Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 110 - [64]

By the time Max returned it was already evening, the sky was burning orange while the sun yawned itself to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, Max needed it desperately. He had overworked himself down to his symbiotic bones and still had unfinished work.

Stepping down the stairs into his underground lab, he crashed down on his workbench. Luckily he had stored some meat in the freezers, after having some, he felt refreshed enough to work again. But he still needed to sleep to recover from the mental stress.

Leaning over his workbench, he started producing small strands of Organic-Vibranium. He needed to be careful, not to mess it up. With pinpoint precision, he started building his project. From time to time, he checked on his holographic table, just to be extra careful.

'Bluffing your way out isn't all bad, per say.' Max mused, producing a thin tendril of vibranium wire, he channeled some energy into it, coiling it around the main section. And it was done.

In excitement he accidentally slammed his elbow on his workbench, almost cracking it. He g.r.o.a.n.e.d, 'I really have to be careful.' Massaging the bridge of his nose to release stress, an old habit, he looked at his clock, smiling. It didn't even take an hour.

Standing up, he arched his back, until he could hear his bones crack. It took a lot of stretching. Max looked at his little project, it was no larger than a micro-sim card. With blue metal that barely glowed, it had sharp jagged teeth on both sides. This was the chip that Max was going to use on Emma to keep her in check.

He had lied to Emma telling her that he had already planted something on her heart, he didn't have the device required to do that at that time. And he needed to make a statement, so bluffing was the only solution. But Max wasn't fully lying; he did put a small piece of Vibranium on top of her heart, just to make a statement.

These ch.i.p.s were designed by the Wakanda military to keep tabs on their spies. Most spies before their missions would undertake a small surgery to implant it on over their heart, the moment someone thinks they are compromised, they can send a signal from their brain to commit suicide.

He could go on with the nitty-gritty details and explain it, but it would be too complicated and boring to do so.

As Max picked up the chip from his table he double-checked it with his negative form and with his Techno-Organic virus. The chip gave off a blue hue as it was fully functional.

Putting a few other minor adjustments to make the chip remote controlled rather than a suicide bomb. He started his way back.

Getting out of his lab, he looked at the opposite door. It was locked, that's where Dr. Connor worked, he felt a little bad for making him a slave worker to speak to. But it was for the better cause, at least this way, he would have less chance in turning into a lizard.

And if the Extremis virus is successful, maybe Max, Peter and Shuri could make a better version of the Lizard Serum and give it to him. Then again he fixed his arm, so he wouldn't need it per say.

Receiving the call, "Yo what's up?" he said in a mundane manner, he was making his way out of the warehouse.

"What's up? You dare to respond it that way, mister. I am having a through interrogation here." Shuri's whining came out from the other side.

"Why what happened…" Max asked. "Don't tell me Bayak asked T'Challa for meat or even worse to Ororo."

"Wait what?" she asked, then giggled like a school girl at the last statement. "I am afraid it wasn't that comically, seriously. But they found out that I don't have a smashed face anymore."


"Oops indeed, now while brother convinced mother to not pursue the matter further. He also asked why I was hiding and how I did it."

"Hmm… So?"

"I kinda bailed you out." She muttered underneath her breath.

"Ah-hah." Max nodded as he exited the warehouse, pausing. His brain restarted not too long after. "You did what?"

"Err… It's not all bad." She cleared, her voice panic filled. "When I told him that you helped with the… invasion. He sighed in relief. That's good right? Right?"

"Oh God." Max massaged his temples. He needed some time off.

"I am sorry!" she squeaked. "I-I tried to…"

Max sighed, "Calm down Shuri. So… what did he say."

There was a pause for some time. "He wants to meet you."

"You mean in person?" Max asked, she nodded. "But I am in New-York right now."

"Um, you won't have to… You see we are kinda in New York as well. We are going to announce Wakanda." She cheered at the last part, punching the air. Max made an effort not to roll his eyes at her antics.

"Well, someone's optimistic, you sure the elders and the monkey tribe won't start world war three?"

Shuri snorted rolling her eyes at the comment. "Any way, I am dieing to take my suit out for a spin"

"Don't, I will come by." Max didn't want Shuri to fly an untested suit. "Where are you going to stay, send me the address. I will come by, and don't you dare go flying around with that suit alone."

Max heard Shuri's sighing from the other side. "Fine."

"I will get back to you as soon as possible. And also, tell T'Challa not to hunt the Hell-Fire Club down. They have been handled."

Max could have sworn he heard Shuri gasp, raising an eyebrow, so she knew about it, figured.

"Okay… Um, could you bring me some New-York Pizza. They won't let me eat anything from outside."

"Huh, you have it rough don't you, princess." Max said, chuckling. He was on his bike making his way towards his destination.

"Yeah-Yeah, just bring some." Oh by the way the bike could get some upgrades.

"What?" Max narrowed his eyes. "You hacked into my servers didn't you?"

"Of course I did." She answered proudly puffing her c.h.e.s.t.

"Just don't do anything stupid." Max said, he was getting a headache one to many, talking to this girl. "And also you will love the new power boost I got." Max said he needed to show her his negative form.

"Really, what?" she asked, not hiding her excitement.

"Nope, I will leave you hanging. Bye." Max said, finishing his call. It was always weirdly relaxing talking to her. Even though most of the time she stresses him out.

Dialing some auto destination function on his bike, he jumped off. The bike soon camouflaged itself. While Max was webbing his way through Emma's school. He needed to implant the chip into her.

Maybe if he finished it quickly, he could get an hour long nap before going to a make up dinner with Felicia.

------- (A/N) --------- Guys this story is diying. PLEASE donate your power stones. (It's Charity!)

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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