Martial To Pieces

Chapter 64: Living Conditions, Freshman Competition

Lin Xing saw the freshman registration office, took out the admission notice from his backpack, and walked over there.

As for his own luggage, Lin Xing has already placed his luggage in his own Interspatial Ring. After all, the Interspatial Ring is not a rare item.

In this metropolis, Interspatial Ring is even more common, and you are not afraid of being remembered.

"Hello, senior, I'm here to sign up." Lin Xing walked over and greeted politely.

"Hello junior, please take a look at your notice."

Then, the number on Lin Xing's notice was entered, and Lin Xing's information appeared in the North Pole.

"What the hell, third in the country? You are Lin Xing." The senior who helped Lin Xing register his information suddenly cursed when he saw Lin Xing's information on the computer.

"I've long heard that Teacher Li recruited this year's No. 3 student in the country into the school. I didn't expect to meet the Perfect Being today." The senior smiled knowingly and said to Lin Xing.

"Haha, if Teacher Li Xue doesn't invite me, I will come. My goal is Wuhan University."

"Haha, that's right, those arrogant guys at the Imperial Capital Wuhan University are not as simple and honest as our people in the Demonic Capital." The senior smiled, and his evaluation of Lin Xing was even higher.

Listening to the senior's words, Lin Xing couldn't help but think of the taxi driver just now. This is called "simple folk customs".

"By the way, you are assigned to Building 1, Area A. You can get there along this road. Since we don't have enough manpower, we have to let your junior find a dormitory by yourself." The student gave Lin some precautions. Star said.

"It's okay, you're busy."

Then under the guidance of his seniors, he went to Building 01, Area A. On the way there, Lin Xing had already learned about the dormitory conditions of Wuhan University in the magical capital.

Only the top ten freshmen can move into Area A.

Because it is not an ordinary dormitory, but a separate villa. Not only does it have a beautiful environment and good conditions, but more importantly, the villa in Area A comes with its own Spirit Gathering Formation, and it seems to be a third rank Spirit Gathering Formation, so you can practice with twice the result with half the effort.

You know, for a special formation like Spirit Gathering Formation, the materials required for the layout are not comparable to those of the same type of formation. Only wealthy people like the Magic City Wuhan University can consume in this way, and can also lay out Spirit Gathering in Area A. Formation, and every building has one.

Not only that, there are also requirements for the ranking of villas in Area A. The place with the strongest Spiritual Qi is Villa 01, which is also the villa assigned by Lin Xing.

For villas of this level, there are four areas in the top five of the Magic City, which are divided into freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Not only do freshmen have Area A, but sophomores also have Area A...

Lin Xing was assigned to Building 01 in Area A. The freshman ranking is determined by the national ranking. It can be seen that Lin Xing currently ranks first in the freshman ranking.

It is estimated that the top two did not choose the top five in the magic city.

Follow the quiet path and find Villa 01 in Area A. In front of the villa is a small garden, the air is filled with fragrance, and the surrounding environment is not generally good.

Lin Xing scanned his pupils and registered his own information, so that he could truly become the owner of this villa.

After entering, what strikes your eyes is the first floor of the villa, which is basically configured like a five-star hotel. Even the color of the house can be changed manually.

Lin Xing looked at the interior of the villa and couldn't help complaining about the arrogance of Wuhan University in the city. He took out his luggage from the Interspatial Ring and put it into the bedroom on the second floor.

When he arrived, the senior introduced Lin Xing to some situations in Wuhan University.

The usual contact method is to use the bracelet to contact, including the students in the Magic City who use the bracelet to receive the tasks on the school's official website.

Just like the current Wuhan University, there are no classes, only colleges. Under normal circumstances, freshmen are required to conduct a freshman competition to re-confirm their rankings and allocate resources.

At the same time, it is also divided into colleges. Students can choose their favorite college according to their preferences.

Just like the Magic City Martial Arts University, it has four colleges: War College, Pharmacy College, Formation College, and Weapons College.

The specifications of the college can be seen from the name. As the name suggests, the main focus of Zhan Zhan College is fighting. The students of Zhan Zhan College are basically focused on their own Cultivation Base, so their combat effectiveness is the strongest among the four colleges.

The College of Pharmacy is a college that only pharmacists can join. If there is no pharmacist talent, even if you want to join, they will not want to join. Basically every student in the college is a pharmacist, which can also be said to be a big dog. After all, pharmacy All the teachers are rich and wealthy, including Lin Xing.

Formation College, like the Pharmacy College, requires talent to join. The students in Formation College are basically formation teachers. It is one of the cradle of formation teacher training base in Daxia and has a high reputation in the country.

The last one is the Weapons Academy. The students of the Weapons Academy mainly study weapons, including the production, development and research of weapons. Basically, 20% of the balance on the market is controlled by the five major weapon academies in the Magic City.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the Magic City Martial Arts University is so strong that it even has a tendency to surpass the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.

Lin Xing used his wristband to log into the official campus website, which had the group number of a dedicated freshmen group.

After joining the group, all the freshmen were having a heated discussion. Lin Xing's bracelet kept beeping until Lin Xing turned on the do not disturb mode.


[A flower on the tree: Brothers, will we have a freshman competition tomorrow?]

[What you said above is correct. I just checked the information. According to the situation of Wudu University in the Magic City every year, it is necessary to have a freshman gift. ]

[That's right, you said that if you get a good ranking in the freshman competition, the rewards will be rich. ]

[By the way, I heard that our school ranks third in the country]

[Oh, is that Lin Xing? His college entrance examination results are two ways ahead of me. ]

[Upstairs, is that two streets away? It’s three streets ahead of me. ]


[By the way, I heard that after the freshman competition, you can be divided into colleges. Which college do you want to go to? ]

[That college has more girls, so I will go to that college]

[This method is good, top it]

[Alas, I only have the talent of a pharmacist, so it seems I can only join the School of Pharmacy]

[Confirmed, there is a pervert upstairs]




Lin Xing's mouth twitched as he watched the painting gradually deviate from normal chatting. Sure enough, no matter where he went, there would be such a few non-human beings.

At this time, a message was suddenly posted on the top of the freshmen group, which was sent by a teacher. The content was:

[Hello, gentlemen, I would like to inform you of something. We will gather at the playground at 7:30 tomorrow morning. If you are late, you will be responsible for the consequences. I will inform you again, please do not be late, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. ]x3

[receive ]



The teacher seemed to be afraid that the students would not see it, so he posted it three times and kept it at the top of the page.

Lin Xing looked at the content in the group again and found that there was not much valuable information, so he quit the group chat.

It was Lin Xing who discovered that there was a sum of money in his own account. After checking, he discovered that this was the star coins that were awarded to him when he was specially recruited by the Magic City Martial Arts University. He also said that as for other rewards, he would be rewarded within a month. Lin Xing made up for them all.

Lin Xing looked at the extra money in his own account and couldn't help but feel relaxed physically and mentally.

Then he entered the secret training room. Lin Xing could feel that the intensity of Spiritual Qi around him was far beyond what could be compared to other places. He sat in Lotus Position, took out the second rank training potion from his portable space, and started practicing again.

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