Chapter 127 Can Apocalypse surpass the speed of light? (Second)

Chapter 127 Can Apocalypse surpass the speed of light? (Second)


Han Qing opened a space door directly in front of him.

Jean Grey walked over without thinking.

Then he stepped on the air and fell down with a scream.

Han Qing hurriedly used a magician hand to hold her up.

She was suspended in the air like this, and slowly floated up to stand with Han Qing.

“You scared me to death, don’t you remind me!”

Qin Grey said with a lingering fear.

Han Ji smiled and said: “Don’t worry, how could I let you fall to death!”


Jean Grey snorted and looked down, just to see the huge Pyramids below.

Now the Pyramids have stopped expanding, but are as big as a big city.

Such a huge Pyramids is simply incredible.

“Are you sure the professor is in these Pyramids?”

asked Jean Grey.

Han Qing shook his head slightly and said, “No, this is just my guess, we have to go in and have a look to find out!”

“Then what are you waiting for, let’s go in!”

02 Qin Grey said quickly.


Han Qing immediately turned on the 2.4 billion hour mode.

And pulled both Jean Grey and Gwen into this time mode.

For a moment, the clouds in front of the three people were still.

Even the sunlight that sprinkled in the sky has turned into grains, which are very beautiful and dazzling.

“This… what’s going on here? Why did it suddenly become like this?

Jean Grey looked at the scene in shock.

Han Qing smiled and said: “This is my time ability. I can adjust the time to 100 million times. In this way, everything in front of you will seem very slow, as if you are still!”

They “are not really standing still, but our time has doubled and their speed has been 100 million times slower!”

Jean Grey was stunned.

I didn’t expect this world to have such an ability.

Simply incredible.

“Your ability is really good, if anyone encounters trouble, you have time to rush over directly!”

“If it is used on the X-Men, it will be able to appear at the scene of the disaster in time in the future, and there will be no tragedy caused by not arriving in time!”

Qin Grey immediately thought of helping others.

Han Qing admired her spirit very much, but if he was asked to help people from time to time, he wouldn’t have that spare time.

He had to change the subject.

These “things we’ll talk about later! Let’s go to the Pyramids for now!”

Qin Grey immediately came back to his senses, nodded quickly and said, “Okay, okay, let’s go!

The three flew down from the clouds and landed at the door of the Pyramids.

The gate of the Pyramids is closed, and the iron gate looks very heavy.

Gwen pointed a finger, and a laser appeared in his hand, which easily split the heavy door open.

Jean Grey is very different: “You.. you are also a Mutant?”

Gwen shook his head slightly and said, “No, I’m a magician!”

Qin Grey gasped for a moment.

The legendary magician!

This is the top existence on earth.

I really didn’t expect that Han Qing’s girlfriend was such a terrifying existence.

“I didn’t expect you to be so powerful! I used to think you were an ordinary person!”

Jean Grey said incredulously.

Gwen smiled slightly and said, “I used to be an ordinary person, but with the help of Han Qing, I started to learn magic, probably for more than 100 years! I have become a legendary magician!”

“More than 100 years?

Qin Grey was amused, thinking: How old are you! Where did you come from over 100 years?

Suddenly she remembered that Han Qing could adjust the time 100 million times.

100 years is less than a minute to the outside world.

“It’s incredible!”

Jean Grey couldn’t help but marvel again.

Gwen just smiled.

The inside of the Pyramids is actually brightly lit, just like the daytime outside.

But it’s too big inside. If three people just look for it, they will find the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon.

So Han Qing directly used a search technique.

A white light appeared on his hand, and the white light turned into a white bird.

The white bird flapped its wings and flew forward.

“Let’s follow this little bird and we’ll be able to find the professor!”

Han Qing said.

This is just made based on Professor X’s breath.

The bird keeps flying forward, which means that Professor X is indeed in this Pyramids.

Otherwise, the birds will fly outside the Pyramids.

Hearing Han Qing’s words, Qin Grey suddenly became nervous: “You can now be sure that the professor is in this Pyramids?”


Han Qing’s face was a little heavy.

It’s been so long now, and I don’t know how the professor is doing.

But don’t be robbed of Ability by Apocalypse.

Such a kind person, Han Qing really doesn’t want to see anything happen to him.

Fortunately, the bird flew very fast, and they chased for a few minutes to reach their destination.

Here is a very huge amount of altar, all densely packed with strange runes and lines.

These runes and lines look like the meridians of the human body, and they flash with blue light, dazzling.

These glowing lines connect the two figures on the altar into one piece.

One of them is Professor X.

At this moment, he was lying on the altar, with glowing lines all over his body.

On the other side of him was an odd-looking man with blue skin.

This man dressed a bit like an ancient pharaoh and looked very strange.

Both lay there with their eyes closed, motionless as if unconscious.

“Professor 167!

Qin Grey hurried over, trying to help Professor X up.

But the lines on Professor X’s body were so tough that she couldn’t stop pulling them.

She had no choice but to look at Han Qing.

Gwen used a magic directly, and a blue arc of light appeared on his hand.

It looks like a knife made of lightning.

A few strokes of the lightning knife on these lines, the lines are broken.

Only then did Jean Grey help Professor X up.

And Han Qing ran to Apocalypse and wanted to take the opportunity to solve him directly.

Just as he was about to start, Apocalypse suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of blue eyes stared straight at him.

Looking at him like this, he can totally see Han Qing.

Han Qing was taken aback and took a step back.

Then he stared vigilantly at the diva in front of him.

This guy is so weird that he has to be careful.

At this moment, Apocalypse broke free from the lines on his body and slowly stood up from the altar.

He was actually very fast, as if Han Qing had given him time sharing.

Could this guy go faster than the speed of light?

Han Qing was completely shocked.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

At the same time, there was something strange in his heart.

“If he is really so fast, why is he walking instead of running?

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