Martial To Pieces

Chapter 59 Lava Fire Lotus


The bloody Flood Dragon roared and used spiritual communication to send a message to the man wearing red armor opposite.

"Human, get out of my territory. Get out of here before I get angry." A breath of Rank Seven Demonic Beasts spread out.

The voice of the Blood Devil dragon sounded in the red armored man's mind, and he just smiled slightly.

"Blood Devil Dragon, I don't mean any harm, I just want to exchange something with you." The man in red armor said.

"Oh, why should I trade with you? Leave my territory, human being." The cold voice of the Blood Devil dragon sounded again.

"Sixth rank potion True Dragon Bloodline potion, in exchange for your lava fire lotus." The man in the blood-colored armor said nothing more and stated his own conditions.

"Impossible, how did you know that I have a lava fire lotus here?" The Blood Devil dragon's pupils shrank, and he roared at the man in blood-colored armor.

"Blood Devil dragon, don't worry about how I know you have it here. I wasted a lot of time tracking this mobile secret realm. You have to think clearly that the value of a bottle of sixth-rank true dragon Bloodline potion is comparable to yours." Guarding Lava Fire Lotus, you won’t suffer at all from trading with me.”

The Blood Devil Dragon looked at the red armored man floating in the air in front of him. He had a pair of huge pupils and didn't know what he was looking at.

"I want the sixth rank true dragon Bloodline potion, but the lava fire Lotus flower is mine, so you can stay." The calm Blood Devil dragon suddenly roared up to the sky and attacked the man in red armor.

"Hmph... I originally planned to make a peaceful deal with you. Considering how hard it is for you to practice, I didn't expect you to toast me instead of eating the fine wine." When the man in red armor saw the Blood Devil dragon's attack, he didn't take it to heart. He snorted coldly.

The Blood Devil dragon hovered in the air and rushed towards the man in red armor. The man in red armor had One-Transformation in his right hand, and a blood-red knife appeared in his hand, with a killing intent.



"The First Form of the Zhanzi Jue - Wind and Clouds Surge"

The aftermath of the battle between one man and one beast actually caused the volcano to vibrate and spurt out hot magma.

The air waves generated during the battle spread to all directions.

"Strike an egg against a stone, remember my name. My name is Xue Wuya. When you get down there, remember to mention my name." Xue Wuya never put the Blood Devil Dragon into one's eyes from beginning to end. The old man is more powerful than the Blood Devil dragon.

If someone hears the words Xuewuya, they may be a little confused, but everyone probably knows Xuewuya's title.

Xue Wuya's title - Blood Emperor, kills foreign enemies with fear, and his Cultivation Base reaches the sky, even the older generation cannot stand up to him.

He is one of the most important figures in the Great Xia Kingdom, and he did not expect to appear here.


But Lin Xing didn't know about these situations, and he was searching this secret realm wantonly.

“Thunder Saber Technique”


Before the fire-scaled lizard could recover, Lin Xing cut off its head with a knife.

When the surrounding fire-scaled lizards saw their companions being killed by the mysterious creature in front of them, their eyes turned red and they rushed towards Lin Xing.





Suddenly, when Lin Xing was not paying attention, a huge stone flew towards Lin Xing.

Lin Xing quickly dodged and the stone fell to the ground with a thud.

But the sword in Lin Xing's hand did not stop harvesting the heads of the fire-scaled lizards, and he also had to be careful of the stones flying from the dark.

While Lin Xing was fighting the Fire Scale Lizard, he used Mental Energy to observe his surroundings.

"found it."

The sword was covered with purple electric arcs, and it quickly killed the last fire-scaled lizard. With a flick of the sword in his hand, it flew away like a black shadow like a sharp sword.



The sound of the sword cutting flesh was heard, and Lin Xing used Yunyan Step to quickly run towards the black shadow.

Before he could get close, red stones were coming towards him. Lin Xing used the Cloud and Smoke Step to avoid the stones, like a wisp of blue smoke, his movements were ethereal and uncertain.

Then he kicked off his left foot, used strength on a big rock, and rushed up to the sky, where he saw clearly the true face of the shadow that sneaked up on him.

It is a tinder gorilla. Judging from his strength, he has Rank Two middle stage Cultivation Base. The back of this tinder gorilla is Lin Xing's sword.

Lin Xing used the gravel fist in the air, dropped from the sky, and hit the tinder gorilla with his fist.


The tinder gorilla roared, raised his fist as big as a casserole, and hit Lin Xing hard.

"Bang bang bang..."

The two fists collided together, making a banging sound.

Immediately, Lin Xing took advantage of Yunyan's unyielding strength, and with a flick of a dragonfly, he passed by the tinder gorilla and pulled out his own sword.

“Thunder Saber Technique”

While retreating, he used Martial Skill, leaving a bloody knife mark on the Tinder Orangutan's butt.


The tinder gorilla angrily scolded Lin Xing with red eyes, as if he wanted to tear Lin Xing into pieces. He seemed to be saying, this bastard in front of him actually left a knife mark on his butt, so how can he get along with those beautiful female orangutans? fall in love.

Thinking of this, the tinder gorilla became even more angry. Only the blood of the human in front of him could learn to own shame.

The tinder gorilla twisted its buttocks and felt the scars on its buttocks. It was also a little frightened and it almost lost its eggs.

The knife marks on the tinder gorilla's butt are really weird. If Lin Xing's sword had advanced a little further, he might have been killed by a human-animal version of Thousand Year. This male gorilla would probably have become the first eunuch tinder gorilla.


The battle at the crater was basically one-sided, and the Blood Devil dragon couldn't resist the knife in Xue Wuya's hand.

Now the Blood Devil dragon no longer looks as majestic as before. There are scars all over its body, and the dragon's blood can't stop flowing downwards.

If Lin Xing saw this situation, he would definitely cry out for waste. You must know that this is dragon blood. In addition, the Cultivation Base of the Blood Devil dragon itself has already reached Rank Seven Demonic Beasts. This is a high rank Demonic Beasts. In addition, Next up is the dragon-type Demonic Beasts, which is a great supplement.

"Human, stop fighting. I agree to a deal with you." The Blood Devil dragon used telepathy to make Xue Wuya stop its attack and said breathlessly.

"Haha, it's too late now." Xue Wuya didn't say a word of nonsense to the Blood Devil Dragon and rushed towards the Blood Devil Dragon again.

"Ho ho ho—"

"Human, do you really want to fight to the death?" The Blood Devil dragon's voice sounded again.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken? You are worthy of it." Xue Wuya's cold voice sounded again, and the bloody sword in his hand was raised high.

"The Fifth Form of the Zhan Zi Jue - Desire Burns the Sky"

"Ah, I won't make it easy for you." The Blood Devil dragon roared loudly with its eyes red.

"The fire dragon is coming."

The magma in the crater is pulled around itself by the Blood Devil dragon, and a huge fire dragon composed of magma is formed above the Blood Devil dragon, and as the magma continues to be injected into the fire dragon, the size of the fire dragon continues to expand.

"Interesting, I didn't expect it to be Bloodline Talent." Seeing this, Xue Wuya was not surprised but happy.

"Human, if you want to die, I will help you, ah..."

"Ho ho ho ho——"

Lin Xing, who had just finished the battle here, couldn't help but cursed when he saw the fire dragon figure appearing in the sky, "What the hell is this?"

Not only was there the huge figure of the fire dragon, but what was confronting the fire dragon turned out to be a sharp knife covered with knife intent.

Lin Xing's eyes hurt when he looked from a distance.

At the same time, his heart was even more shocked. Not only that, the seeds in his heart slowly sprouted, and Lin Xing had a firm goal, which was to be like the master of this sword, with the power to destroy the world and destroy the earth, and wantonly live his life.

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