Martial To Pieces

Chapter 86 The Encirclement And Suppression Of The Black Scaled Eagle

"How's it going?" After Song Hei saw Lin Xing and Wang Yan coming down, he looked away from their dull expressions and quickly asked for the result.

"ε=(´ο`*)))Oh..." Wang Yan's expression changed, and he sighed heavily with a serious look on his face.

This stunned Lin Xing next to him. Lin Xing did not expect that Wang Yan's performance was so talented, and he was stunned for a while.

Seeing Wang Yan sighing and looking at Lin Xing again, only to see Lin Xing also looking expressionless, Song Hei was very anxious.

"Ah..., it doesn't mean we don't have any money, but we shouldn't. Didn't we hear the cry of the black-scaled eagle..." Song Hei was a little confused and looked annoyed. Looks like, said in confusion.

"Hahahaha...I lied to you, look what this is..." Wang Yan looked at Song Hei and finally laughed unkindly, and put the bag in his hand Demonic Beasts cub's bag was handed to Song Hei.

"Damn it, you kid..., what is this..., I'm a bastard..." After hearing Wang Yan's words, Song Hei laughed and scolded Wang Yan, and said Wang Yan lightly punched his chest.

When he opened the bag Wang Yan handed him and looked inside, he suddenly blurted out the word "f*ck".

"Well, don't be surprised, Xiao Hei..., haha." Looking at Song Hei who looked like he had never seen the world, Wang Yan couldn't hide his happiness and laughed unkindly.

"Brother Lin, why did you lie to me with this guy Wang Yan? You are too unkind." Song Hei looked at Lin Xing with a resentful expression on his face.

"Really? I was just surprised by Wang Yan's superb acting skills." Lin Xing said seriously, as if he didn't know anything.

But it's not Lin Xing's fault. He really didn't come to his senses just now. He didn't expect that the best actor was beside him, and he even had accurate micro-expressions.

Seeing Song Hei looking like he was about to cry without tears, Lin Xing could no longer hold the corner of his mouth, which was about to burst.

"Tiaoao..." A scream came from a distance.

"It can't be that the black-scaled eagle is back. Let's leave quickly." Wang Yan quickly said to Lin Xing and Song Hei after hearing the eagle's cry.

After all, leaving now is the best choice, and it can also reduce unnecessary troubles.

Later, Wang Yan took out the secret medicine powder from the Interspatial Ring and sprinkled it evenly around the area and on the bag containing the black-scaled eagle cubs to cover up the smell on his body.

This can evade or reduce the scent tracking of the Black-scaled Eagle.

"Let's go... let's leave here directly. As for the location of a lair below, let's explore it next time. Dealing with these things first is the most important thing." After Wang Yan finished all this, he followed Lin Xing and the two of them. Run away.

Sure enough, it was so beautiful when we arrived, but so embarrassing when we left.

In fact, Lin Xing and the others didn't want to, but the Black Scaled Eagle's cry seemed to be that of more than one Black Scaled Eagle.

After a cursory observation, there are estimated to be about five or six. There must be nests of black-scaled eagles nearby, and they will not gather into a group of black-scaled eagles.

However, Lin Xing and the others don't actually have to go to such trouble. Lin Xing can put the black-scaled eagle's cub into his own portable space.

Because Lin Xing had previously tried to put small animals with living characteristics into his own portable space, it had no effect, and after being released for a period of time, it actually became more lively.

According to Lin Xing's guess, there should be a certain mysterious substance inside the own portable space, which can slightly enhance the talent or vitality of the living body to a certain extent.

However, Lin Xing is still unable to explore and excavate these things now.


The three of them quickly shuttled through the black wood forest, their bodies rubbing against the plants in the black wood forest, making a swishing sound.

He was running very fast towards the secret realm exit.

Suddenly, several black shadows fell from the sky, and there were harsh screams.

"Tune Ao..."

A pair of sharp claws only clawed at Lin Xing and the three of them, as if they had some deep hatred. (Black-scaled Eagle: You took away my cubs. What kind of hatred do you think you have...)

"Get out of the way and find something to hide in."

Following Lin Xing's words, Wang Yan and Song Hei walked through the bushes nearby in a tacit understanding. They probably practiced their skillful movements frequently.

“Thunder Saber Technique”


"Tiaoao..." A black shadow rushed toward Lin Xing, and a miserable howl came from the scene.

The sword in Lin Xing's hand slashed straight across the Black Scaled Eagle's belly, causing its intestines to fall to the floor. The Black Scaled Eagle was killed on the spot and could not die any longer.

In this way, a black-scaled eagle with a Rank Two early stage left the world safely. What the black-scaled eagle didn't know was that Lin Xing and the other three spent their money for dinner tonight. The money paid for the sale of the materials on the body.

But that’s all for another day.



Several other black-scaled eagles became even more angry when they saw their companions being killed, and all of a sudden they pounced on Lin Xing.

The huge wings of several black-scaled eagles were stacked together to block the broad daylight above the forest star.

Lin Xing then used the Cloud Step of Returned to Origin Realm to deal with the black-scaled eagles that besieged own.

For a moment, these black-scaled eagles didn't even catch Lin Xing's clothes.

"Brother Lin, let me help you." Song Hei walked out of the nearby bushes and rushed straight towards the nearest black-scaled eagle.

"Black Spirit Saber Technique"


"Don't forget, there's me too." Wang Yan also watched for the right moment and directly attacked one of the black-scaled eagles.

"What's going on with these beasts? Is the secret medicine powder fake? How could they find us?" Wang Yan muttered while fighting this set of black-scaled eagles.

"Old Wang, your secret medicine powder has not expired, otherwise how could these black-scaled eagles catch up?" Song Hei said to Wang Yan while fighting.

"No way, they are all regular goods."


With the addition of Wang Yan and Song Hei, the two black spirits among them, the pressure on Lin Xing will be reduced, but it will not have any impact on Lin Xing, because Lin Xing just wants to fly with these few. Just play with the Demonic Beasts. ,

There were five black-scaled eagles that besieged Lin Xing just now.

However, after one of them was killed by Lin Xing, there were still four left. In addition, Wang Yan and the two of them were also entangled with two.

So there is no pressure at all on Lin Xing's side.

"Crazy Saber Technique First Style"

The sword in Lin Xing's hand swept across directly, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

He directly cut off the pair of shiny black iron claws of one of the black-scaled eagles.

Then he quickly used Fist Technique and ran straight towards the chest of the black-scaled eagle.

"Rolling Stone"


There was a loud noise, and Lin Xing's fist as big as a sandbag hit the chest of one of the black-scaled eagles, knocking one of the black-scaled eagles to the ground. A large dent was made in the chest, and blood oozed out. After a few breaths, he lost his breath.

The other black-scaled eagle actually wanted to retreat when he saw his companions dying one by one.

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