Martial To Pieces

Chapter 65 Bai Xiaosheng - Qian Duoduo

Early the next morning, around 6:30, Xingxing had finished his morning meditation and was about to go to the cafeteria to have some food. Lin Xing walked out of the villa.

As soon as he left the villa, he heard someone calling him.

"Brother, brother, wait a minute." After Qian Duoduo saw Lin Xing, he quickly ran over to say hello.

"Hello, my name is Qian Duoduo, you can call me Lao Qian." A fat little Fatty greeted Lin Xing with a kind smile.

"Hello, my name is Lin Xing." In fact, Lin Xing also got to know his classmates who lived in the villa area, among whom Qian Duoduo ranked seventh.

Of course, this information was all learned by Lin Xing in the freshman group yesterday.

"You are that Lin Xing." Qian Duoduo looked surprised after hearing Lin Xing's name.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xing was a little confused. Why are everyone so surprised? Don't students like him or better than him join every year at Wuhan University in the Magic City?

"Haha, that's because you are the number one freshman in our class. Although it happens every year, it is different every year. You are the number one in our class. In addition, Wuhan University in the Magic City not only has the same class There are competitions between freshmen and old students, so it is more difficult for you not to be noticed." Qian Duoduo seemed to notice Lin Xing's surprise and quickly explained.

Lin Xing suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Brother Lin, are you going to the cafeteria to eat? Why don't you go together? I just have company, and I know which window has the best food..."

"Okay, let's go eat first, Brother Qian." Lin Xing is not the kind of person who is very aloof. Besides, he has just arrived in a new place and has no familiar friends. It is actually good to find a meal partner.

"Brother, let me tell you, I am a person in the world. I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. I am loved by everyone and am loved by everyone. I am known as Bai Xiaosheng of Jianghu. I know everything, just like the joy of all the school beauties in our school." I know all my hobbies and interests, including which school beauty has long legs and which school beauty has big breasts..."

Qian Duoduo's voice rang in Lin Xing's ears. Listening to the words in Qian Duoduo's mouth, Lin Xing couldn't help but speed up his pace.

"Hey, brother, don't walk so fast. If you really want to know the secret of the school beauty, I can give you a 20% discount." Qian Duoduo saw Lin Xing running away from him quickly and quickly chased after him, shouting as he chased .

Lin Xing observed that several people around him were looking at this. Lin Xing's face suddenly darkened and his feet became faster.

In the cafeteria, Lin Xing looked at the mountain-like breakfast in front of Qian Duoduo and couldn't help but chuckled, "Brother Qian, you have a good appetite today."

Looking at the food in front of him, non-carnivorous breakfasts such as soy milk, fried dough sticks and pancakes did not exist on Qian Duoduo's plate. They were basically foods with higher calories.

For example: roasted whole leg of gray sheep with cumin, guinea fowl steak burger, stuffed cow fruit vat milk tea, green mountain beef steak, drunken chicken with snowflake chicken, Lotus flower eight-treasure guinea pigeon, lotus leaf snowflake chicken, snow-skinned fish head soup... ………………………

Attracting the sideways glances of many students from the Magic City, Lin Xing and Qian Duoduo once again attracted attention.

But if Qian Duoduo comes next, he will just let Lin Xing stay where he is, "Oh..., this is not as bad as my lack of appetite today. Normally, these things are just appetizers."

"Tsk, tsk..., the food in our school is delicious. It suits my appetite." Qian Duoduo got the toothpick from nowhere, picked his teeth in his mouth, smacked his lips, and walked out of the cafeteria with Lin Xing towards the playground. Go.

Lin Xing looked at Qian Duoduo's chubby belly, and was actually a little worried about whether Qian Duoduo would hold it up, but seeing the happy look on Qian Duoduo's face, he felt that his worries were unnecessary.

According to Lin Xing's usual schedule, breakfast usually takes about ten minutes, but Qian Duoduo, with his own strength, delayed the breakfast that could be finished in ten minutes to 30 minutes.

The aunties who were serving food at the window were shocked, but there is one thing to say, Qian Duoduo is really good for eating, at least according to the people I met in Lin Xing.

But this is normal. Practitioners generally eat a lot, even girls. Because they need enough energy to support their own cultivation, their appetites are slightly larger.

Not much, maybe several times that of ordinary people.

Wudu University also has a campus card, but the campus card does not allow you to save star coins, but points.

Points are the currency that circulates on campus. You can use points to purchase anything on campus.

Just like when Lin Xing goes to the campus cafeteria to eat, he directly uses his bracelet to pay for star coins. He does not need to apply for a meal card, so it is not too troublesome.

When Lin Xing and the two arrived at the playground, many people were already waiting here.

Listening to the noisy playground, it seems that the new classmates are getting along well.

"Ahem...Old Lin, Old Lin, look, look, the girl over there has really long legs, look at it." Qian Duoduo was staring into the distance next to Lin Xing, holding Lin Xing with one hand.

Seeing Qian Duoduo like this, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This thing is really a living treasure.

As for the title Lao Lin, Qian Duoduo still wanted to show the deep brotherhood. Lin Xing called him Lao Lin and he called Lao Qian. Before Lin Xing agreed, Qian Duoduo had already called them smoothly.

"Old Qian, I have to pay attention to my image. Don't look like a pig brother all the time." Lin Xing saw Qian Duoduo with a silly smile on his face, and couldn't help but pat Qian Duoduo on the shoulder. He said with a serious look.

"Old Lin, you don't understand the pleasures of men. Men like you who don't understand how to appreciate girls have no soul. I want to stand on the noble moral character of men and deeply condemn you." Qian Duoduo heard Lin Xing's words, Suddenly his expression changed, Brother Zhu's appearance disappeared instantly, and he said to Lin Xing with a serious face.

"Damn it, please don't make such a vulgar behavior so noble." Lin Xing cursed with a smile.

Qian Duoduo was about to refute Lin Xing's words, but was interrupted by the words on the podium.

I don't know when several figures appeared on the time podium. One in the middle walked to the front and said softly.

Although the voice was not loud, everyone in the entire playground could hear it clearly. It was only with the blessing of Spiritual Qi that it could spread to every corner of the playground.

[Hello, classmates, I am Feng Xiu, vice president of Wudu University. I am very happy to see that you can gather here on time, and no one is late. I am very pleased. ]

[I am also very happy to see the energetic side of my classmates. You are another generation of inheritors of our Demonic Wuhan University, and you are also the backbone of our humanity's resistance to the invasion of Demonic Beasts. ]

[As the saying goes, each generation is stronger than the next. I think you can also see that in our school, the seniors who are now juniors and seniors are basically not in school. They have their own tasks. ]

Listening to the words of Vice Principal Feng Xiu, Lin Xing suddenly thought of the senior he received yesterday, who seemed to be a sophomore, and he didn't find many juniors and seniors on the road.

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