Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 103 - [57]

Azazel was more of a demon as he was mutant from the brimstone dimension and also a previous Hell Lord. So, this was his first demon slain. Not bad for a month old symbiote.

Max felt a rush of dopamine after killing Azazel. He deserved it, Godkiller still buried inside Azazel, he had used the electricity to kill off Azazel.

Taking the sword out from Azazel's body he revealed the silver blade from the demon's body. The silver blade shone, getting free and now had a tinge of redness due to the blood that covered it. Wiping the blade on the dead demon's cloth he rested it on his shoulder, before looking at the red ninja that came charging at him.

Max could see his opponents move with ease, as if the red ninja was moving in slow motion. Even before the ninja could get near him, Max made the first move as the room illuminated by a light.

With a booming noise, the ninja's body was thrown back, cut in half from the waist down—his guts on the floor. There was a gaping diagonal slash mark on the walls and shattered glass everywhere from the transparent walls.

'The diagonal slash has gotten faster since the last time I used it.'

But it was no time to rejoice, as Max heard screams from behind. Murakami with a sword at hand was charging at Max, while Madame Gao's hands were glowing yellow. Max dealt with the first one by slashing at him with great speed. There was no way Max would be holding back.

As Godkiller slashed, it left behind a trail of neon blue light, it cut through Murakami's sword, as well as decapitating his head. As the man's head rolled through the air, he had a wide eyed hollow expression on it.

Even Madame Gao was worried, moving forward she punched on the man's c.h.e.s.t releasing her chi. She smiled thinking that she had dealt a fatal blow.

"That tickled," Max said, chuckling. "What in the world is an old lady like you doing here, anyhow have some sweets." Max chuckled, as he grabbed the five hundred year old hag by the face opening her mouth by force before he pushed in a glowing yellow ball of concentrated energy in her mouth. She pushed the lady aside, while the old hag tried to hold off the excess amount of foreign chi inside her body.

She twitched from the leaking chi as it ravaged trying to let loose, she couldn't even scream before she blew up,splattering blood,flesh and guts everywhere, painting the white walls and ceiling red with blood. Max' lips curled up, showing a sadistic and cruel smile at how easy it was,the whole thing was going just according to his plans.

Max looked at the fifth member, he was tall muscular and looked obese. This was King-Pin, in a black suit. "We can make out a deal…" but he was cut off when Max pushed his sword inside of his gut, doing a diagonal slash ,causing all the intact intestines to roll out of his stomach. Blood and guts on the floor, Wilson Fisk looked horrified, scared and with a jumble of other emotions he wasn't able to describe.

Max kicked him, right into his face, this time with enough force to hear his neck break. He wondered how his neck was still attached to his body. King Pin's body was kicked away as he bashed onto the nearby wall.

Looking back he didn't see Emma, his second target. Emma had long since jumped down to the first floor in her diamond form and now was making a run for it. As she ran she commanded all of the guards to attack Max.

The place was a mess, when the bodyguards saw Akuma running there , they followed him by intuition. And when they looked at the second floor, they saw an assassin making a quick job out of the Hand council members. Several bodyguards were now, firing bullets at Max, while others unsheathed their weapons charging at him. Broken down furnitures, half-destroyed walls, splattered broken glass everywhere, the place really was in total mess.

Max didn't want to bother with the small time goons, his main target was running.

Still on the second floor, Max had a birds eye view of things. Taking a breath full of wind, he shot out the rest of the bullets towards Emma. But due to the sudden intervention of the bodyguards, only one of Max's shots hit Emma.

The shot dug deep into her shoulder, she was beyond horrified when she heard a crack forming there. This was the first time she was ever injured in her diamond form, she didn't know what would happen if she turned normal. Luckily in this form, she was immune to pain. And unluckily she had sent Blink away to tend to Armando.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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