Martial To Pieces

Chapter 77 The Secret Of [Knife]

Although Lin Xing was oppressed by his own master Xue Wuya's sword power, Lin Xing did not feel much pressure. Instead, his own sword power was put under great pressure.

This gave Lin Xing's Returned to Origin Realm sword power a slightly different feeling.

Xue Wuya saw Lin Xing undergo a little transformation of [Knife], and increased the momentum to oppress Lin Xing, gradually increasing the pressure on Lin Xing, thus accelerating Lin Xing's understanding of [Knife], and thus realizing that he belongs to his own. Artistic Conception.

"What is a knife..." This sentence has been echoing in Lin Xing's mind, and he kept asking Lin Xing, making Lin Xing deeply trapped in a vortex.

"The knife is here to protect the family..." Lin Xing answered again and again after asking, but it seemed that every time he could not reach the state in Lin Xing's heart.

So I kept losing myself in that whirlpool.

Xue Wuya looked at Lin Xing, who was already in a state of intoxication, and then withdrew his momentum.

Because now Lin Xing does not need any help from the outside world, nor does he need any interference from the outside world. He needs to get out of that vortex by himself.

In this way, you can realize that you belong to your own [knife], and you can realize that you belong to your own [meaning]. Only in this way can you be regarded as a true bladesman.

"What is a knife...what is a knife..." This continuous cycle kept repeating in Lin Xing's mind.


"The knife is used to kill the enemy..."

…"The knife is used to defend the home..."

"The knife is used to protect the family..."


Lin Xing didn't know how many answers he had changed, but the one he said the most was to protect his family.

But Lin Xing could clearly feel that if he wanted to go further in his own understanding, he had to break through the thin film in front of him.

But it was this small film that made Lin Xing unable to think of a way out, which made Lin Xing, who had been having smooth sailing in his cultivation, feel helpless and frustrated.

"So what exactly is a knife..."

"I don't understand..." Lin Xing seemed to have turned around. Lin Xing had entered a misunderstanding. As long as he did not exit from this misunderstanding, everything Lin Xing did and thought would be wrong.

"The me...even if...the knife that can cut through the ancient...destruction...creation..." Lin Xing murmured from the corner of his mouth.

As Lin Xing sank deeper and deeper into consciousness, the power of the sword on Lin Xing's body also underwent a real transformation.

A "knife" belonging to his own was slowly created in Lin Xing. This was the real "knife", a knife of destruction that belonged to his own.

Xue Wuya saw that Lin Xing had understood the way of his own sword. His initially nervous mood slowly calmed down, and then he slowly showed a smile (* ̄︶ ̄).

He looked at Lin Xing with relief, his eyes seeming to say that this apprentice's talent indeed has the three-point style of his own back then.

With a wave of his hand, he completely covered the strange phenomena caused by the transformation of Lin Xing's sword, preventing others from noticing the strange phenomena caused by Lin Xing.

After all, Xue Wuya has many enemies. Although Xue Wuya himself is not afraid of anyone, his apprentice Lin Xing is not like him, and the current Lin Xing's strength is still very low, and he cannot stand on the stage at all.

, if my precious apprentice Lin Xing is targeted by those "insects" hiding in the dark, if there is any harm, then where can I cry, where can I find such an outstanding apprentice who can inherit my legacy.

"Boom boom......"

A fierce sword force erupted from Lin Xing's body. Different from the previous sword force, the sword force on Lin Xing's body now became even more powerful.

Moreover, Lin Xing could clearly feel that the sword power he possessed now was much more suitable for him than the previous sword power.

Moreover, Lin Xing also felt an aura of destruction from the power of his own sword. Needless to say, Lin Xing also knew that it should belong to his own Artistic Concept.

As long as you master this bit of Artistic Concept, you will basically have half your foot in the door of sword intention.

It also means that Lin Xing has great hope of breaking through to the high-rank Practitioner Realm.

As Lin Xing's aura disappeared little by little, and was all compressed in Lin Xing's body, and under the influence of that trace of destructive aura, Lin Xing's sword power was continuously tempered and improved. .


As the power of the knife on his body was completely compressed within his body, Lin Xing slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Looking at Xue Wuya in front of him, Lin Xing bowed deeply and looked at Xue Wuya affectionately.

If it weren't for Xue Wuya, Lin Xing himself probably wouldn't know when his sword power would change, and he would realize the way of his own sword.

It might be one year, two years, three years, or maybe a lifetime.

In addition, Xue Wuya had a strange phenomenon when his sword power was transforming, and he covered it up very competently.

This reduced some unnecessary troubles for Lin Xing, which was enough to show that Xue Wuya regarded Lin Xing as his own disciple and the successor of his own legacy.

"Gungun, I'm looking at you like this..." Xue Wuya looked at Lin Xing's eyes and cursed with a smile.

"Hehe (*^▽^*), master, your disciple is doing well, right?" Lin Xing said with a smile.

"Hmm..., so-so. It took me so long to complete the transformation of the sword's power, so I think I still have the three-point demeanor I had back then." Xue Wuya said to Lin Xing with his hands behind his back and a look that was barely noticeable.

Lin Xing originally wanted to show off in front of Master Xue Wuya, but Master Xue Wuya didn't play according to the routine, and instead pretended to be invisible to him.

As the saying goes, invisible pretense is the most deadly, and this is the case with Xue Wuya.

Looking at Lin Xing who looked depressed, Xue Wuya couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Of course, Xue Wuya could see Lin Xing's thoughts and thought, "You brat, if I can't see your little thoughts, how can I be your master?"

Lin Xing looked at the secret joy in Xue Wuya's eyes. Lin Xing knew that his master Xue Wuya had noticed his little thoughts, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let's get here today. You go back and have a good night's rest. We'll be here on time tomorrow." Xuewuya waved his hand and asked Lin Xing to leave.

"Ah..., isn't it still early..." Lin Xing originally thought that there was something else waiting for him below, but in the end he was greeted by Xue Wuya's words.

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