Martial To Pieces

Chapter 88: Dividing The "Stolen"

"Brother Lin, our income this time is 5.12 million star coins, and there are three bottles of second rank wood spirit training potions, so after the three people share it equally, each person will get 1.7 million star coins, and one bottle of second rank wood spirit. Cultivation of potions." After the task was handed over, and when it came to the final step, Wang Yan said after rough calculations.

"I have no problem here." Song Hei nodded, indicating that he had no doubts.

"I don't have a problem either." Lin Xing also nodded. After all, the result of dividing interests like this is the best.

"Okay, since we all agree, let's divide it equally according to this method." Wang Yan nodded equally happily. After all, dividing interests is both the easiest and most error-prone link.

The reporter said that once there is a win-win cooperation with Returned to Origin, it means there will be a second and countless times. After all, there are only the first time and countless times for one thing.

Just like asking for contact information with a beautiful young lady or brother, you may feel a little embarrassed the first time, but after successfully asking for contact information for the first time, you will not be sad even if you are rejected next time (ಥ﹏ಥ ).

Maybe this is the human psychology.

As the message in the bracelet reminded me that the star coins had arrived, the beautiful sound echoed in my ears, maybe it was the best sound in the world.

"By the way, Brother Lin, can you sell me the wood spirit cultivation potion in your hand? Don't worry, I won't let you suffer." Song Hei saw Lin Xing throwing away the second rank wood spirit cultivation potion with a look of disgust on his face. Throwing it into the Interspatial Ring, he asked Lin Xingdao.

Not only Song Hei, but also Wang Yan looked at Lin Xing with hope.

Wang Yan also knew Song Hei's situation. Just now, after dividing the rewards of the mission, he threw the wood spirit cultivation potion in his hand to Song Hei.

In fact, Song Hei didn't know how to ask this question, but when he saw Lin Xing throwing the wood spirit training potion into the Interspatial Ring with a look of disgust, he cautiously asked.

In fact, the greatest effect of the Wood Spirit Training Potion is not its mild medicinal properties, but that the Wood Spirit Training Potion can repair the hidden wounds in the body to a certain extent. This is the greatest value of the Wood Spirit Training Potion.

The main reason why Song Hei was in such urgent need of the Wood Spirit Training Potion was because of himself. When Song Hei broke through to Rank One Practitioner again, due to lack of foundation, he forced his way through, causing considerable injuries to all the internal organs of his body.

Although after a long period of pregnancy and upbringing, the essential damage still could not be recovered, leaving hidden wounds. It was not until Song Hei learned from others that the wood spirit cultivation potion could repair the dark wounds in the body, so he urgently needed this potion.

There is no wood spirit cultivation potion on the market. This potion is one of the potions produced and sold internally by the Magic City Martial Arts University. Even in the Practitioner store, there is no wood spirit cultivation potion.

Although this is one of the self-produced and self-sold potions in the Magic City Martial Arts University, the number of times it appears is even more random, not to mention that it is only three bottles at a time. The main reason why I obtained the Wood Spirit Training Potion this time is from the Pharmacy School. A mentor is in urgent need of star grass.

Although the Sky Star Grass is only second rank Spirit Medicine, the effect of the Sky Star Grass covers a wide range. I heard that the instructor is in urgent need of the Sky Star Grass to refine the fourth rank potion. I don’t know which fourth rank potion it is.

But being able to take out three bottles of wood spirit training potion at once must be really anxious, but Song Hei was also lucky. Not long after entering the mission hall, he saw this mission pop up. After seeing the mission reward, Song Hei Hei took over the task without saying anything. The other students behind him looked at him with a bit of regret.

Then, what Song Hei didn't expect was that his good brother Wang Yan actually had the map location of the Black Scaled Eagle's nest. Don't let it go too smoothly. As for what happened next, Lin Xing also knew something about it.

Otherwise, Song Hei wouldn't be a little angry because he thought he didn't collect the Star Grass. After all, whether the hidden wounds in his body can be cured depends on this time.

After all, Song Hei was crazy. He was admitted to the Magic City Wuhan University just to cure the hidden wounds in his body, so that he could take a step forward on the road to Martial Dao.

"It's okay. I don't need it anyway. It's not as beautiful as an adult." After listening to Song Hei's story, Lin Xing waved his hand and handed the Wood Spirit Training Potion directly to Song Hei.

"Brother Lin, please give me a price." Song Hei looked at Lin Xing and said after seeing Lin Xing handing the wood spirit cultivation potion to him.

"No, just think of it as a gift to heal your own hidden wounds." Lin Xing said with an indifferent expression.

"That won't work, one code Return to Self code." Song Hei suddenly became anxious.

"Yes, yes, classmate Lin Xing..." Wang Yan also looked at Lin Xing and said, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lin Xing.

"No need, I am a pharmacist myself. Which cultivation medicine is not suitable for me? Besides, friends, shouldn't friends help each other?" Lin Xing said with a smile.

"Brother Lin, thank you..." Song Hei looked at Lin Xing with a moved face.

Wang Yan heard Lin Xing say that we are friends and friends should help each other. Only then did Wang Yan truly understand the meaning of "friends".

"Okay, okay, you man, how can you cry like a man? Hurry up and finish the regrets in your heart. I still have to go to those trial towers." Lin Xing waved his hand, and Song Hei and Wang Yan left. , after all, Lin Xing still has his own things to do.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving first." After saying that, he left directly.

"Tch..., this kid is still so impatient." Wang Yan complained, then said hello to Lin Xing and left.

The reason why Song Hei needs three bottles of Wood Spirit Training Potion is because three bottles of Wood Spirit Training Spirit Medicine Potion can completely eliminate the dark wounds retained in the body.

Then Lin Xing went directly to the trial tower, preparing to break into this trial tower. On the one hand, he could complete the tasks set by his master Xue Wuya for himself, and on the other hand, he could also earn some points.

After arriving at the destination, I looked up and saw a huge nine-story iron tower standing there.

At the same time, there is a ranking above, which is the time to complete the level and the level of level.

[Ranking list: ]

[First place: Wu Xin - The time it took to clear the eighth level was one hour, five minutes and 45 seconds. ]

[Second place…………]



[Tenth place: Liu Hanbo - Breaking through the seventh level, taking two hours, nine minutes and fifty-one seconds. ]

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