Chapter 261 Kunlun Mountain Boundary

Chapter 261 Kunlun Mountain Boundary

In the mountains that can’t be seen to an end at a glance, the mist is swirling, and the fairy is lingering.

These are innate auras. After so many catastrophes, only the Kunlun Mountains in the entire prehistoric wilderness have so many innate auras.

Even now, Buzhou Mountain cannot compare to Kunlun Mountain because of the large-scale destruction of the two Lich clans.

The Kunlun Mountains are incomparably majestic, almost on a par with the words of heaven, and with the recent sanctification of Sanqing, it is even more powerful.

And at the foot of this Kunlun Mountain, Han Qing came here.

He has put on ancient clothes at this moment, and what is even worse, his strength has been severely compressed.

Actually only the strength of a demigod, in this wild world is also the realm of immortals.

“This transcendence is really terrifying. With my multi-universe level strength, it has been compressed so much!”

“But my Ability doesn’t seem to have disappeared, it’s just that my strength has been suppressed to the demigod realm, um, it’s the realm of earth immortals!

“Transcendence means that as long as people enter this world, they all start from the demigod realm, and what level they can develop after that depends entirely on their own efforts and abilities!”

“Although my strength has been suppressed, my system is still there, and the 6 Infinite Gems I integrated are still there!”

“In this way, my ability is definitely the top in this prehistoric world!

Han Qing thought to himself.

“I don’t know where Qin Gehuang and the others were sent to, and I don’t have a mobile phone now, so I don’t know how to contact them!”

“I hope they don’t have any trouble, otherwise I will definitely find the transcendence guy to settle accounts in the future! Damn!”

He looked around and thought to himself: “This is the Kunlun Mountains, and that is the territory of the Sanqing Patriarch!

“What does the transcender mean by sending me here, is it to ask me to apprentice to the Sanqing Patriarch?”

“The realm of the Sanqing Patriarchs and Saints is only a multi-universe level, and I am also a multi-universe level! Wouldn’t it cost me my worth if I worship them as teachers?”

“Well, no, this is the prehistoric world, and the cosmic laws are completely different from the Marvel world. If I don’t take a teacher, my research progress will definitely be very slow!”

“I have to improve my strength as soon as possible so that I can compete with other outsiders, especially that Thanos. His ability is definitely not worse than mine, even higher than mine, I need to practice harder!”

“If you can bend or stretch, you should be a teacher!”

He looked up at the Kunlun Mountains hundreds of miles in front of him, and when he looked from a distance, he actually felt a palpitating feeling.

“Now Sanqing has just become a saint, and has not yet split up, the Taoist Sanqing should still be on Kunlun Mountain now!”

Han Qing flew to the highest mountain range in Kunlun Mountains to his death.

And he looked down in the sky, and there were many figures moving fast.

These people all saw someone flying in the sky, and all had angry expressions on their faces.

“This guy is too daring! He actually felt that he was flying in the Kun (King Nuo’s) Lun Mountains, doesn’t he ignore the saints?”

“Yeah! This guy is too arrogant. He is in the realm of immortals, and he dares to fly above us. I really don’t know how to write dead words!”

This “little human race dares to fly above the head of this seat, this is not taking this seat in his eyes, this seat must throw him down and eat him!”

“I can’t stand it anymore, I’m going to get this guy down!”

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