Martial To Pieces

Chapter 58 Entering The Mysterious Crack


The Greedy Wolf King bursts out with amazing explosive power. The two sharp claws in front are covered with black Spiritual Qi, which looks particularly sharp against the backdrop of Spiritual Qi.

Not to be outdone, the silverback gorilla held an iron fist and charged towards the moonlight deer, looking unstoppable.

Although the Moonlight Deer was one against two, it still did not fall at a disadvantage. Instead, it seemed to be somewhat at ease, which was enough to show the strength of the Moonlight Deer.



"Yo yo..."

A man in red armor high in the sky looked at the three Demonic Beasts fighting below with great interest.

"Haha, this little deer is pretty good."

"Hmm..., is what I need inside?" But then the man in red armor frowned again. He felt a vaguely familiar aura on the other side of the crack, which seemed to be what he needed.

Lin Xing was not far away and was also observing the situation here. Because he was afraid that the three Demonic Beasts would find him, Lin Xing had been observing quietly on a big tree relatively far away.

Little did he know, Lin Xing's every move now was reflected in the eyes of the man in red armor.

"Oh, the sword power of Returned to Origin Realm is interesting. I didn't expect that if I went out for a spin, I would meet a good seedling." The man in red armor looked at Lin Xing and nodded with interest.

The battle between the three Demonic Beasts here has entered a fierce state. Each Demonic Beast has considerable injuries. The silverback orangutan has the most serious injuries. The wound on the chest can even be seen on the ribs.

I have to say that Moonlight Deer's silver light blade is really powerful, and it actually has a locking effect. This is because the Silverback Orangutan's reaction speed is too slow, and Moonlight Deer uses the moonlight barrier to block the Silverback Orangutan's retreat. A silver The light blade was embedded straight into the chest of the silverback gorilla.

If the silverback orangutan hadn't been born with relatively strong physical fitness, he would probably have burped in that moment.

The Greedy Wolf King was also frightened and attacked the Moonlight Deer even more fiercely.

But the Moonlight Deer is also not optimistic. There are many wounds of varying depths on its body, and there are some cracks in the antlers on the left side of its head.

At this time, the crack had reached a stable state. The man in red armor in the air flew directly into the crack, like a burst of red wind.

The three Demonic Beasts seemed to notice this situation and became even more anxious.

At this time, a new change occurred. The silverback orangutan who was fighting against the Moonlight Deer was unexpectedly attacked by the Greedy Wolf King, which made the silverback orangutan's injuries worse.

The silverback gorilla turned his head and angrily scolded the Greedy Wolf King, his eyes full of anger, as if telling him, why did you betray me.

But at the opportunity of the Silverback Orangutan's Divine Partition, the Moonlight Deer seized the opportunity, and the light on its antlers burst into flames, forming a silver ray of light that shot towards the Silverback Orangutan's head.

The silverback orangutan who reacted had no chance to escape the attack, and eventually died from this terrifying ray with a horrified look on his face.

Lin Xing, who was hiding and watching from a distance, was shocked by this situation. He didn't expect that Demonic Beasts would also be in this situation. Today was really an eye-opener.

It turns out that intrigues not only exist among humans, but also among Kaoru hands, and they seem to be even more ruthless than humans.

Moonlight Deer and Greedy Wolf King felt the strong Spiritual Qi on the other side of the crack, and their eyes couldn't hide the excitement.

Then the Moonlight Deer took the brunt of rushing into the crack, and the Greedy Wolf King also rushed in impatiently, fearing that if he was a second too late, it would seem that all the opportunities in front of him would be snatched away by the Moonlight Deer.

Unfortunately, both of them were so blinded by the thick Spiritual Qi on the other side of the secret realm that they didn't even notice the transformation fruit that had just begun to fall out of the cracks on the ground.

I guess their hearts were bleeding when the two of them came to their senses.

It's a pity that everything here is at a disadvantage to Lin Xing. Just after Moonlight Deer and Greedy Wolf King entered the space cracks one after another, Lin Xing slowly moved forward from the distant tree.

And always pay attention to the surrounding situation. Although the surrounding Demonic Beasts have been driven away by the three Rank Five Demonic Beasts, be careful to sail the Ten Thousand Year boat. Just in case there are so many Demonic Beasts squatting here like Lin Xing, That wouldn't be fun.

In fact, Lin Xing's main defense is still humans. If such a big thing happens here, someone from the base city will definitely go here.

After all, Practitioner must compete is no joke.

Human nature uses its own Mental Energy to observe the surroundings, and the steps under its feet are rapidly unfolding.

"Haha, you are really cheap." The moment he rushed into the crack, Lin Xing casually put the transformation fruit that fell on the ground into his own personal space.

Before he stepped into the crack with one foot, he came back to his senses and threw out all the fur and flesh of some low-level Demonic Beasts in his Interspatial Ring and the portable space, and also found a secret place to hide it, and finally This Rank Five late stage silverback orangutan is put in.

After all, the fur and flesh of those low-level Demonic Beasts are not as good as this complete silverback gorilla.

After finishing all this, Lin Xing stepped into the space crack with satisfaction.

After all, I picked up hundreds and tens of millions of star coins for nothing, so no one would be happy if I let them go.

The moment he stepped in, Lin Xing felt his eyes light up and his eyes were a little dazed.

After a while, Lin Xing came back to his senses from the dizzy feeling. According to Lin Xing's understanding, this should be the feeling caused by the transmigrate space. If the formation master's transmission form was used, this situation would not occur at all. After all, this kind of space crack is quite large. in the wild.

Space cracks like this that have not been explored contain many unknown opportunities. There are even people who soar into the sky from unknown space cracks every year.

But it is also accompanied by danger. Under normal circumstances, only a small number of people who enter the mysterious space crack eventually come out.

However, once such a wild crack is discovered, Practitioners will still rush in like moths to a flame. After all, wealth can only be found in danger.

Lin Xing began to observe the surrounding environment. After all, this space was connected to a volcanic crater. It was very hot here. Even the rocks here were red, with only a few scattered red grasses.

Suddenly, a red figure appeared next to the stone on Lin Xing's left.

Lin Xing tiptoed and jumped onto another big stone. With a swing of the sword in his hand, he nailed the red figure to the stone.


"It turns out to be a snake." Only then did Lin Xing see the true face of the red figure. A fiery red snake was nailed to the stone and wriggling.

After a few bounces, his head sank and he fell asleep forever.

The man in red armor who first entered the space rift was looking at a fiery red Flood Dragon at the crater.

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