Martial To Pieces

Chapter 95: Jin Xiu Jing

However, Lin Xing did not mean to blame Qian Duoduo. After all, Lin Xing still felt that God was taking good care of him after being able to gain such a friend. (God: nonsense...)

"By the way, Lao Qian, how long have I been unconscious?" Lin Xing shook his heavy head and said to Qian Duoduo.

Lin Xing was now covered in bandages, like a mummy.

"Oh..., today is the third day, and I have been unconscious for two days." Qian Duoduo counted the time and said to Lin Xing.

"Three days?" What Lin Xing didn't expect was that he was unconscious for such a long time.

"Yes, yes, if Lord Blood Emperor hadn't said nothing was wrong, I would have thought you were alive and dead." Qian Duoduo thought of the past two days, Lin Xing was lying on the bed motionless, but there was breathing and heartbeat, but he couldn't wake up. It really looks like the living dead.

"My master is head hurts...?" Lin Xing did not expect that his master would come to see him when he was unconscious. Before Lin Xing could continue to speak, there was a stabbing pain in his brain, which made him Lin Xing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

But what Lin Xing didn't know was that Xuewuya was still suppressing a secret realm that appeared on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, but when he heard that his precious apprentice was seriously injured and fell into coma.

He immediately became furious and prepared to send all the people who injured his apprentice and the forces behind him to the Western Paradise.

But after hearing the cause of the matter, and that Lin Xing was out of danger, he was relieved. However, he still directly suppressed the secret realm that appeared, Iron Blood, and then quickly rushed back to the magic capital of Wuhan University.

When he saw Lin Xing wrapped up like a mummy and lying quietly on the bed, he couldn't help but curse Lin Xing.

"You brat, why don't you know how to adapt at all? Life is the most important, everything else is just a cloud." Although Xue Wuya said this, he still took out the Jade Dragon Snow Lotus collected from the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain from the Interspatial Ring.

At the same time, he also thanked Qian Duoduo for giving his own angel potion to Lin Xing. Otherwise, whether Lin Xing could survive it is another matter.

This made Qian Duoduo a little flattered, but he immediately patted his chest and said, Lin Xing is his own brother, it doesn't matter what the angel potion is, you are your own brother and it is a good thing.

Not only that, even Yan Xueer, Feng Tian and others have visited Lin Xing several times. Not only that, the school also attaches great importance to Lin Xing's physical condition and sends some skin care products from time to time.

Not only because Lin Xing succeeded in becoming the first in the trial tower rankings, but more importantly because Lin Xing's master Xue Wuya was so proud.

"By the way, Lao Lin, you are famous now and have become a role model for many people. Now every day, some of your little fans and little fans come over to see you, but I stop them all." Qian Duoduo told Lin Xing some of the things that happened since Lin Xing became the first in the overall list of the trial.

"You don't know. I'm almost going crazy watching you here every day. I'm not afraid of you, so I won't watch you here." Qian Duoduo looked at Lin Xing and said with some resentment.

"Haha, Lao Qian, thank you for taking care of me these days. When my injury heals, I will treat you to a big meal and reward you well." Lin Xing was naturally concerned about Qian Duoduo's care for own these days. Grateful.

"Hey (*^▽^*), I've been waiting for your words. I've been starving and losing weight these days. I must give you a good meal." Qian Duoduo heard Lin Xing say that he wanted to treat himself to a big meal. , and said with a smile, after all, own goal has been achieved.

"By the way, Lao Lin, your master said that after you wake up, you can log into your own account on campus, and then you can choose your admission reward, which means the three A-level Cultivation Technique and one S-level Cultivation Technique………….” Qian Duoduo seemed to have thought of something, and quickly told Lin Xing the news, looking at Lin Xing with envy, and said sourly.

After Lin Xing heard the news, he was also excited. The school's reward finally came. Although he already has enough Martial Skills, who would think that he has too many Martial Skills? Besides, there is an S-level book. , Why don’t you have too many skills?

As for the guidance of the Grandmaster Practitioner, I already have my own master, Xue Wuya, who is many times better than the Grandmaster Practitioner.

There is also the A-level combat uniform and an A-level weapon. Even if Lin Xing cannot use it himself, he can still use it for his own Little Brother Ye Hai.

Lin Xing endured the pain in his body and searched for Martial Skill on the school's official website. In the end, Lin Xing decided to leave it alone and wait for some time to search for it. There was no rush anyway.

Lin Xing spent the next few days in bed. Of course, eating, drinking, and diarrhea were not the last two words.

After his body has recovered a little, Lin Xing plans to improve his own pharmacist level during this period of recuperation since he is still unable to carry out ultra-intensive training.

Similarly, Lin Xing also received many tasks for making potions on the campus task network. Not only can he improve his pharmaceutical level, but he can also earn training resources. It is like killing two birds with one stone. Why not do it? .


In the dark canyon, a medium-sized secret realm in the magic city, the usual calm has changed.

I saw that in a small canyon near the center of the dark canyon, there was a black-purple egg that was constantly swallowing the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth, and there was a small tree growing next to it with two fruits on it. , absorbing the black mist gas that Kedan revealed this time.

As for Lin Xing, he received one potion-making task after another on the campus task network. The poor man continued to improve his proficiency in making teaching aids. Now Lin Xing can skillfully refine fourth-rank potions.

In addition, after experiencing a battle between life and death, Lin Xing now seems to have transformed.

Not only did his strength break through to the peak of Rank Two Realm, but his Mental Energy also broke through a small rank.

That's right, Lin Xing's current Mental Energy has reached the Rank Four level, otherwise it would be impossible to refine the fourth rank potion.

Recently, I have been very happy to have a lot of money.

Although there is no lack of training resources despite having a lot of money, it still cannot resist feeding him every day.

Lin Xing helps others refine potions, collects three materials, and only needs to deliver a bottle of reagent to the client.

The rest will go to the pharmacist.

Therefore, all the extra money that Lin Xing despised was given to Duoduo. (Qian Duoduo: Co-author, I am just a scrap collector——ʘ‿ʘ)

"Huh..., it worked." Lin Xing exhaled a breath, and then took a bottle of Spiritual Qi recovery potion from the side, poured it into his mouth, and flowed down his throat into his body.

In order to refine this bottle of fourth rank flame demon potion, all the Spiritual Qi in Lin Xing's body was drained out, leaving not a drop left.

"After wasting a lot of materials, I finally succeeded in refining it. This is too difficult, huh..." After resting for a while, I felt that my body had some strength. The feeling of being drained was too uncomfortable. , so Lin Xing decided not to take the medicine that was difficult to refine.

Let’s wait until our own strength improves.

Then label the medicine and put it into the Interspatial Ring to prepare for the unified delivery task tomorrow.

And when he looked at Qian Duoduo next to him, he was already sleeping soundly next to him, and his nose bubbles appeared, one big and one small as Qian Duoduo breathed.

"Hey..., wake up soon." Lin Xing shook his head and found that Qian Duoduo did not respond.

Then he shouted, "Look, beautiful girl."

"Ah..., where is it? Where is it?" After hearing the news, Qian Duoduo sat up, rubbed his eyes, and glanced around.

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