Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 109 - [63]

Blink was pressuring Emma's left arm's wound with clothes, where her arm was amputated. It kept the blood from getting out, but pain was still visible on Emma's face. She wasn't able to turn back to her diamond form due to the wound.

Max wondered if Emma couldn't just cut his pain receptors, in theory she should be able to do that. She was a telepath after all.

"Please, don't do anything to her." Emma said, in a raspy voice, she was barely able to speak. She looked frail with that unhealthy pale skin of hers. She had lost a lot of blood to be that way.

Max frowned at the comment, "You see, you are still making me look like a villain." He said. Looking at the little girl that was holding his hand he asked, "Do I look like a villain?"

The girl shook her head.

"See! Even she knows that. Now Let's play doctor now." Max said, as he crouched down, looking eye to eye at Emma. "Don't worry, I am not like a certain group of people that barges in someone's home asking for their national treasure, called vibranium." Emma flinched at the comment.

"Please I will come with you, just don't hurt them…" She said in a low voice.

Max sighed, as he grabbed the former white queen by her left shoulder, Blink was still looking at him, if he did any irrational move she would teleport away.

"Don't sweat the small stuff, let's play doctor. I heard it's more fun playing it when you are an a.d.u.l.t." Max said, chuckling. "Dirty jokes aside… Now if Blink and Caitrin would leave the room I can start."

Emma didn't know what to do, she was too weak to even come up with plans to counter the said assassin. Following his order Blink left the room, she was hesitant. She could only smile and tell them to leave.

After both of them left Max, Emma and another student that was on the hospital bed was in the room.

"And done." Max said, smirking.

"Wha…" Emma was about to ask, when she stopped receiving pain from her wound from her hand. Glancing sideways she saw the amputated part already healed. It wasn't regrown, but the bone gaping wound was closed. "What… How."

"Abra Ka Dabra?" Max shrugged. "Now, back to business." His gray eyes, looking at her blue ones. He was dead serious, "I haven't forgiven you if you are wondering. But I am not cruel enough to take away everything from the kids. But just remember that the last stunt you pulled had caused sixty people to die. They also had family, mutant or not, you are, at the end of the day, a human. So I will give you one last chance to prove your worth.

"I won't kill you, but from now on you work for me. You should be able to help me from the inside of the hell-fire club. Oh and don't even try to betray me," Max finished as he thrusted his arm into her c.h.e.s.t.

She felt fright and agony as she felt a foreign object touch her beating heart. "I could rip your heart here and now. But keeping you alive will be more interesting." Max said as he pulled his arm out, living behind only a fraction of blood, but no wound was there.

Emma gasped for air as she touched her c.h.e.s.t, covering it with her hands, she checked to see if her wound was deep. But she didn't find anything, not even a scar. But she could feel something near her heart, as if it was something that was clung on to the beating flesh.

She looked at the man yet again. He was still holding her from her left shoulder. She didn't know what to say but still gulped down her fear to answer. "I… I will change, just please let me live."

Max smiled, "You scared?" The girl was still shaking. "Good, hold onto that fear. And I have put a little something on your heart. If I even get the feeling that you are going to cross the line, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Max looked at her separated hand, it was on the floor in it's diamond form. Leaving Emma behind, he picked the diamond arm. He couldn't bond with it, so Max couldn't attach the arm. Oh well, he would have to regrow her limb.

Looking back Max saw Emma standing up. She supported herself, with her only arm, as she sat on the edge of the bed where the unconscious student was.

"Hmm, who might he be?"

Emma flinched at his voice, Max did a number on him. "He… He's Armando Muñoz."

"Wait Darwin?" Max asked. Emma frightfully nodded, how did he know his codename. "What happened to him?"

"Ah… he has been having some dreams lately. About some purple man, and stones and stuff." She said. "It didn't happen before, every time I had to force him awake. Maybe it's due to his powers, but…"

"Wait, stones and purple man. Ah shit." Max grumbled. As he made his way towards the boy, holding his forehead.

Emma tried to stop him, she didn't want her student to get hurt. But Max was already on him.

"Figured," Max said as he moved his hand away. He wasn't able to read his memories, the boy's powers stopped him. Also he couldn't take his evolution X-gene, again the boy's powers stopped him.

"If he ever tells you about his dreams or anything in general, do the universe a favor and tell me. You would be saving lives just by doing that." Max said, sighing. "By the way, could you lay down on that bed, I need to fix your arm."

After regrowing Emma's arm, Max left the place. He didn't need to be here any more, having a powerful telepath for a spy wasn't all bad.

The moment Max left, Emma grasped for air. She didn't know she would go through hell this day. She promised herself to change herself. At first it was for wealth, but even having all of that. She only found happiness with her students, they were her family now. And she would protect them if that was the last thing she would do.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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