank cultivation potions he made.

Among the first rank cultivation potions, High Grade quality potions occupy 29 bottles, and Middle Grade quality potions occupy 11 bottles.

Because the purchase price of High Grade quality medicine in some places is different, there will be a slight discrepancy. In some places, the purchase price of High Grade quality medicine is 85,000 star coins, a total of 3.275 million star coins.

Although the purchase price is relatively high, when you actually buy it, you find out that the seller can actually make so much money.

Just like a first rank cultivation potion, even a Low Grade quality potion can be sold for 80,000 star coins. Middle Grade quality or High Grade quality can be even higher, so Lin Xing is also a hard worker.

It is a huge profit for pharmacists to make potions. You know, Lin Xing bought the materials for three potions yesterday for only 1.89 million star coins. However, today he sold more than 3 million star coins for just this potion. Others say that potions are a big deal. Unexpectedly, it is true.

Seeing the extra 3 million in Practitioner's account, Lin Xing was as happy as eating honey. This was earned through his own hard work.

So Lin Xing decided to focus on making potions these days and spend less time in the wild. He first raised his own pharmacist level and refined all the materials he purchased into potions. Not only could he make money, but he could also make potions. It can also improve your mental energy control.

Lin Xing drove the energy off-road vehicle, humming a tune and driving happily into the wild. He first replenished some meat products.

After all, the wild is a huge natural meat bank, and it is all fresh, so it is inexhaustible. If there is a mistake, it will be a bit wasteful.

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