Martial To Pieces

Chapter 78: Hard Training...

"It's still early. Why don't you look at what time it is now." Xue Wuya waved his hand and asked you to leave first, Lin Xing.

"Isn't it's after five o'clock in the afternoon..." Lin Xing subconsciously opened his bracelet, muttering in his mouth, looking at the time on the bracelet, and couldn't help but scream. Holy shit, it just came out of my mouth.

At this time, Lin Xing's stomach made a growling sound, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of hunger spreading throughout his body. The steps of hungry Lin Xing were a little frivolous.

Lin Xing was puzzled. He had only undergone a transformation of his sword power, but he had wasted such a long time.

If other people knew that Lin Xing thought this way, they would definitely not be able to help but slap Lin Xing with a loud mouth, angrily scolding Lin Xing, and let him have a taste of the dangers of society.

You must know that for other people to transform into Artistic Concept, it takes a day and a night in short, and some can even last as long as two to three days. There are very few like Lin Xing, and only Lin Xing’s master’s blood Wuya can compete with it.

However, Lin Xing didn't think much about it, because the hunger in his belly did not allow Lin Xing to waste energy with random thoughts. The top priority now was to reward his belly.

After walking out of the Tiange slowly, he rushed to the restaurant like a vicious dog pouncing on its food.

The speed was so fast that the skirts of the girls wearing short skirts on the roadside were raised, making the girls on the roadside shy and scold.

But it was a feast for the eyes of the men around him.

I can't help but think in my heart, I really want to be in a place where brothers can~

But Lin Xing's attention was not focused on these. He rushed into the restaurant, picked up the plate, and started to take everything he could see from the plate.

But the plate is basically filled with meat products, without any vegetables. Lin Xing is a carnivorous animal, so he does not enjoy meat.

Coupled with the hunger in Lin Xing's abdomen, he needed a lot of protein to replenish energy.

When other students entered the restaurant, they saw Lin Xing in front of a pile of meat, devouring it with big mouthfuls, looking at the scene in front of them in shock.

I don't know how many fucks flew by in my heart, and I stayed there and watched Lin Xing devouring the meat that had been piled as high as a hill in front of him.

A group of people looked at Lin Xing like this, forming a landscape.

"Fuck...this..." Even Qian Duoduo stayed where he was, looking at Lin Xing in disbelief.

However, Lin Xing ignored these people and only focused on eating. Only in this way could he relieve the hunger in his belly.

"Apart from..."

As the last bite of meat was swallowed by Lin Xing, he burped with satisfaction.

Touching her rounded belly, she couldn't help but smile happily.

Sure enough, the happiest thing is to be able to eat enough.

Not hungry is the happiest thing in the world.

Then he slowly walked out of the restaurant amidst the shocked eyes of a group of people.

It is very pleasant to walk leisurely on campus.


In the following week, Lin Xing practiced with his master Xue Wuya every day. Under the guidance of Xue Wuya, a Transcendent Level expert, Lin Xing's strength improved rapidly.

Not only that, but even the understanding of Martial Skill has reached a thorough level.

Of course, what makes Lin Xing most happy is that Lin Xing has mastered the second form of the Crazy Saber Technique skillfully, and the third form of the Crazy Saber Technique has also reached the level of Initiation.

When he used the Saber Technique continuously, even Xue Wuya was surprised by the subtlety and ruthlessness of the Saber Technique.

To Lin Xing's surprise, Xue Wuya did not ask Lin Xing where he got this crazy Saber Technique. Instead, he wholeheartedly guided Lin Xing to the shortcomings and flaws in Saber Technique.

This makes Lin Xing feel that it is actually good to have such a master. At least the current stars can avoid many detours in their cultivation. Furthermore, Lin Xing also has a powerful background at the Transcendent Level.

If he really encounters trouble, it is estimated that Lin Xing will really do something - use the tiger skin to make a big flag. After all, in Lin Xing's view, isn't the master's prestige meant for the apprentice to use? Otherwise, why would he use those insubstantial things?


In the morning, Lin Xing ran the Cultivation Technique Nine Nether as usual. After a few universes, he hastily ended today's breakfast.

After that, he used the token with complex patterns to enter the interior of Tiange.

As usual, Xue Wuya is already waiting here.

"Apprentice... I have nothing to do today. I will take you to pick a weapon that suits you." Xuewuya looked at Lin Xing in front of him with great satisfaction. After a week of guidance, Lin Xing's talent and understanding were deeply impressed. Xue Wuya was deeply shocked.

The most important thing is that Lin Xing has a fierce spirit and a will not to admit defeat. This is what makes Xue Wuya most satisfied.

Because in Xue Wuya's view, a bladesman should have a strong sense of strength. Otherwise, the Saber Technique performed will be soft and have no power, and is not worthy of being called a real bladesman.

Therefore, Lin Xing already has the basic qualities to become a true bladesman. Only the final polishing and development is left, and then he will continue to temper himself before he can find his own way with the sword.

"Weapon?" Lin Xing was a little confused when his master Xue Wuya asked him to choose a weapon. Didn't he have a weapon?

"Haha..., don't be anxious, I'll take you to see it first." Looking at Lin Xing's confused expression, Xuewuya laughed and led Lin Xing up to the Tiange.

He said to Lin Xing while walking.

"Do you know why I asked you to choose another weapon?"

"Should I choose a weapon that is more suitable for me?" Lin Xing thought for a moment and then said to Xue Wuya.

"Hmm... Yes, you are right. A bladesman is as powerful as a tiger with a Divine Armament weapon. When it comes to fighting, it is not as simple as 1+1." Xue Wuya explained to Lin Xing seriously. road.

"Not only that, judging from Blue Star's current casting technology, although it has developed very quickly, it is still not comparable to the weapons unearthed in the secret realm."

"The main reason is that the Spiritual Qi fit of the weapons made by Blue Star is far lower than that of the weapons found in the secret realm. It can even be said to be far lower." Xue Wuya continued.

After hearing Xue Wuya's words, Lin Xing was shocked. He only felt that his strange knowledge had increased a lot. This was the first time that Lin Xing had heard of the special term "fit between weapons and himself".

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