Chapter 263 Abuse of Tiger Demon

Chapter 263 Abuse of Tiger Demon


The power of the Power Gem exploded completely on Han Qing’s body at this moment.

Even if his current strength is severely compressed by the transcendent, it is not something that a mere immortal can handle.

This Heavenly Immortal Tiger Demon felt that his fist was attacked by a terrifying force, and his body flew into the sky in an instant.

In the sky, his arm was directly smashed into pieces, smashed into the body, and the wine kept screaming “nine sixty” in the sky.

He kept flying out for tens of thousands of meters before he fell heavily into the ground, inserted into a deep pit, and could not get up for a while.

Seeing the scene in front of them, all the demon races present widened their eyes with incredible expressions on their faces.

“This guy is so strong!”

“Earth Immortal Realm can’t be so powerful, he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!”

“This guy really hides his strength, tnd we were asked by him!”

“What about the hidden strength, I must kill him today!”

“Yes, I am in the Xuanxian realm, I don’t believe his realm can be higher than mine, I must kill him!”

“I’m so pissed off, this guy dares to kill people directly here! This is disrespectful to the three saints, this guy must be severely punished!”

Amid the shouting of the demon clan, a stronger tiger demon came out.

This tiger demon’s aura was stronger and stronger than the tiger demon just now.

Because his realm has reached Xuanxian.

“You injured my third brother just now, and I must kill you today!”

The tiger demon directly took out a magic weapon mace and hit Han Qing’s skull.

Han Qing actually stood still and let him call.

In midair, the mace suddenly turned a corner and hit him.


If the tiger demon hadn’t evaded in time, I’m afraid that his Heavenly Spirit Cover would have been blown up by this mace.

But the mace still hit him on the shoulder, causing him to grin and scream in pain.

“You tiger is very weak, come, hit me again, hit me again!”

Han Qing said with a smile.

Seeing him mocking himself, the tiger demon screamed in anger, raised his mace and kept waving it.

But every time he swung out the mace, it would always come back inexplicably.

At first he couldn’t figure out what was going on, but after playing more and more times, he also figured out the reason.

It turns out that this guy actually has the ability to change space, which distorts the space, so the space distortion of the mace he punched back to 0.

“Damn, what kind of monster is this guy, the Ability that can distort space!”

“The power to distort space, isn’t this something only great powers can have?”

“I’m afraid he’s not an Earth Immortal, but a certain power?”

“We shouldn’t provoke such an existence, let’s go, let’s go!”

“Go, go, go!”

The surrounding monsters suddenly realized that Han Qing was very likely to be a powerful person, and they were all afraid, and walked away all at once.

This time, the tiger demon stood alone beside Han Qing, looking very helpless and embarrassed.

“I… that senior, can I go too?”

The tiger demon said tremblingly.

Han Qing looked at him and smiled, “You can’t leave!”

“Senior, you should let me go, I have eyes but don’t know Mount Tai, I offended you, 2.1, please let me go…

This tiger demon began to beg for mercy.

Han Qing shook his head slightly and said, “You offended me and want me to let you go, do you think it’s possible?”

The tiger demon suddenly said with a sad face: “Then how can the senior be willing to let me go?”

“If you are willing to be my mount and carry me up the mountain, I will let you go!”

Han Qing said with a smile.

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