Martial To Pieces

Chapter 56: The End Of Medicine, Let’S Fight To Maintain The Sword

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

In the past few days, Lin Xing continued to improve himself, spending a lot of time on making potions, and in his spare time, he went to the wild to hunt Demonic Beasts. It was almost a life of two o'clock and one line of work every day.

Of course, Lin Xing also encountered some interesting things when he was alone in the wild, such as robberies, but the consequences of the people who robbed Lin Xing can be imagined, or he encountered the invincible Demonic Beasts and then himself As a result, the disaster was avoided, and a certain team made a big move because of a small friction, etc.

During this period, Lin Xing also sent potions he made to his parents. On the one hand, he could see how his parents were practicing, and on the other hand, he no longer had to spend a lot of money to buy potions. Furthermore, the potions he made were The quality is far higher than the potions sold on the market.

Although Lin Xing is training with high intensity every day, he also enjoys it. As the saying goes, effort is directly proportional to the results. Just like Lin Xing, Mental Energy is getting stronger and stronger. It may not take long. It can reach Rank Four level.

Not only that, the method of making potions has reached the level of perfection.

In addition, in recent times, I have been traveling outside the base city from time to time to practice my Martial Skill proficiency. As a result, my proficiency has grown rapidly and my actual combat experience has been further improved.

There is also Lin Xing's own Cultivation Base. Lin Xing's current Cultivation Base has reached Rank One Returned to Origin Realm, and he may be just one chance away from breaking through to Rank Two Practitioner Realm.

"Sigh... I feel like my cultivation speed has been a lot slower recently." After refining a first-rank Spirit Medicine potion, Lin Xing sighed and complained about his own growth rate.

Fortunately, I was complaining to myself. If others heard what Lin Xing said, they would definitely spray Lin Xing to death. Damn it, is this called slow cultivation speed? If we are slow, what will happen to us? ? ?

Later, Lin Xing practiced Saber Technique in the yard where he lived. The Saber Technique that Lin Xing is practicing now still pays more attention to the basics. After all, why do tall buildings rise from the ground? It depends on the foundation. As long as the foundation is solid OK, everything is easy to say.

Basic Saber Technique: chop, chop, tease, chop, pick, intercept, push, stab, slide, stir, collapse, point, and pull. Each move has its own unique charm. If you want to become a generation Saber Technique Great Master, you must master your own "knife".

Just like Lin Xing now, although his sword power has reached the Returned to Origin Realm, if he wants to go further, it will be like ascending to the sky.

After all, "shi" is followed by "intention". If you want to improve your understanding of the knife, you must master your own Artistic Concept.

Of course, understanding your own Artistic Concept is also one of the necessary conditions for breaking through and becoming a high-rank Practitioner.

Therefore, Lin Xing decided that starting from today, Lin Xing would focus a lot of attention on the actual combat process. He decided to use fighting to nourish his sword and fight to nourish himself.

Just do what you say. In the past few days, the potions Lin Xing made by himself were basically self-supporting. Looking at the rows of potions he carried in his carry-on space, Lin Xing felt full of his own rhythm.

Lin Xing drove his own energy off-road vehicle and brought his own equipment to look for cute little Demonic Beasts.

Before leaving, don't forget to check whether the energy of the energy off-road vehicle is sufficient. Don't forget to replenish the energy when the time comes and cause you to be unable to come back. That will be unspeakable hardship.

Nowadays, the energy needed for energy vehicles is more convenient to replenish. You can buy it directly online or at an energy replenishment station. This is a cylindrical energy storage device. The energy contained in this energy is equal to the gasoline used in the old Blue Star. Hundreds or thousands of times more and will not pollute the environment.

Since Lin Xing basically went out of the base city once a day these days, the members of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau and the soldiers who were controlling the gate basically all looked familiar to him, and they could all speak a few words.

When Lin Xing saw Lin Xing driving by in an energy off-road vehicle, he did not check Lin Xing's Practitioner certificate and let him go directly. It may also be because Lin Xing would give the corpses of Demonic Beasts that he shot every day to the guards at the gate of the base city from time to time. Send a little taste of the reasons why.

After all, in Lin Xing's dictionary, if you respect me a foot, I will respect you a foot. If you want to step on me, then I will kill you first, and then kill your whole family. ▼・ᴥ・▼

Heading straight towards the seemingly safe and peaceful wilderness.

"Ride on my cute little car..., it will never be stuck in traffic... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rub on from me," he said. He looks like an idiot, and looks like a cold male god in front of outsiders, so people who are not familiar with Lin Xing think that Lin Xing seems to be a cold person.

(That is, what we call a boring man, cough, cough, sorry to go too far - Lin Xing:???▼・ᴥ・▼)

As soon as the energy off-road vehicle left the base city, it ran into the distance like a sharp sword. I don't know, but I thought it was something flying at low altitude.

Lin Xing's destination this time is the Red Maple Forest. Doesn't it sound familiar? Yes, this was Lin Xing's test point during the three-school entrance examination.

However, when the three schools took the exam, the trial points used were only about 1/10 of the Red Maple Forest, and this small part of the trial points were driven and cleared by the Practitioner of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau, basically reaching Rank Two or All Demonic Beasts above Rank Two were driven away or killed, and not even a few Rank One Demonic Beasts were left.

The current red maple forest is a real red maple forest. This is not a red maple forest protected by an official organization. The danger is not at the same level.

As before, hide the energy buggy first.

Lin Xing entered the red maple forest with a serious face. He used his own Mental Energy to check his surroundings, and then started to enter the red maple forest little by little.

After all, Lin Xing's goal is to be able to use the knife but never move his mouth. If one knife fails, then he will use another knife until he is killed▼・ᴥ・▼.

"Brush..." A green figure suddenly flew down from the nearby tree and rushed toward Lin Xing.

But Lin Xing didn't panic. He grabbed the green thing's head with his hands and crushed it.

A blue-toothed snake that didn't even reach Rank One went directly to see its great grandfather.

Lin Xing just threw away something like this that was of no value and didn't have a few ounces of meat on him to provide nutrients for the forest.

After the interlude, I continued to move inside. Along the way, I saw the Spirit Medicine I needed and put it into my own portable space without hesitation. After all, the children of the poor have long been in charge.

Lin Xing slowly walked forward in the red maple forest, looking for the cute little Demonic Beasts.

But another place was not peaceful. A small crack appeared near the central area of ​​the red maple forest, and thick bursts of Spiritual Qi were spit out from it, attracting the surrounding Demonic Beasts to compete for territory again. to get more Spiritual Qi.

As time passed, the cracks became larger and larger. Beast roars continued to sound in this area, and Demonic Beasts were constantly fighting and bleeding...

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