Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 120 - [74]

Purple metal surrounded Shuri's body, as she felt the changes that were made. The suit looked mostly the same, other than being a little more purple with patches or red along with it.

But the most noticeable thing was where her hands and feet were. Before they looked like bulky gauntlets and boots. Now they looked like skin tight gloves and shoes. The excess bulkiness that was ruining her aesthetic look was long gone. Now her suit was better than ever.

Separating from her, Max looked at the new suit. Even Max was impressed by the aesthetic look, now the suit resembled a Gundam Panther suit when the wings were open and all weaponries were shown. It looked like a mean beast but when in normal mode it looked almost like the old Power Rangers suit ups. "Now… even I am jealous…You out did yourself on that one. But I hope you didn't only change the look."

"Nope, the suit is more durable now. I may have found a better way to make things stronger with Vibranium." Shuri shrugged off the last sentence as if it was nothing. "Oh… and I also made the Gravity function better, now I can have better strength control over it. And another thing is my new blast-gun function."

Her left hand morphed back to the gauntlet like structure, as it emitted a purple glow.

"Blast-gun really? I forgot how bad your naming sense was." Max shook his head. "Shoot there…" Max said, pointing at the junk of bikes.

And she did, the blast traveled a little slower than light speed. But it was faster than any of Tony's repulsor blasts. But the most amazing thing was its destruction capabilities. The pile of metal was blown away, creating a massive 'boom' as a cloud of dust settled in.

Max looked back to her, "I didn't say at maximum output. That's way too loud and eye catching. But man, that thing can kill." He whistled; the place had a crater now . "You opted for manual power control, didn't you? Turn it down a notch and try it."

The girl aimed at another junk of rubble and shot forward a blast. This time it didn't create any massive destruction but it was amazing nonetheless. Max concluded his white lightning in his negative form was slightly better than her Blast-Guns. But it was a good upgrade compared to Tony's repulsors.

Thinking about Tony,Max smirked. He wondered with all the changes how much improved his last gen suit would be. That man liked challenges, as much as he did. And Max didn't like to admit it, his brain was a wonder even for Max.

"Now let's get you back to home." Max said, opening his wings.

"Yeah, let's race there…" she opened her own wings, they shone neon purple, as she blasted off from the upper opening of the warehouse.

Max shook his head, but that didn't mean he would lose. Nope. He jumped, flapping his own wings. If anyone looked, they could see a barely visible red and purple blur racing in the blue sky.

After Max dropped Shuri off. He had nothing to do except take a walk down the street. Pulling out his phone he sighed, should he do it. Might as well.

Dialing Felicia's number, he waited. After a few seconds she picked up. "Ah… Hello, Max."

"Hello." ; 'Shit, what was I supposed to say again?' Max started to panic a little. But the sweet voice on the other side cut him off.

"Can you come to my place… I was going to ring you… It's just that, we-we need to talk." She said, her voice shaky.

Max felt his heart squeezing, he didn't know what she was going to say. But he saw enough fiction and TV-shows to know this won't be ending well.

I mean, if this same conversation happened a few months into the future, it would have double meaning. Either she wanted to take the next big step, or break up. But now after two weeks of dating. The conversation wouldn't have the first outcome. And that was a bad one.

Max gulped a lump of saliva along with the nervousness and the other jumble of emotions he was feeling. "Err… sure. I can swing by for dinner." He said, trying to not to reflect any emotions.

"No…" she said. "Come here now… I have something important to talk about."

"But…" Max stopped himself, from the beginning he was being selfish. He didn't make an effort to know her well, and now he was regretting it. "Okay, I will be there in ten minutes." He cut the call off, giving a big sigh.

Max didn't know what to expect. Maybe he was wrong, and maybe the feeling between them wasn't mutual. He sighed, sometimes he wished his life wasn't as complicated.

It didn't take long for him to reach Felicia's home. He didn't know why, but he bought a bouquet of sunflowers along the way, just like last night, well she liked them. 'Why do I even try.'

Felicia opened the door, leaning on the door frame, smiling. Or at least Max would have liked to see that.

But she just flung the door open, not even looking back at him.

"I-I brought flowers…" Max said and the girl looked back. Taking them away, spinning around, taking a breather. 'Hope she liked them' Max thought, he couldn't see her reaction.

"We need to talk, Max." She said, there was an eerie concern in her voice. And Max didn't like it one bit.

Max nodded following her to the couch, he never knew the distance between the door and couch was that long. Was it just his imagination?

He wanted to know what was going through her head. So, he activated his new powers, telepathy. Only to be surprised when he couldn't read her thoughts. It was blank and blocked. But she didn't have any helmet or anything, so why?

He knew reading people's thoughts was morally ambiguous and wrong. But he didn't care, not with her at least. But even her mind was untouchable to him. He felt like a massive wall was separating them now. How did it get to this?

Sitting causeways from her, he looked at her, eye to eye. 'God, those things were so green. No, focus Max! Focus!' He took a breather to clear his head, looking at her eyes were always intoxicating. 'Let's not think about that for the time being…'

"So, you-you want to break up…" He said, the words almost choking him.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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