Martial To Pieces

Chapter 96 Dark Canyon

Lin Xing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw Qian Duoduo's piggy look on his face.

"There is no girl, Lao Lin. The beautiful girl won't grow up anymore." Qian Duoduo looked at Lin Xing seriously, as if to say, hand over the girl quickly, or else he will fight Lin Xing desperately.

"Sister, sister, sister... If you think about this every day, why can't you focus on your cultivation?" Lin Xing looked at Qian Duoduo with a look of hatred.

"What, where is it~" Qian Duoduo curled his lips and muttered softly.

"Then I will practice for one more... one minute today." Qian Duoduo looked at Lin Xing, who looked serious, and had no choice but to give in and said with a righteous look.

"..." Lei's Lin Xing had black lines all over his head.

Lin Xing has not only focused on making repair potions during this period of time. Similarly, Lin Xing has also been slightly involved in several other trial sites.

Of course, the void arena that is most visited is the one that needs to be consciously entered into the space. Even if it fails, there will be no injuries.

Lin Xing only played a few games to familiarize himself with the rules of the Void Arena. Basically, it was no different from the arena battles during the Freshman Competition.

But now, Lin Xing feels that his injuries are almost healed and he should be able to engage in some high-intensity battles.

So Lin Xing no longer plans to stay at home, but plans to pick up a few tasks and go to the secret realm to have a look.

After all, only in the wild can the "wolf nature" hidden in Lin Xing be fully stimulated.

"By the way, Lao Qian, I have to take on a few tasks. Do you want to come with me?" Lin Xing invited Qian Duoduo as he looked at him doing nothing all day.

"Ah? Do you want to go to the secret realm? Forget it, Lao Lin, you'd better go by yourself. It's very tiring to go there. I won't go..." Qian Duoduo quickly rejected Lin Xing's invitation. If Qian Duoduo agreed to Lin Xing's request , I estimate that after this mission, I can lose two kilograms of meat.

Lin Xing's rejection of Qian Duoduo is also reasonable. Qian Duoduo seems to have only one shortcoming, and that is "lazy". He is simply lazy to the extreme. I don't know how Qian Duoduo got his Cultivation Base.

After arriving at the mission hall, under the gaze of others, he began to check the recent missions.

Lin Xing saw a lot of missions about Dark Canyon, and after asking around, he found out that it turned out that something had happened in Dark Canyon recently, and Spiritual Qi riots often occurred, which caused the masters of the Secret Realm of Dark Canyon to become particularly ferocious and violent.

Therefore, the prices of the unique products in Dark Canyon began to soar, which also attracted a large number of Practitioners to enter.

This is, knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, but preferring to go to the tiger mountains.

In the end, Lin Xing randomly accepted two tasks. The first task was to pick the Xuanyou Fruit, and the second task was to pick the unique ore of the Dark Canyon - the Nether Crystal.

The difficulty of these two tasks can be said to be average. They are not the easiest, but they are not the most difficult either. They are suitable for Lin Xing now.

Then he drove the energy off-road vehicle that came out of the school and drove quickly towards the secret realm of the dark canyon.

On the road, I saw many vehicles going back and forth. It seemed that the riot in the Dark Canyon had indeed affected many people.

The entrance to the secret realm of the Dark Canyon has been heavily guarded by a large number of military Practitioners and Practitioners from the Armed Forces Administration, but it is not prohibited to enter the secret realm to search for materials or hunt Demonic Beasts.

At the same time, some tasks will also be issued. After all, the Practitioners who enter the secret realm to hunt and kill will be distributed in who knows where, and they will more or less encounter things that the military needs.

In addition, the Spiritual Qi riot inside the Dark Canyon will not only bring harm, but also a certain possibility of great opportunity.

Because there are some people who got a lot of opportunities during the Spiritual Qi riots in the secret realm, and thus soared into the sky and became beings respected by thousands of people.

That's why a large number of Practitioners are attracted into the Dark Canyon, in order to obtain the special "opportunity" behind the Spiritual Qi riot. Everyone thinks that they can obtain this resource, and they go there one after another, for fear that their own opportunity will be taken away by others. go.

But Lin Xing didn't pay attention to these. He knew that even if he met him, he wouldn't be able to get it.

Because the Practitioner who enters the dark secret realm has a higher Cultivation Base than Lin Xing, that is, you can grab a lot of them. To exaggerate, if you throw a brick at the door of the secret realm, the Practitioners that hit are probably higher than Lin Xing's. Cultivation Base is high.

After all, Dark Canyon is also a medium-sized secret realm. The highest Cultivation Base of the Demonic Beasts in it can reach the Rank Six level, which means that when Lin Xing encounters this kind of Demonic Beasts, he doesn’t even have to run away. He just prays to the Demonic Beasts of this level to treat him as one. Just let it go.

"Oh..., haha, what are you doing here, you kid? Isn't it because you want to get the opportunity behind the Spiritual Qi riot?" A Rank Four Practitioner with a scar on his face looked at Lin Xing, who had a childish face, and said Ridiculous.

The others also burst out laughing after hearing the scarred man's words.

"Haha... Scar, why do you have time to bully children now..." Another Practitioner from the mercenary group said to the Scar man calmly.

If Lin Xing is not angry, on the one hand, there is no loss, on the other hand, own Cultivation Base is indeed not enough.

"Okay, Scar, don't scare people, we have a mission." This was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face wearing a combat uniform. He glared at Scar and scolded.

"Hey, boss, don't worry, you know me." The scarred man was not angry after being scolded by his own boss, but said with a smile.

In fact, what Lin Xing envies most is this kind of friendship, a friendship that goes through life and death, a friendship that leaves the back to his teammates, a friendship that does not seek to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but seeks to die in the same year, the same month, the same day. This kind of friendship is noble and inspiring. Human Venerable.

Basically, Practitioner, a mercenary like Scar Man who licks blood on the tip of his knife, has a real partner.

Similarly, the mercenary guild is also one of the backbone forces in the Martial Dao world. They are present in extremely dangerous situations such as secret realm riots, wild Demonic Beasts riots, beast tides, etc.

As Lin Xing stepped into the dark canyon, he felt a cold breath coming towards his face.

The Dark Canyon, as its name suggests, is like the gap between two mountains. It is twisted and twisted, more like a messy mountain top.

The flowers, plants and trees inside the Dark Canyon all appear dark gray. After all, there is no sunlight all year round in the Dark Canyon, and the only light should be those luminous plants.

This plant is called Dark Light Grass, which can produce a faint blue light. Under the influence of many Dark Light Grasses, the interior of the Dark Canyon appears a gray color.

It's not like they can't see anything. Similarly, in this secret realm, the Demonic Beasts are relatively strong. Although there is no sunlight here for a long time, the Demonic Beasts' vision is not only not weakened, but also becomes clearer.

Against the backdrop of the dark surroundings, it looks like a ghost in the night.

Lin Xing was now standing on a hilltop, and the roars of Demonic Beasts could be heard from time to time.

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