Martial To Pieces

Chapter 81 Trial Site, Making Potions

Lin Xing was thinking about a cultivation issue when his own shoulder was suddenly tapped, which made Lin Xing tremble.

Then a familiar voice came to my ears: "Huhuhu... Lao Lin, what are you thinking about? I called you several times and ignored me. You still let me run over. Do you know how far away it is?" Yeah, I'm exhausted." Qian Duoduo ran to Lin Xing's side and panted.

"It's okay. I accidentally got distracted just now. What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you feeling weak again?" Lin Xing said jokingly, looking at Qian Duoduo, who was sweating a lot on his head.

"(⊙o⊙)..., what, you don't know, when I saw you from over there, I ran over in one breath, my legs almost burst into flames..." Qian Duoduo had a look of resentment on his face. said.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke..." Lin Xing also smiled sheepishly.

"Forget it, I'll forgive you this time." Qian Duoduo said as if I was being generous.

"By the way, Lao Lin, why have you gone out early and come back late these days? Don't tell me that Lord Blood Emperor has been teaching you how to practice." Qian Duoduo said, "Don't lie to me, I've already guessed it."

Lin Xing smiled sheepishly when he saw Qian Duoduo like this.

But he didn't act carelessly and said, "How do you know?" Lin Xing said pretending to be surprised.

"ε=(´ο`*)))Oh, I envy you." Qian Duoduo said, pretending to be in pain.

"Hey, why did I hear that Vice Principal Zhao Juli of the Zhan Zhan College seems to have accepted a disciple recently." Lin Xing looked at Qian Duoduo with a half-smile.

"I'm sorry, how did you know? I planned to hide in front of you for a while, and then show off in front of you." Qian Duoduo looked surprised at first, then sighed gloomily and said.

"ε=(´ο`*))) Oh, Xiaoqian, don't you know about the school chat group?" Lin Xing said pretending to be an elder.

Not only that, Lin Xing also knew that Yan Xueer, Bai Xuan, Lei Ba and others were also accepted as disciples by some figures in the school.


"That's sloppy, ε=(´ο`*))) Oh, I forgot about the school chat group." Now Qian Duoduo was stunned in place with a depressed look on his face.

I thought I had already made a foolproof plan, but I didn't expect that I forgot the most important thing. Sure enough, sometimes it's not necessarily the big pit that defeats you, but some small branches.

Each college not only has one deputy dean, but multiple deputy deans, but there is only one real dean.

Just like Qian Duoduo's master, Vice President Zhao Juli, is also a famous figure. After all, the Cultivation Base of Rank Eight middle stage is not built. Furthermore, Rank Eight middle stage was only Vice President Zhao Juli three years ago. Realm, who knows if Zhao Juli’s Cultivation Base has made any progress now.

After all, Zhao Juli's Heavenly Collapse Hammer Technique is capable of defeating Wanfa. Coupled with Zhao Juli's comprehension of the Heavenly Collapsing Hammer Technique, it can also enter the top fifty in the Daxia Practitioner rankings.

However, the top ten do not have nouns, but are a general term, representing Daxia's top ten combat powers, and are also Daxia's cards against all the countries in Blue Star.

This is also the confidence of Daxia as a Blue Star power. After all, the unity of Daxia cannot be replicated by other countries.

"By the way, Lao Lin, when you are free, you can also try it out. The trial venues in the school are ranked higher, but you will be rewarded with points, and there will also be some other rewards." Qian Duoduo He said with an excited face, sweeping away the gloomy look just now, and the excitement seemed to have been rewarded.

"There are four trial venues in total, namely: Trial Tower, Myriad Manifestations Forest, Golden Armor Duel, and the Void Arena that we are more familiar with." Qian Duoduo gushed about the trials in the school for Lin Xing. place.

"Also, the golden armor sparring exercise is really cruel. The first level of the golden armor sparring training for students is surrounded by eight golden armors. It's miserable." Qian Duoduo said in Lin Xing Said next to him.

Lin Xing looked at Qian Duoduo and said with hatred on his face, knowing that Qian Duoduo had probably already suffered from the golden armor sparring.

"Eh..., how do you know so clearly? Old Qian, you have been beaten by a group of people, right?" Lin Xing still deliberately pretended not to know anything, and said softly next to Qian Duoduo.

"How is it possible? I have...never...never tried it. I also heard what others said." After Qian Duoduo heard Lin Xing's words, he jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, a bit lacking in tone. Said softly.

"Oh...that's it," Lin Xing said in a deliberately long tone.

"Okay, okay, I won't mess with you anymore." Lin Xing looked at Qian Duoduo with an embarrassed look on his face and said quickly.

On the way back to the villa, Qian Duoduo told Lin Xing some trivial things that happened in the school during the week. There were some bloody plots. Even Lin Xing said "f*ck" after hearing this. This is too bloody.


After returning to the dormitory and separated from Qian Duoduo, Lin Xing originally planned to visit the trial venues this afternoon and earn some points and those mysterious rewards.

But when I thought about it, I didn't make a few decent potions this week, so I planned to make some cultivation potions this afternoon to supplement my consumption during the week.

In fact, all the training potions used by Lin Xing this week were provided by Master Xue Wuya. Now Lin Xing is just practicing his skills in making potions.

In addition, Lin Xing has already asked the school's logistics department, which also collects potions made by students. Like the Practitioner store, they give different prices based on the quality of the potions.

Lin Xing definitely didn't work hard for the small money, he just practiced his skills, and then sold the excess medicine to the logistics department, and also provided high-quality logistics support for the students of the school. Isn't this a good person and a good thing? (Logistics Department: I’m embarrassed to expose you...)

Just do it, but before that, you should give yourself five grains to your belly.

After all, only when you are full can you have the strength to work.

"Yin Spiritual herbs, Spirit Gathering wood, Tianyan fruit, ground hemp, Yangyan flower..."

Crush, refine...

Under the burning of Lin Xing's third rank beast fire, Spirit Medicine was transformed into liquid bit by bit, and was constantly being tempered...


In Lin Xing's hands, the refining techniques are constantly flying. With the pull of Mental Energy, the final potion is put into the test tube.

After completing this series of operations, it also represents the completion of potion production.

"Haha, not bad, not bad. Although the technique is a bit raw now, the quality is still up to High Grade." Lin Xing looked at the second rank potion he had refined...Xuan Yin Cultivation Potion, and couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

This smile is a bit...cheesy...

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