Martial To Pieces

Chapter 79: Choice Of Weapon—Black Fang

"We're here, come in." As he said that, he had arrived at the sixth floor of the Tiange.

There is a sign [Secret Treasure Pavilion] hanging on it, which looks very majestic and domineering.

"Secret Treasure Pavilion?" Lin Xing was a little confused, thinking in his mind, could the secret treasure be the treasure obtained in the secret realm?

"Come in." Xue Wuya looked at Lin Xing who was staying in place, thinking that Lin Xing was shocked by the sign he wrote, and smiled.

When Lin Xing heard Xue Wuya's words, he recovered from his daze.

Following him, he entered the Secret Treasure Pavilion with doubts in his heart.

After entering the Secret Treasure Pavilion, what comes into view are rows and rows of shelves with some weapons placed on them.

The most important thing is that each rack seems to be covered with a formation to protect these weapons.

And against the background of the formation, the weapon looks particularly spiritual, and there seems to be a layer of light looming on the surface of the weapon.

"Haha, how about it? I have collected these little by little over the years. If I take out any one, it is enough to sell for a sky-high price." Xue Wuya looked at the weapons placed on the shelf one by one. I feel very proud.

Later, Xue Wuya explained to Lin Xing why these weapons were called secret treasures.

In fact, in general, these weapons are obtained in the secret realm, and they are basically spiritual.

Lin Xing looked at the weapons on the shelves. The stream of light covering them not only blinded Lin His eyes were instantly covered with small coins.

Looking at so many secret treasures, Lin Xing felt the urge to rob Xue Wuya.

However, Lin Xing turned around and thought, he is the only address that Wuya needs. After many years, these things will not all be owned. For these weapons now, Xue Wuya will only help you keep them first. Thinking of this, people's hearts I was relieved.

If Xue Wuya knew what Lin Xing was thinking, he would definitely curse him.

After all, for so many weapons, Xue Wuya has put in more than one or two efforts. Who knows how much Xue Wuya paid to have such a level.

However, secret treasures also have levels. For example, among the secret treasures in Xuewuya, there are many Low Level secret treasures, but there are not many High Level secret treasures.

, inside the Secret Treasure Pavilion, there are basically all kinds of weapons, but knives are still the main ones, and knives basically account for nearly half.

"Okay, don't be envious. One day you will have a Secret Treasure Pavilion like me." Xuewuya watched Lin Xing constantly looking at the weapons around him, pretending not to care, and waved his hand.

"Now, go to the place with the most knives over there and quietly feel the weapons with your heart. Only the ones that resonate with you are the most suitable for you." Xue Wuya said to Lin Xing seriously.

"Okay, I understand, master." Lin Xing nodded seriously. After all, Lin Xing cannot be careless when it comes to important matters.

Then he followed Xue Wuya's guidance and walked to the place where the most knives were placed. He sat down in Lotus Position and used his heart to understand the weapon that was most suitable for him.

Seeing that Lin Xing had slowly entered the state, Xuewuya turned off the secret protection isolation formation, and also enabled the secret protection isolation distance formation to provide Lin Xing with enough Spiritual Qi.

After all, taming weapons will also require the support of powerful Spiritual Qi.

As Lin Xing's consciousness slowly entered a state of nothingness, it was like a soul Expanding Aperture, floating around in a void of space.

Suddenly, light suddenly appeared, and weapons filled with dazzling light appeared one after another in this empty space.

The momentum on the weapon, Senluo Myriad Manifestations, does not have a duplicate existence.

Some knives are like mountains and flowing water, like dead wood, like lava, like ice, like ferocious birds and beasts, like flowers, plants and trees...

One secret treasure after another surrounded Lin Xing's consciousness.

What Lin Xing didn't know was that not only were the weapons in his mind full of light, but outside, Xue Wuya was also stunned by this scene.

I saw a dazzling light flashing on all the knives, and they were constantly shaking on the knife holder, as if they were meeting their own owners.

"Fuck..." Xue Wuya thought for a long time but couldn't think of a word that fit the scene happening now, so he said "Fuck..." out of his mouth.

Xue Wuya didn't expect that Lin Xing's compatibility with Dao Zi would actually reach this level. He was simply Dao Zhi Dao's own son, and he was the kind of person who chased after him to feed him.

Lin Xing's consciousness constantly shuttled among these knives, but to Lin Xing's regret, he did not find a knife that matched his own.

At this time, Lin Xing felt a strange but familiar aura, and subconsciously flew over.

Following his own consciousness, this long black knife gave Lin Xing a feeling of destruction, and it was very consistent with the hint of the knife intention he had realized.

Lin Xing actually felt that this knife was made just for him.

Feeling the joyful movement of the knife in his body, Lin Xing felt that this was the knife in his dream, this was the one that truly belonged to him.

Lin Xing then used his own consciousness to combine with the knife according to the method taught by Xue Wuya.

What surprised Lin Xing was that there was no obstacle to the Integrated Union between his own consciousness and this knife.

You must know that Xue Wuya told Lin Xing earlier that there would be a strong resistance to stop the Integrated Union with the weapon, but why did Lin Xing not encounter it here? Instead, the Integrated Union process was somewhat smooth, like This long knife is deliberately submissive.

Then Lin Xing withdrew from consciousness. With Lin Xing's choice of weapon, other knives also slowly became quiet.

Xue Wuya, who was guarding outside, knew that his own apprentice Lin Xing had succeeded, and the process was very smooth, because the Spirit Gathering Formation was not used to provide Lin Xing with Spiritual Qi to refine the sword.

"Successful." Lin Xing opened his eyes, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Because Lin Xing found a knife that belonged to him and became a real bladesman, this is the most important thing.

Then, the long black knife that Lin Xing chose flew directly towards Lin Xing as if it was conscious, and then lay quietly in front of Lin Xing.

Lin Xing stroked the long black knife with both hands with great joy.

"Hahaha, I see you are covered in black light. In that case, let's call you Heiya. I hope to fight together in the following days on the top of Martial Dao." Lin Xing excitedly held this Put the black teeth.

Black Tooth seemed to have a consciousness of his own. The blade trembled, as if he recognized the name and the agreement to stand on the top of Martial Dao with Lin Xing.

"I didn't expect you to choose this one." Xue Wuya looked at the black long knife in Lin Xing's hand seriously.

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