Martial To Pieces

Chapter 87: Behead And Return With A Full Load

Lin Xing looked at the black-scaled eagle who wanted to retreat, and could not help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.


Another pitiful cry of an eagle sounded, and you knew without looking that it was coming from Wang Yan and Song Hei.

It is estimated that a black-scaled eagle has been taken care of.

Lin Xing's guess was correct. Song Hei had already taken the lead in killing the black-scaled eagle he attacked.

As for Wang Yan, judging from the form, it probably won't take long.

In fact, what Lin Xing couldn't believe was that Wang Yan had changed so much in this week. From being a bit delicate in the past, he became more masculine now.

Even the Sword Technique used by Wang Yan has become a bit fierce, which is in great contrast with the previous delicate appearance.

However, the sudden screams made the black-scaled eagle on Lin Xing's side become even more nervous. A pair of huge wings kept flapping, as if trying to leave this place.

However, Lin Xing would not let this black-scaled eagle sneak up on him and leave unharmed.

After all, "letting the eagle return to the mountains" is not Lin Xing's style. It is one of Lin Xing's principles to eradicate the weeds and prevent the spring breeze from coming back again.

“Crazy Saber Technique”

Lin Xing jumped into the air and appeared above the black-scaled eagle.

"Tune Ao..."

The pupils in the eyes of this black-scaled eagle shrank, and it let out a miserable cry from the corner of its mouth.

As Lin Xing slashed down with the sword in his hand, a cold sword light flashed from the eyes of the black-scaled eagle.

Tear and pull......

There was only a tearing sound, and the black-scaled eagle was split in half from the middle. The hot blood spilled on the ground, dyeing the flowers and plants on the ground blood red.

Viewed from a distance, the grass and trees stained red by blood looked even more eerie.

“Sword Technique”

The long sword in Wang Yan's hand was like a poisonous snake, thrust straight into the heart of the black-scaled eagle, and it died under the Sword Technique without even closing its eyes.

In the end, Wang Yan also killed the Black Scaled Eagle, which was already covered in scars.

When Lin Xing saw the black-scaled eagle killed by Wang Yan, which was covered with large and small sword wounds, he couldn't help but praise this black-scaled eagle for being such a man. Even after this, he didn't even think about escaping, but still clung to it. . (Black Scaled Eagle: Don’t I want to run away? Didn’t you see, that kid (Wang Yan) kept chasing me and couldn’t get rid of me. As soon as I flew into the sky, I was pulled down. I will never be there for the rest of my life. I have never encountered such a speechless thing...)

"Haha, I didn't expect you, Lao Wang, to be so shady, and you don't want to give anyone a break." After Song Hei saw the body of the black-scaled eagle at Wang Yan's feet, he couldn't help but complain.

"It's my fault, it didn't run away on its own." Wang Yan shrugged and waved his hands, pretending to have a helpless expression. (Black-scaled Eagle: Ah...ʘ‿ʘ, I'm going to kill you, you beast. Listen, are these human words...)

"Oh, I didn't expect that, Lao Wang, you have become a bit more manly." Song Hei thought of the changes that had occurred in Wang Yan recently, and couldn't help but feel happy for Wang Yan from the bottom of his heart.

"Go on, let me just be myself, okay?" Wang Yan rolled his eyes at Song Hei and said speechlessly.

But Wang Yan is really grateful to Lin Xing. After all, if it weren't for Lin Xing's "word", he would not have made any changes.

It was Lin Xing who aroused the manly spirit in his heart and allowed him to find his true self.

However, the main reason why Wang Yan had a somewhat effeminate air before was probably because he was bullied too much as a child and developed a submissive temper.

It was because during the fight between Lin Xing and Wang Yan that he really inspired the fierceness in Wang Yan's heart and regained his original self.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, let's clean up first." Song Hei looked at Wang Yan who was on the verge of getting angry, and couldn't help but quickly withdraw the words he was about to blurt out.

"That's right. Get out of here quickly. The smell of blood here is too strong." Lin Xing also nodded and said.

"That's right, that's right. If the smell of blood attracts a Demonic Beasts that we can't deal with, wouldn't we all be in trouble?" Song Hei said with a smile.

After the three people quickly harvested the materials from the Black Scaled Eagle, they left the place.

Since this mission has been overfulfilled, the three of them are preparing to return early.

It turned out that Lin Xing was still planning to let Wang Yan and the others leave first, and he was planning to practice in this secret realm for a while first.

But after thinking about it carefully, I decided to go back and do some shopping first, so as to make a comprehensive plan. At the same time, I can also receive a few tasks from the campus task network. This will not only exercise myself, but also earn some points.

Lin Xing and the others went very smoothly from the place where they killed the Black Scaled Eagle to the exit of the secret realm. They did not encounter any problems. Instead, they even made a few stormchasing rabbits.

Although the storm rabbit has no practical value, the meat quality of the storm rabbit is outstanding.

If it comes to eating, then Lin Xing and the others can be said to have found an organization. After all, Wang Yan and Song Hei are also very knowledgeable in food.

In this way, the relationship between Lin Xing and the three people took a step further. On the way, Song Hei told Lin Xing the story of Wang Yan when he was a child, and he also understood why Wang Yan was in a sissy mood.

But after Song Hei finished speaking, he fled all the way. After all, Wang Yan was chasing after him with a sword.

In the end, Song Hei roasted a whole rabbit with cumin and barely gained Wang Yan's forgiveness.

After leaving the secret realm, Lin Xing and the other two returned to school. After all, the internal transactions of black-scaled eagle cubs in the school were much higher than those of outside transactions.

In addition, selling the black-scaled eagle cubs to your own school can also increase the school's heritage. The school will become stronger, and you will receive a lot of favors.

When Wang Yan held a bag containing four black-scaled eagle cubs, he did not attract much attention.

However, when the four black-scaled eagle cubs were placed on the table one by one, it shocked the entire students in the mission hall. Song Hei even put on a few poses coquettishly, as if he was afraid that others would not see it. .

In the end, four black-scaled eagle cubs were sold to the school for 1 million star coins each, and they also received an additional 400 points as a reward.

In addition to the original task of picking Star Grass, the minimum task of picking Star Grass is five plants. Each additional plant will receive an additional 10% commission.

In addition, during this trip to the secret realm, I obtained a total of nine Sky Star Grasses.

Therefore, the final income of this mission is 5.12 million star coins, as well as three bottles of second rank wood spirit training potion.

It can be said that this trip to secret realm was a fruitful one.

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