Martial To Pieces

Chapter 57 The Mysterious Crack

However, Lin Xing didn't know the situation on the crack side. Lin Xing was currently fighting a Stormchasing Leopard at the peak of Rank One.

"Roar..." A huge blue leopard was roaring at Lin Xing, seeming to be insulting something, but it was a pity that Lin Xing couldn't understand it.

Lin Xing wouldn't let it get used to him, he would just charge at it with a knife.

Chasing the Wind Leopard's temper seemed to be rising, and he roared, as if saying that you, a bastard, dared to take action against Grandpa Chasing the Wind Leopard.

A third-level jump, jumping directly towards Lin Xing in a series, and the claws in his hands were like sharp blades.

“Thunder Saber Technique”

There was a layer of purple electric arc attached to the sword in Lin Xing's hand, which was really beautiful.

Although the Chasing Wind Leopard was very fast, Lin Xing was even faster when he used the Cloud Smoke Step of Returned to Origin Realm, like a burst of smoke.


Just when the sword in Lin Xing's hand was about to slash at the Wind Chasing Leopard, Lin Xing's blade One-Transformation at this time, the blade that was originally slashing at the Wind Chasing Leopard actually transformed into a blade and directly hit the Wind Chasing Leopard.

There was a banging sound. If you look carefully, you will find that Chai Feng Leopard just used his left paw to catch Lin Xing's blade, but now it is shaking there. I don't know whether it is pain or numbness from the arc on Lin Xing's sword. of.

It is estimated that Chasing the Wind Leopard is a little confused now. His front paws can't help but tremble, and a numb feeling spreads throughout his body.

Lin Xing secretly smiled when he saw this situation, and then he stopped talking nonsense. The tip of the One-Transformation blade in his hand passed through the Wind Chasing Leopard's neck. The Wind Chasing Leopard's eyes widened. He probably didn't understand why. In the blink of an eye, I seemed to have left this world.

Skillfully peeling off the skin of the storm leopard, and taking out the Monster Core from the storm leopard's head, I thought about it randomly, and then cut off one of the hind legs of the storm leopard to prepare for today's lunch, just like the animal skin and the Things like crystal nuclei were directly put into his own space by Lin Xing.

Although the materials provided by this storm-chasing leopard are not very valuable, although the mosquitoes are small, they are still meat, and Lin Xing doesn't choose them anyway.

On this side of the crack, corpses litter the field, but the battle still doesn't stop.

Since the Red Maple Forest is next to the Huaicheng Base City, based on the strength of the Huaicheng Base City, we can know that the Red Maple Forest is not very strong.

It can be said that the central area of ​​the Red Maple Forest is occupied by only a few relatively powerful Rank Five Demonic Beasts.

But now there is not a single Rank Five Demonic Beasts fighting around, but it is not that they have not noticed the situation here. They are watching everything happening from behind, and their younger brother is charging in front. It can be imagined that Jiang is still the old one. So spicy.

But at this moment, a blue light suddenly burst out from this space crack. This light rose into the sky, like an aurora, and it was difficult for others to see it.

Along with the generation of blue light, one Spirit Medicine plant after another emerged from the cracks. Anyone here would be able to recognize it if there was a pharmacist. The Spirit Medicine that came out of the cracks turned out to be the fourth rank Spirit Medicine - Transformation Fruit.

I don’t know if this crack is really spiritual. You must know that although the Transformation Fruit is only fourth rank Spirit Medicine, its effect is not even comparable to some fifth rank Spirit Medicine.

Not to mention this kind of spiritual fruit, the temptation to Demonic Beasts is even more fatal. It can transform the physical quality of Demonic Beasts, and even some Demonic Beasts with extraordinary Talent can even learn Talent skills from it.

A blue halo of light rose into the sky, attracting the attention of countless people, including the Demonic Beasts. The most excited one should be the Huaicheng Base City. Under the order of Director Tang Dahai, the official Armed Forces Administration Bureau immediately launched an attack on the Red Maple Forest. Probe.

Similarly, when Lin Xing killed the Lightning Tiger at the peak of Rank One, he also noticed this blue halo.

"Hmm... Is it there?" A man wearing red armor stood in the air and looked at the blue circle of light.

Then he flew towards the blue aperture, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted by the aura of the man in red armor.

The Demonic Beasts in the Red Maple Forest also rioted. After Lin Xing had just dealt with the Lightning Tiger, he also became very curious about this place with a blue aperture.


Three beast roars sounded, and Lin Xing felt a strong sense of oppression from the beast roars. Some low-level Demonic Beasts even began to flee quickly in the opposite direction.

Lin Xing realized from this that this should be an action to drive out the high-rank Demonic Beasts.

At the same time, he was even more curious about the blue aperture. He looked at the Demonic Beasts escaping around him without even looking at Lin Xing. Some of the Demonic Beasts even looked like idiots, looking at Lin Xing as if they were saying "Is this thing stupid? Why doesn't it run away? Didn't you hear what the boss said?"

When Lin Xing saw Demonic Beasts' expression, his face became even darker, and he was ready to kick him and give him a taste of the dangers of society.

But when he looked at his Cultivation Base, hey, Wind Wolf, who was at the peak of Rank Two, instantly felt that he could be let go. Lin Xing comforted him by saying: He killed too many people, so let him go first today. Bar.

There is no way, people have to lower their heads in the forest. That thing is a wind wolf. Things like wolves are social animals. Who knows if you kill one, a second, third, or even a group will come.

Besides, that thing is at the peak of Rank Two. I don't have enough confidence to kill this wind wolf here, so I might as well be a good person and let him go.

Lin Xing was sitting on the huge red maple tree. After thinking for a moment, he decided to do the opposite.

After all, wealth can only be found in danger. If you really get a huge opportunity from it, your growth rate can be greatly increased.

After thinking about it, he moved towards the blue aperture at a high speed.

Lin Xing was not the only one who had the same idea, but most of them were torn to pieces by the Demonic Beasts who rushed out. After all, they were different from Lin Xing.

Lin Xing's Nine Nether has a strong stealth effect. Coupled with Lin Xing's own understanding of Demonic Beasts, as long as he doesn't seek death, he will never die.

As the crack grew larger and larger, the blue aperture slowly disappeared, and the surrounding Spiritual Qi concentration also reached another level. The overlord of the red maple forest finally couldn't resist the temptation of the transformation fruit and the other side of the crack, and launched a fierce fight fighting.

In normal times, like a gregarious animal like Greedy Wolf, Greedy Wolf King would definitely not take action on his own, but now is a special period. Greedy Wolf King has already driven his own men to other places, because people of his level The battle is no longer something other little trash can participate in.

Rank Five late stage The Greedy Wolf King and the Rank Five late stage Silverback Orangutan looked at each other and saw a look of cooperation in the eyes of the two beasts. In fact, the Greedy Wolf King and the Silverback Orangutan have already become partners, and now they are officially with Moonlight The deer is torn apart.

At the same time, it launched a fierce attack on the Moonlight Deer, which was at the peak of Rank Five. The Moonlight Deer seemed to have expected that the Greedy Wolf King and the Silverback Gorilla would attack it.

First, a moonlight barrier was deployed to resist the attacks of the Silverback Orangutan and the Greedy Wolf King.

Then, light suddenly appeared on the antlers, and a pair of sharp silver light blades rushed towards the Greedy Wolf King.

This sharp light blade will break the blocking flowers, plants and trees.

"Bang bang..."

The three Rank Five Demonic Beasts collided fiercely and fought, erupting with astonishing momentum.

But what these three Demonic Beasts don't know is that a man in red armor is high in the sky, quietly watching everything happening here.

Looking at the astonishing momentum erupting in the distance, Lin Xing's feet became faster and faster.

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