Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 115 - [69]

Shooting his web in-front Peter yanked the chameleon guy out of the ceiling. Giving him a generous punch to his face knocking him out. With two zoo-animal-hybrid-thingy defeated Peter looked back at the bear-guy. He was still recovering from the head-butt.

Peter was going to give him a piece of his fist or foot, depending on the context, when he jumped back due to his spider-sense. Barely missing a large crater that was thrown by another beast-hybrid.

The fourth guy stood tall, equally muscular like the Bear-guy. His head was replaced with Lion's, while he had golden shiny mane surrounding his neck. With claws out it roared showing it's superiority.

The roar was enough to stop everyone what they were doing and look at the Lion-themed villain.

'Hey, buddy could we do that…' Peter asked almost as if he was jealous.

Max smirked internally, 'We can do much Better.'

Peter's body bulged as his muscles grew wider in frame, he stopped around 8-feet tall. More height would just make things bad, with his claws out, he stood on four legs.

Pete's Spider-Man costumed eyes were now even larger and a horizontal split opened where his Mount should be. With wild canine teeth and a long red tongue, Max roared from his core.

The sound barrier was broken by the sudden outburst, the Lion-themed villain was flung away in air, he crashed into the wall behind going through it, his eyes were rolled over and his foam was coming out of his mouth.

Turning back to human form Peter in his symbiotic blue suit made his way towards the gang-leader. He was shaking due to fright, but he was still conscious as he was far back when Max roared.

"Why don't you just slip into something more comfortable like a coma." Max said, giving the last punch, knocking him out.

'Dude that was awesome. But won't they… you know spill out you and me…' Peter said in his mind-link. He knew that Max kept his identity secret, so showing him was a bad idea.

'I got you covered Chief.' Max said, with two figures on his forehead concentrating. The others that were still conscious was now knocked out and memory erased, getting telepathy from Emma was a good choice.

"Ah… Max why didn't we do that from the start?" Peter asked.

'Well, that would spill my morning fun.' Max said in their mind link. 'You enjoy your date with MJ? I need to go bye.' Max finished with a sigh.

"Had a bad night or something?"

"Ah… don't even make me remember it." Max said in a hefty yet tired voice. Something was wrong, Peter knew. But he didn't prey on it any farther.

"Sooo what should we do now…" Peter asked, almost everything was covered in webs.

"Just leave a sticky note, will ya."

"Huh, why didn't I think of that. That's actually smart of you…"

"Anyways… I need to go meet Shuri, any Pizza place that you would recommend. I promised a Pizza for her."

"Oh… that place near the downtown has the best toppings. But the place near the central park has the best sauce. So, it's a tough decision." Peter said. He had already left the building with a sticky note attached, and now was swing from building to building.

Soon after buying a few Pizza's Max parted away with Peter. Now he was making his way towards Shuri's location. Swinging from building to building, stopping a few muggings along the way, he made it to her.

"Seriously, it's too early for muggings, and that I even stopped four… New-Yorkers really need heroes, don't they." Max mumbled. Most of the time when Max stopped crime, he would stop it in his invisible form, so that no one could connect the two.

By now Max should be a popular criminal (that helped Fugitives Heroes escape) by now. And he needed to stay that way, he hoped this way vigilantes would be regarded as heroes when Max or the others helped with Thanos.

Looking at a giggling couple on the street, he sighed. Sometimes Max longed for a family. And hoped that in this life he would have one before parting.

Thinking about last night, Max almost felt a headache, what was he doing and what was she doing. 'Oh, well, hope she's not angry with me or anything.'

Going into a black alleyway, Max morphed his clothes to look more formal. He was now wearing a black suit, with a vest and white shirt underneath, fashioned with a crimson-bloody tie. Tailored black pants and maroon Chelsae boots, with his 6 foot long hight and well fashioned hair, coupled with his light-brown skin with scruffy beard he looked rather appealing. And add those pearly Gray eyes, he was one step away from a lady killer to a road-side Romeo.

Thinking about it, hope Shuri won't get a girl crush on him. Well who could blame her if she did. He was charming, stopping in front of the reception, he asked the lady in duty to the respective room, he had his new power, telepathy on at the time.

It was quite strange hearing other people's voices in your head. It's almost overwhelming, as if you are hearing loud, normal, whispers different thoughts at the same time.

Max kept the power on, so that he could control it, as well as to know if there is any unknown danger. Well other than the reception lady dreaming about having a night with him, there was nothing abnormal.

With a quick call to Shuri, he had access to upper-floors that had been reserved by Wakanda. And the funny thing was their 'Talon-Fighter' was parked on the roof's hotel. And it brought a lot of attention.

After a few minutes an African lady wearing a black-gown and a head full of curly black hair came to pick him. It was Zuke. Walking into an elevator, he pressed on the top floor. "Nice wig," Max said, gaining a glare from her.

He suppressed a chuckle, annoying her was a bad habit he picked up from Shuri.

'Another plain looking outsider.' She thought, but Max heard it loud and clear.

'Yeah… wait… is she calling me Plain. Me? Does this lady have a eye-problem or something?' Max's face twitched at that. 'Why am I even getting worked up.' He sighed. 'Wait, Felicia doesn't think I am plain... does she? She wouldn't. Right?'

Max became horrified at the thought. 'Is that the reason she pushed me back last night?… No, she couldn't be that petty… could she.'

As the elevator door opened, Zuke walked out saying. "Stay here."

And just like that he was stranded, some of the Wakanda guards were looking at him with weird eyes. 'Hey, my skin is just one shade light mind you not.' Max thought.

'Who's the Peanut-butter.' One guard thought.

'Does he even lift.' Another Guard thought.

Max gained a few more blows to his confidence. He wanted to answer back, and it was even tough keeping a straight face. But then again, he was glad he wasn't a blond or an Albino. That would have certainly triggered a few by now.

------- (A/N) --------- (I killed of one of the main cast meaning. Close friends of Max's. Guess who?)

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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