Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 114 - [68]

When Max opened his eyes, he saw himself looking over a group of forty or so thugs, armed with guns and looking at the box and cartridges full of rifles; it was a smuggling business. He frowned, why was he here again, the last thing he remembered was sleeping. Only then did Max realize he was bonded with Peter.

"You wake?" Peter asked, he was stuck to a nearby wall. With how high it was most likely this place was a factory or a warehouse.

"Huh, what gave it away." Max spoke yawning in his mind.

"I felt a sudden disturbance in the force." Peter shot.

"Huh, that was a good one. By the way, did I sleep with you last night?" Max asked.

"That's sounds wrong on in sooo many levels." Peter said. There was a meeting going on, in between gangs. "But yeah, I saw you sleeping on my desk in a puddle of goo… and I just pulled you and you kinda bonded with me… So you're my suit for the time being. I couldn't wear my suit over you." Peter would have shrugged.

"Why are we not jumping on them, I need to go meet Shuri."

"Wait she's here… Huh, I would have loved to meet her today. But I have to take MJ out for dinner."

'Well, at least one of us in getting success.' Max grumbled.

"Did you say something?" Peter asked.

"Nope, must be your imagination."

"Well coming to your question, I am waiting, cause there are super-powered individuals involved."

"Mutants or Inhumans?"

"None actually, someone is creating animistic humans, like the Lizard… So, I am preparing and being cautious just like you taught me…" Peter said only now regretting his answer.

"Huh, I am sooo proud of you, my boy is growing up." Max mused.

"Yuk…" Peter was about to retort when he heard the gang-conversation mentioning him.

"Aui… we don't have all day. Make it fast, we don't the Spider-boy messing around in or' turf." One of the leading figures said. He looked rather outlandish with a face full of beard and biker themed clothing, he even wore those old school biker clothing going for it.

Spider-Man jumped from one wall to another, making himself visible as the sunlight shined on his Blue and Red suit. The suit looked like his normal one, except the color was mostly blue. "Tada, say my name and I magically appear!"

The group jerked up trying to arm themselves up when a ball of webs connected to the boxes that were holding the weapons. With sticky white webs on it, the goons couldn't arm themselves. But the leaders already called for the backup.

Before the group started attacking a voice called out. "Wait…" The group stopped and looked at the new person. He was a tall white male with green formal clothing. Judging by the respect shown by the other thugs and goons he was a big shot here.

"Spider-Man, ah… my favorite hero." He said, stopping in front of the group. "I really admire your work…"

"Stop it, you're making me blush…" Peter said, giggling like a schoolgirl. The man was a little irritated at the sudden stop. But he didn't show it in his face.

"Yes, your work is very admirable. You see now that King-Pin is out, it created a power vacuum in New York. If you help us we can make New York a better place together." The person said. "I can even give you the location of all of the underground networks. We can work together…" And he started ranting his villain monologue.

Max snorted in mind, 'Peter make a rule not to partner with any one green or you know a psychopath.' He said in their shared mind-link.

Peter perched on a metallic slab that was underneath the ceiling. Making a thinking posture, he rubbed his chin. Seeing that many of them, including the green-goblin wannabe thought that maybe he was considering the offer.

"I'm trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just can't get my head that far up my a.s.s." Peter said, making the green guy purple in anger. Max was laughing his a.s.s off, that was a good one.

The man's knuckles turned white due to anger, "You know it's not wise to make a dangerous man look foolish." He said.

"You don't need my help for that, looking at the mirror lately." This time it was Max who spoke giving a counter.

'Nice one, with our combined mind. We could start a late night comedy show.' Peter quipped.

The man had ordered his men to attck. Typical villainy. Avoiding bullets with his agility and reflexes. Throwing a quick, jab he apprehended the man with a knife, throwing him towards the others.

"Bring out the big guns." Peter heard the leader speak. As Peter he punched the seventh guy in his shining teeth, making him fly without Red-Bull.

Four abnormal sized humanoid creatures burst into the room. "Oh, hey guys welcome to the party. House rules leave your shoes at the door, unless you're not wearing any socks in which case. Buy some socks!" Peter said, knocking out the fourteen guy, webbing him to the wall.

"Think you're funny, I will show you what funny is." The leader pulled out a machine gun from the side of the box. And he was about to shoot when a web-shot, in on the machine gun nuzzle, making it useless. While another two shoots of web plastered in his feet, making him stand still. "Wha…"

"You showed them big guy." Peter laughed, the man was confused, until he looked down. His belt was unbuckled making him stand in his white thong in the winter morning. The other goons were trying the best to not look at him or others were down write choking trying to hold off their laughter.

"Ah…" he screamed when a web hit him in his mouth shutting him down.

"Now now… everyone will get their chance… no throwing an anger tantrum. I taught you better." Peter said in a 'matter-of-fact' way.

Peter's joy was cut short when a tiger themed villain jumped towards him. It was one of those humanoid monsters.

Rather than dodging Peter with Max's help caught the villain's open palms. Peter was rather surprised at the man's strength, but with Max's symbiotic boost it was nothing he couldn't handle.

"Bad kitty… Go on the side, and think about what you did wrong." Max said, he couldn't let Peter make all of the jokes. Holding the villain by one hand, he spinned him like a ballet dancer before kicking him in the a.s.s making him fall to a corner. Webbing him down with special webs so that he couldn't get back up.

'That was a nice one.' Peter cheered, it was always fun to work with Max. He was his mentor in one way or another. Even Max was having fun.

But their victory was short lived when their spider-sense flared up. Making them duck, into a roll to avoid the blow.

It was another of those so called humanoid soldiers. This was rather green, not subjectively. He looked like a green chameleon with big building eyes and long tongue.

"And I thought I was the only wall crawler, you start spinning a web and I sue" Peter retorted jumping back another tongue strike. "I'd love to insult you but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did."

Peter was caught mid-jump by a buff guy, who looked like a bear hybrid. "What's your spiritual animal, big guy." The man wasn't enthusiastic to answer as he opened his maw trying to bite off his head.

------- (A/N) --------- (I stop begging for power stones and you forget. Such bad audience.

But please gimme power stones. Also I killed off one of the main cast members in the early chapters. Guess who?)

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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