Martial To Pieces

Chapter 80 Special Spirituality [Secret Treasure]


Xue Wuya looked at Lin Xing's confused expression and then spoke.

"I got this knife in the Demonic Beasts wasteland. When I found it, it was in a big pit. It seemed to have come from outside. I thought it was some kind of Divine Armament weapon... "

But later, after a period of research by Xue Wuya, he discovered that besides being extremely hard, Xue Wuya had no other advantages at all.

Not only that, Xue Wuya's Spiritual Qi could not cover it, and even Xue Wuya's sword intention was injected into the inside of the blade.

Moreover, if Xue Wuya could sense that this long black knife contained special spirituality, he would have thrown it away long ago.

In the end, Xue Wuya had to give up researching this long black sword and kept it as a mascot in the Secret Treasure Pavilion. Unexpectedly, it was now conquered by Lin Xing.

After listening to Xue Wuya's story, Lin Xing felt that Hei Ya's origin must be unusual.

"I asked why this black long sword has never shown other advantages. It turns out that it has been waiting for the right person." Xue Wuya looked at the black long sword that had originally been gray and dusty, and now it has become black and shiny. I couldn't help but feel happy that Lin Xing had found his own knife.

Xue Wuya even thought that in the near future, Lin Xing and this black sword would become famous, and as Lin Xing's master, he would naturally look like a famous teacher and disciple.

Thinking of this, Xue Wuya couldn't help but smile brightly. Thinking of showing off his disciples in front of those old guys before, and the faces of those old friends as if they were eating lemons, Xue Wuya couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, don't touch it. Just come here today. You can practice by yourself in the afternoon. Starting tomorrow, I will plan the next task for you again." Xue Wuya looked at Lin Xing who was stroking the blade of the sword with some disgust. said.

However, Xue Wuya would not tell Lin Xing that when he got his own sword, the Blood Emperor, he was even more excited than Lin Xing.

"Hehe (*^▽^*)" Lin Xing couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw Xue Wuya's expression on his own.

But this is normal. In front of a bladesman, the knife is like the bladesman's second life.

Lin Xing was then kicked out of Tiange by Xue Wuya.

Finally, Xue Wuya flew into the sky, and now he wanted to show off to those old friends.

Originally, Xue Wuya just wanted Lin Xing to try it casually this time. Even if he failed this time, when Lin Xing broke through to the Intermediate Practitioner Realm in the future, he could choose the weapon that best suited him.

Unexpectedly, it was so successful the first time, which made Xuewuya couldn't help but sigh at Lin Xing's talent.

This should be a good show off to my old friends. In the past few years, every time I listened to those "old beasts" talking about their disciples, my ears immediately felt numb. coming.

Now it's good. The apprentices I have accepted are not only young, but also have stronger talents. In addition, I have found a weapon that suits me well, and I have also realized the meaning of owning. Let's see if it's not sour this time. Kill them.

Thinking of this, Xue Wuya couldn't help but speed up the pace.

"Oh -, I wish I were here, so I don't have to fly and just sit on it." Xue Wuya suddenly thought of his old friend Cang Long and couldn't help but miss him a little.

But it's just a longing. When Canglong is around, I don't have to fly, I can just sit on it.

Inside a large secret realm around the Magic City, a giant dragon that is a hundred meters long lies prone on a mountain in the center of the secret realm.

"Ah Sneeze..." Whoever scolded Ben Long was probably that bloody bastard. It's not that he can't get away from here...

If others saw it, their jaws would drop.

You know, those who can speak are all Rank Nine Demonic Beasts, let alone the Canglong in front of him.

In fact, the Soryu in front of him only has the Bloodline of the Soryu. It has not been fully developed, and only part of the Bloodline of the Soryu has been activated.

This blue dragon is also one of the patron saints of the Demon City, and is an old friend of Xue Wuya.


Angry beast roars sounded again around this blue dragon.

"These bastards are causing trouble there again. If I don't beat them half to death this time, they won't be called Canglong..."

After saying that, Canglong took off and rushed directly to the roar of the beast angrily, as if he was angry that the roar interrupted his thoughts.


There was a huge sound coming from a distance, the sound was deafening, as if the mountains in the distance were exploded.

A moment later, a miserable roar of beasts was heard, making many mid-level and low-level Demonic Beasts tremble in fear.

One can imagine the misery of this Demonic Beasts. I guess this Demonic Beasts didn’t even know it himself. He just roared a few times as usual. Why was he beaten so badly today... ····

However, these are not things Lin Xing can know.

Currently, Lin Xing is still enjoying the happiness of obtaining Heiya o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o, and he has no idea about some of the chain reactions that will occur because of him. [Lin Xing; blame me...]

Lin Xing, who was walking on the campus road, suddenly thought that he had forgotten to ask his own master for a scabbard to equip his own Black Fang. After all, in Lin Xing's opinion, there must be so many secret treasures in his own master Xue Wuya, so there must be someone with them. A rival scabbard.

But if Xue Wuya knew what Lin Xing thought, he would just wave his hands helplessly, because Xue Wuya really didn't have a scabbard. Not only that, even Xue Wuya's own sword - the Blood Emperor, then It was Xue Wuya who went through all kinds of hardships to find the right scabbard.

So Lin Xing was heading to the school's logistics department to choose a scabbard for Hei Ya to use it reluctantly, and he felt wronged and wronged by Hei Ya first.

In the end, I spent more than half an hour selecting a scabbard that looked more pleasing to my eye.

He was about to insert Hei Ya into it to try, but Hei Ya didn't give Lin Xing a chance at all. Lin Xing couldn't insert Hei Ya into the scabbard. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the idea.

Xue Wuya also forgot to tell Lin Xing that the box containing the secret treasure must be special, otherwise the special spirituality of the secret treasure will disappear little by little.

However, Xue Wuya couldn't explain what the special spirituality was. After all, these secret treasures were also found in the secret realm.

Once the secret treasure loses its special spirituality, it will become like an ordinary weapon.

Therefore, the secret treasure needs a long box with spirituality. This can be used to store the secret treasure, which can enhance the spirituality of the secret treasure to a certain extent.

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