Chapter 262 curse

Chapter 262 curse

Yaozu next few curse, and have issued a spell, the sky Han Qing attack in the past.

Han Qing is Yufeng Flight, suddenly felt the breeze Roar tsunami, busy looked down and actually see a large spells to attack him over.

He was shocked, and quickly against these spells, she said: “! It disappear.”

He would have thought law here is not the same, Reality Gem of Ability may not be available.

But surprisingly, he was still able to achieve this Ability.

He had just finished speaking these words, before flying overwhelming spell all disappeared.

“Ah? How is it, how I attack spells suddenly disappeared?”

“what happened?”

“He really cents it? How have the strength so strong?” 960

“This guy will not play pig eat tiger! There might be someone prehistoric Mighty One!”

The following people were all dumbfounded, fancy Han Ji eyes have changed.

But how, this guy’s still a land Wonderland world.

Han Qing found himself Infinite Gems Ability remained intact, and suddenly put the following Yaozu not looked down on.

Although many of these are Yaozu angel realm, he is now higher than the realm of a mile.

He flew directly from the sky down, he fell in front of these Yaozu, condescending and said: “Just who is against me, stand up, quickly apologized to me, or else I polite (accb)!

Hearing this, all these Yaozu suddenly furious endless.

“A small cents, also bluster, really is a dead word I do not know how to write.

“You guys seeking death yet? We did not see so many fairy angel really here?”

“This guy’s brain problem now!”

“‘Ve seen mad, I never met a person from so mad!”

These Yaozu all stared at Han Qing, a tense look.

At this point, Han Qing appeared in front of a virtual screen that read his words on the screen.

“Task Published: get rid of these Yaozu eyes, you will be rewarded!

Green line suddenly surprised when the system can appear in front of a virtual screen, and how not seen before?

Then sound system sound up, and said to him: “This is not the system of things, that transcendence is created, each of you will have this reincarnation virtual screen!”

Han Qing suddenly while silent.

This transcendence of science seems quite fast, and soon put the fantasy novel system deceives out.

“I do not want to ignore this task Forget it? Anyway, beyond those rewards I also frown!”

“And at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains murder of three clear, after all, is disrespectful, likely to be angry to three clear, let me worship master unsuccessful!”

Han Qing thought to himself.

He wanted to let go in front of these Yaozu Yaozu did not intend to let him.

One tiger demon angel level, move came out, eyeing staring at Han Qing said: “You guys have to provoke us, and Flight in the sky, disrespectful of three saints, I want to eradicate saint today you scourge! ”

With that, he quickly rushed over.

His speed is very fast, the moment came to the front of Han Qing.

And he was despised Han Qing, there is no use of weapons, but directly to the empty fist fight Han Qing’s head in the past.

Mere cents a level of character, not worth his angel to use a weapon, as long as he can punch the other side to the results.

And this guy better Sibu Si, actually dare to meet his attack with his fist.

He had never seen people so stupid.

Instant effort, the two fist hit in one.

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