Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 104 - [58]

The Restaurant

Emma stormed out of the building, while her left arm was dangling on the side. The shot had not only caused a crack in her diamond form, but the damage was also spreading, as spider web-like cracks were slowly but surely, spreading out from the bullet wound.

This was the first time she was put in this kind of situation. Saying that she was scared would be an understatement. She felt terrified each time she looked at her limping arm. Even as she ran, she could hear the cracks spreading.

While running, she commanded the body guards to attack or hold off the assassin. Azazel was dead, she knew it. Unlike the others, she had a mental link with her fellow club members.

He heard his mental scream, as he died. She was sure of it. Nobody could stand this type of punishment and still live. Even if he had a healing factor, one couldn't live through that. This was not the time to think of this kind of thing. She needed to escape.

Luckily in her diamond form, she was stronger, faster and had enough stamina to run several marathons. Running through the long hallways, she saw guards screaming and running opposite to her. Trying to take out the assassin. But even as she ran, she could hear the screams get less and less. She felt a bead of sweat tracing from her face. Finally outside, she wanted to take one of the cars and speed off from this god forsaken place.

But she gasped, when she saw the cars, smoke was coming out of their engines—every single car. Whatever it was she knew the cars were out of commission. Cursing her bad luck, she started her sprint. She heard a large explosion go off in the restaurant, but she didn't have the courage to look back.

She kept running, but she was stopped. Her eyes opened wide, when she felt something grabbing on to her, looking back it were black tendrils latching on to her back. She was yanked back, even before she could take another step, let alone a scream.

She knew this was the assassin's doing. With a grown she lifted her head, expecting the black-jacket assassin. Yet she was horrified seeing a black monstrosity. The nightmarish creature was big. Double the size of a normal human, broad wide shoulders, she could see the muscles underneath the black goo. It's open maw held ragged canine teeth. While each breath it took, left behind a white steam.

The creature made its way towards her with heavy steps, she didn't know if it was a hallucination or not, but she felt the chill of death wrap around her as the beast got near. She felt cold, weak and frail. Her knees had long given up, she wanted to crawl away. From those fierce predatorial eyes.

Looking around she saw several dead bodies, broken and torn limbs, some life like statues. Those gray statues looked surreal, while her head spun trying to come up with ideas. That could save her, she saw the beast grinning.

She tensed up, almost jumping when she heard a scream from behind. She could see a figure, from the corner of her eyes making way towards the monstrosity. It was one of the well known criminals that was associated with the Hand.

The man had some type of power that made his hands bigger in size, he punched forward. Yet it was all for none, as the monstrosity hand morphed into a large blade that stabbed into the thug's stomach—coming out from his back. The thug gave a last remorseful scream as he was lifted off the ground, the large blade still stuck in his stomach. He was thrown upwards, crashing into the ceiling, he stuck there for a few seconds before gravity pulled him down into a wooden table.

Fear was all Emma felt right now. The monstrosity was taking his time to come near her. With slow but heavy steps, she wanted to cry and run away or do something, yet her body had already given up.

She saw one of the black suits wearing bodyguards behind the monstrosity, he was far enough away for her to barely see him. With a bleeding head and limping arm, the guard was sneaking away from the monstrosity. A wise decision,— she thought.

The monster with it's comma shaped eye, trailed her eyesight glancing back to the suit wearing guard. With a monstrous smile, the monster extended his arms backwards, his blackish-gooish arm elongated; black tendrils with sharp ends spread like tree vines in the air. As they made their way towards the limping guard in a zig-zag pattern before hitting him in the back.

Emma saw the guard's body explode, as the black tendrils spread out from inside. Blood, guts, eyeballs and brain matter spilling and scattering everywhere, while his limbs were tossed to the side. The guards head (what was left of it) was in the air, spinning and spilling blood, it rolled on the floor. Before stopping, she could see the man's inside, hollow where the eyeballs should be, gray matter pouring out mixed with blood from the wounds.

She gulped, throat dry. Looking up close, the monstrosity wasn't pleasant to look at. While it was towering over her, she felt small and fragile.

'I need to run! Move damn it!' she cursed to herself. Yet her body was limp, it was fear. The eerie feeling the black beast in front of her gave was pressuring her. She didn't know why, but she knew the monstrosity could end her life at any given moment.

"Don't you remember me?" The black beast said, in his growling voice, it was echoing around the lifeless restaurant. "Oh! I totally forgot?!" he said, chuckling—even though it came out crackling. "I can go on an epic monologue, but I will save your time, thank you. In short I am your nightmare, your death incarnate!" The monstrosity said with a wolfish grin, spreading its maw so that she could get a better view.

The beast was right, her telepathy won't work on him, her diamond form wasn't enough to protect against him.

"Please!" she said, finally enough to gather her courage. "I don't know… if it's money you want. I can give it all. Just…"

"Now now… you're making me guilty. I am not a bad guy per say. And it's not about money, it's rather personal. You see the last stunt you pulled in Wakanda… caused a lot of damage, and one of my friends got hurt during it." The thing said. "I don't like torturing people, so rejoice that I will give you an easy death. Even the red prick wasn't worth torturing and he was the main reason why I am hunting you guys." He mumbled the last words to himself.

Emma felt a pit form in her stomach hearing that, she didn't remember anything after she was knocked out in Wakanda. But now the dots were connecting. After Shaw died, Emma had scanned Azazel's memories, and this guy looked similar to him. But the monstrosity in front of him was larger, it was why she wasn't able to recognize him.

The black 12 foot monstrosity started to morph, shrinking in size, the black goo getting pulled into his body, as if condensing. Now the monstrosity looked rather humane, so she was right.

It was the assassin, so he had powers. "Wait?!" she said, as the man produced a sword from the black tendrils. The man looked at her questionably, tilting his head.

"I…You are a mutant like me." She said, trying to sound convincing, "We can… we can build a better world together."

"What?!" the man gasped, holding his hand over his mouth. "You are a mutant? Like me?!" he said pointing at her, then to himself. "How can I be so blinded?!" he exclaimed. "My foolish revenge blinded me. How can I ever forgive myself." He said, holding his head, as if he made a terrible mistake. "And I was even about to kill a noble lady like you." He ended with a gasp as if it shocked him.

Emma felt a tinge bit off when the monster man started, but it soon died down.

"Ehh… Did I accidentally give you hope?" he questioned, she didn't answer. "It was sarcasm by the way… villains these days…" he sighed. "No sense of humor." He shook his head in disappointment.

She knew it was over. Her mistakes really will be the reason for her death. She always knew it would happen. Why did she have to go to Wakanda that day, she would have been just fine with no Vibranium. Her l.u.s.t for wealth had brought this upon her

"Oh…Where was I? Yeah, beheading you should do the trick." He said musing at the situation. Her heart squabble at those words.


Plot Bunny got me, so I left you guys hanging. I know I am evil.



So will she die—will she live? Find out in the next episode of…

Nah it's overdone.

------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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