Chapter 126 Scarlet Witch Probabilistic Attack (First Update)

Chapter 126 Scarlet Witch Probabilistic Attack (First Update)

He planned to rush over quickly, and then use his thick fists to beat their siblings into flesh.

It is a pity that the ideal is full, and the reality is cruel.

He kept running all the way and fell to the ground, his left and right feet were broken, and even his arms were injured.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Quicksilver burst out laughing.

“This guy is too funny!”

he laughed.

Scarlet Witch also raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a slight smile.

At the same time, her hands were dancing, constantly manipulating the probability.

Her probability Ability can be said to be very incredible.

Can change the probability of everyone’s Action Ability.

For example, the probability of success when you walk is basically 99%, and you rarely fall.

But she can turn your odds of success to 10% or less.

That’s why I hate 1167″ straight wrestling.

And Scarlet Witch also modified his injury probability, increasing his injury probability dozens of times.

That’s why such a strong abomination is so vulnerable.

“Damn, I must tear you two to shreds!

Disgusted to see these two people so proud, a pair of eyes almost burst out with anger.

At this moment, the Hulk stood up from the ground and ran over with great strides.

“Get away from me!”

Seeing the Hulk in hatred, he shouted angrily.

What answered him was a violent punch from the Hulk.

Usually he can easily dodge this punch, but this time he didn’t dodge it.

He was punched hard in the head, and then he could hear a crackling sound, and the bones actually shattered.

“My God! My head is very hard, how could this guy crack my head with one punch!”

Surely “that little girl did it, this guy is a witch!”

“I must tear her up, tear her up!”

He gritted his teeth in disgust and screamed in anger.

He had just finished calling this when the Hulk punched him a few more times.

Several more bones were broken in his body, and he fell to the ground in pain.

The Hulk stepped on him mercilessly and kept stepping on him.

In the end, he jumped high, and then fell heavily, stepping on his back.


His back, which was as hard as a mountain, actually broke.

His neck was broken!


He screamed loudly in disgust, and finally passed out because he couldn’t bear the pain.


Hulk hit a formidable opponent and smiled proudly.

His smile was naturally hideous.

Then he stared at the two brothers and sisters in front of him with his faint green eyes.

Being stared at by him like this, the sister and brother couldn’t help but tensed up.

Scarlet Witch immediately warned: “Hulk, you better not deal with us, or you will end up exactly like him!”

“I am the Hulk, never threatened by anyone!”

The Hulk roared angrily.

He also used his thick feet to stop on the ground, making the whole ground make a dull loud noise.

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, big man!”

At this time, Iron Man and the others all ran over and hurriedly stopped the angry Hulk.

The Hulk just sat on the side very unhappy.

“Hahaha, this is good, our team is extremely powerful!”

Captain America said happily.

Everyone looked at the little girl in awe.

This girl has burgundy hair, a delicate face, and a graceful figure. She is definitely a very beautiful girl.

It’s just that this beautiful girl is so powerful.

I don’t know what method was used to make such a powerful hatred so miserable.

“This little girl’s Ability is so weird!”

Gwen on the clouds also said.

“She should be Scarlet Witch, she has the ability to control probability!”

Han Qing looked at Scarlet Witch on the ground and said.

“Controlling the probability?”

Gwen’s face was full of surprise and confusion.

This is the first time she has heard of this ability, and she doesn’t understand it at all.

“It’s about changing the probability of things like success, failure, luck!”

Han Qing explained.

This “ability is too scary!”

Gwen looked shocked, looking at Scarlet Witch’s dread below.

“She also has an even more terrifying ability, that is, she can change the outside world at will, whatever she thinks, what will happen, but this ability only appears in the comics, I don’t know if the Scarlet Witch in front of her has this ability. Ability?”

Han Qing thought to himself.

If Scarlet Witch had the ability in the comics, even he would have to be wary.

Such existence, Han Qing is also unwilling to offend.

Because as long as this girl has a thought, the magic that he has worked so hard to cultivate disappears.

In the comics, it was her idea that turned all the super-ability people on earth into ordinary people.

Among them is the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One!

Definitely this is the content of the comics, I don’t know if this world will be like this.

At least looking at the current Scarlet Witch, she should not have such an ability.

If she had such an ability, she wouldn’t have to play with hatred so hard.

Just a single thought can kill hatred.

“These two brothers and sisters have joined Captain America. They should be able to test the strength of Apocalypse!”

Gwen laughed.

Hope “So be it!

Han Qing smiled slightly, then frowned again and said: “It’s strange, the fight was so fierce outside, and the two subordinates betrayed again, why hasn’t this Apocalypse appeared yet, he can’t possibly know what’s going on outside?”

“Yes! What’s the matter?”

Gwen was also puzzled by his reminder.

Han Qing remembered the plot in the movie.

In the movie, it was similar to the one in front of him. Several of Apocalypse’s subordinates were fighting, but he didn’t show up.

Because he needs to plunder Professor X’s Ability and get Professor X’s Psychological Ability.

Is Professor X in this Pyramids now?

Thinking of this possibility, Han Qing’s expression changed greatly.

He quickly took out his phone and called Jean Grey.

“Jyn Grey, is Professor X at school?

As soon as the phone was connected, Han Qing hurriedly asked.

0.3 Qin Grey said anxiously: “No, the professor has been missing for an hour, we can’t find it anywhere, I was going to call you for help!”

“Hey! I see!”

Han Qing’s heart suddenly sank.

It seems to follow the plot of the movie.

Professor X has been taken away by Apocalypse.

“Do you know where the professor is?

Qin Grey asked hastily.

“He might be in these Pyramids!”

Han Qing said.

“Pyramids, what Pyramids?”

Jean Grey was a little puzzled, then suddenly reacted and asked, “You mean the Pyramids that just appeared in Cairo today?”

“Yes, I’m right next to the Pyramids!”

Han Qing said.

“Then take me there quickly!”

Jean Grey said anxiously.

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