Martial To Pieces

Chapter 85: Joy Falls From Heaven

When the two entered the nest, they observed it for a while.

Finally, it was determined that the black-scaled eagle was out looking for food, and then it entered the nest with confidence.

"Damn, there are so many star grasses, haha..."

As Lin Xing and Wang Yan stepped into Black Scale's lair, they took a closer look and saw some grass with star spots growing next to the supermarket. According to visual inspection, there were estimated to be about eight or nine plants.

After Wang Yan saw it, he laughed happily.

After all, the mission had been completed in the first Black-scaled Eagle's nest, and it had been over-completed, which was extremely joyful.

"Choo Choo Choo………"

A pair of yellow eyes stared at Lin Xing and Wang Yan in front of them.

A group of young black-scaled eagles, whose fur has not yet fully grown, looked at the two magical creatures in front of them, and their hearts were full of curiosity. Their little heads shook left and right, as if they were sizing up the two "featherless" creatures in front of them. similar".

"Eh..., I lost it, I lost it..."

Wang Yan, who originally focused on the Star Grass, also noticed a few black-scaled eagle cubs in the center of the nest, and cursed.

"One, two, three, four..., make a fortune, there are four young black-scaled eagles who make a fortune, make a fortune." Wang Yan looked at these black-scaled eagles The cub seemed to be looking at a pile of star coins.

The "evil" eyes frightened these few who had not yet entered the "society", and some simple black-scaled eagle cubs were chirping together, looking extremely scared.

But it’s not Wang Yan’s fault. You must know that Demonic Beasts can be tamed by humans, but they must be trained from an early age. Only in this way can we ensure that Demonic Beasts will not rebel.

Moreover, the value of Demonic Beasts cubs has remained high for many years, and it is also one of the most valuable precious items in society today.

Under normal circumstances, even the cubs of Rank One Demonic Beasts can reach the Rank One level when they reach adulthood.

If you buy one and take it home, as long as you train it properly, you can basically get a Practitioner-level combat power, and it is also very loyal, so the price of Demonic Beasts cubs has remained high for many years.

In addition, the value of the cubs of flying Demonic Beasts is much higher than that of terrestrial Demonic Beasts, and the Black Scaled Eagle can reach the level of Rank Two Demonic Beasts when it reaches adulthood.

You know, the value of Rank Two flying Demonic Beasts is generally around 800,000 star coins, so Wang Yan was so surprised when he saw these black-scaled eagle cubs.

You must know that under normal circumstances, if there are Demonic Beasts cubs in the Black-scaled Eagle nest, there will definitely be an adult Black-scaled Eagle guarding it.

When Lin Xing and the two first conducted investigations, they found no trace of the adult Black-scaled Eagle, so they subconsciously believed that there could be no young Black-scaled Eagle in the nest.

"Hurry up and pick the star grass, otherwise you will be in trouble if the black-scaled eagle comes back from foraging for a while." Lin Xing looked at the surrounding environment, turned to Wang Yan, who was still happy, and said.

"Oh..., yes, yes, look at me. I was so excited that I forgot about important things." Wang Yan was awakened by Lin Xing's words and quickly patted his forehead.

But he still couldn't hide the smile on his face. Wang Yan went to pick the star grass happily, humming a tune while collecting the star grass.

Lin Xing was observing the surrounding situation from the side, and then asked Wang Yan if he had a beast control lock.

As the name suggests, the Beast Taming Lock is of course used to control beasts. However, the use of the Beast Taming Lock is also limited. For example, there is a certain probability of taming Demonic Beasts cubs.

For example, if there is an adult Demonic Beasts, the probability of you successfully taming it with the Beast Control Lock is basically one in ten thousand, and even if it succeeds, there is a high chance that it will defect or even bite the owner.

Therefore, taming Demonic Beasts cubs is the best choice. Not only does it have a high success rate, but it is also less likely to rebel.

After all, Lin Xing also agreed to bring back these black-scaled eagle cubs. After all, it is very handsome to have a flying Demonic Beasts.

However, Lin Xing currently does not consider the Black Scaled Eagle as his own flying pet. The main reason is that Lin Xing dislikes the Black Scaled Eagle as not handsome enough. In addition, the Black Scaled Eagle's talent is limited, so Lin Xing is not within the scope of Lin Xing's consideration.

Although there are some items or Spirit Medicine that can enhance Talent, these items are expensive and laborious to find.

Besides, under normal circumstances, once you find an item or Spirit Medicine that can improve your Talent, you will take it yourself. It is impossible to give this opportunity to a Black Scaled Eagle with limited Talent.

The reason why Lin Xing agreed to take away the cubs was mainly due to two aspects: on the one hand, the value of the flying Demonic Beasts cubs, and on the other hand, Lin Xing and the three of them were enough to withstand the anger of the adult Black Scaled Eagle, even in the backpack. Isn't it possible to get more materials for an adult black-scaled eagle? That's the money for this meal. (Black Scaled Eagle: There is a saying that I don’t know if I should say it or not. Steal my cubs? Why do you want to kill me? You want to sell me for food. You are arrogant...##*)

"Beast Control Lock, of course I have this thing. When I first entered the secret realm, I had prepared ten of them just to capture the cubs of Demonic Beasts. However, I never encountered them. Now it's better. I finally sent one. It’s useful, quack…” Wang Yan said with excitement. After all, after entering the secret realm so many times, even if he deliberately looked for the cubs of Demonic Beasts, he didn’t encounter them. Even if he did, there were adult Demonic Beasts next to him. Protected, there is no chance.

Wang Yan took out several beast-controlling locks from the Interspatial Ring and handed them to Lin Xing.

Wang Yan has already collected the Tianxingcao in the nest, and not even a single one is left.

Absolutely, when Wang Yan went on an expedition, not even a blade of grass grew.

"Quack, quack..., little bird..., here I come~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~..., don't be afraid..." Wang Yan walked towards the black-scaled eagle's cub with a smile on his face, holding the beast-control lock in his hand.

Chi Chi Chi…

The cub shrank into a ball in fear.

Finally, amidst the screams of the young black-scaled eagles, one after another, the young black-scaled eagles were locked up by Wang Yan with the beast-controlling lock.

Then Wang Yan found a big cloth bag from nowhere and put the tied cubs inside.

After all, it is impossible to contain living creatures in the Interspatial Ring.

As Lin Xing and Wang Yan quickly cleaned the "nest", they quickly left the place before the adult black-scaled eagle came back.

After all, who knows how many black-scaled eagles will come back.

Now we are in the middle and upper range of the black banyan tree. If we fight against the black scaled eagle, this will be a real "air combat".

If you are not careful, even if you don't die if you fall, you will suffer serious injuries.

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